Why is Thoth more powerful than Kek?
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toth maybe more powerful but can toth give you these
Were you looking for these?
Because Knowledge>Chaos
Literally proving why Kek is a failure
Kek won't bend to your will. You need to be a powerful memelord such as I. BEHOLD!
Thoth is a fucking faggot.
kek is not getting enough respect around here these days.
check these trips.
Thoth isn't real
oh shit...
Thoth is a forced meme, and forced memes are never cool. Kek has been with us for over a decade.
Only loses fall back to the "forced meme" meme. Kek has repeatedly failed and been shown to be an illegitimate patron
Kek will smite the nonbelievers
Will he reveal to the world the scheming of ((($oro$)))?
Thoth is a forced and false god
Also, you're a nigger
heresy and forced
Kek is a Jewish meme, one day you will understand the errors of your belief
How many Kek followers need to espouse the belief that they will get holy digits before Kek fails to provide for them
Thoth is a psy-op designed to draw our meme-energies away from Kek.
Thoth was invented by CTR to undermine us.
>a fucking bird!
he's not. kek is being seriously/ironically worshiped by a group of dedicated followers both here and on 8/pol/ while thoth has nothing. no contest. praise kek.
u lookin for those ?
Fool. This is the power of kek.
He's not. They're equal.
Guide me.
the word of our lord
thanks be to kek
Cure-chan is the strongest
low energy thread
Says the one who does not understand.
Reminder Moonman is the avatar of Thoth, brother in arms with Kek.
user you are one lucky mother fucker
Kek agrees.
kek'd and wrecked.
What did Thoth mean by this?
He can tell the future
Look at all of these disbelievers. You shall perish just like Kek did
Kek is the embodiment of the unconscious, Thoth crosses back and forth across the boundary between the conscious and unconscious realms
That's because Yugi holds the power.
amateurs, watch this
thoth thoth thottie
i ask of you a gettie
Fuck off, Toth.
its happening
Shadilay, OwO
Praise kek
Praise thoth
they will bring the ultimate memetic salvation!
praised be
the end of the kali yuga shall be brought by thoth and kek
ragnarok soon
day of the rope soon
This is getting sad.
>CTR gets 40 million dollar budget
>Thoth shilling resurges
Really fires my neurons
shut yo ho ass
Do it for kek
>Kek and Thoth
>Not bros
>A sense of the inevitability of immortality and interspecies symbiosis comes to all circuit VII mutants; we now see that this, also, is an evolutionary forecast, since WE STAND RIGHT NOW ON THE DOOR-STEP OF EXTENDED LONGEVITY LEADING TO IMMORTALITY
>Blasco’s team has since demonstrated that telomerase gene therapy can abate certain age-related diseases in mice as well
>Researchers delivered a modified RNA that encodes a telomere-extending protein to cultured human cells. Cell proliferation capacity was dramatically increased, yielding large numbers of cells for study
>Dramatic rejuvenation of prematurely aged mice hints at potential therapy
Thot is Jewish
The original pronucnciation of his name is Djehuty or Jehuty = Yehud
The ancient Vedics had a drink they called Soma, which they believed gave them immortality and invulnerability;
>We have drunk soma and become immortal; we have attained the light, the Gods discovered
>Now what may foeman's malice do to harm us? What, O Immortal, mortal man's deception?
The drink was an Indo-European staple, advocated by the prudish Zoroastrians;
>In Yasna 9.22, haoma grants "speed and strength to warriors, excellent and righteous sons to those giving birth, spiritual power and knowledge to those who apply themselves to the study of the nasks
Haoma-Soma is a white Moon god, and let me tell you that ephedra can be transmuted into methamphetamine - ephedra was the Soma drink. But also, the Moon has a dark side which I'll lead into later. The Samudra manthan describes the churning of the ocean of milk, which resulted in the creation of the Amrita, as well as the Moon god Chandra. Amrita is a synonym of Soma, and the Greek word 'Ambrosia.'
what is this forced memery
Kek guides me, Kek's will be done.
In Indian religion, Abhisheka refers to the use of holy water to gift the practicioner with siddhis. Achilles was dunked into Styx, and the water made his skin invulnerable - the ancient Indo-Europeans believed that they could create a liquid which perfused and empowered whatever was soaked in it. As well, the churning made another object - the Vajra, which was Indra's weapon. Vajra means 'diamond,' 'lightning.'
Graphene can be used to strengthen rubber, which is composed of isoprene polymers;
Isoprene comes from plants - in fact, India is where industrial rubber started. Iron was used as a red pottery pigment among early cultures, and blood contains iron - by sacrificing animals and collecting their blood, as the Vedics loved to do, mixing that blood with a lignin source (Any plant product,) and burning it, you produce graphene;
So it was 100% within the technological abilities of ancient Indo-Europeans to invent graphene. This also relates to immortality and telomeres, because graphene is basically a 2D sheet of benzene rings, and benzene exposure has been associated with longer telomeres;
>Mean TL was significantly elevated in workers exposed to >31 ppm of benzene compared with controls (P=0.03). Our findings provide evidence that high levels of occupational benzene exposure are associated with TL
However, there's evidence that telomeres that are too long induce cancer because of the cell proliferation I mentioned earlier;
>For example, several studies11,12 found a higher risk for melanoma among individuals with longer telomeres, this may suggest that shorter telomere lengths protect against the malignant transformation of cells within melanocytic nevi by limiting proliferative capacity and triggering the entry to senescence stage
He isn't. Kek is chaos. So at times he is incredibly weak, but the next moment he is unstoppable.
There is a third.
Give me a quick rundown of what Thoth thinks of these digits.
Cancer is normal, uncontrolled cell growth - a tumor is when this cell growth attempts to produce an organ. So, continued exposure to Soma, I suggest, hardened the body, and induced cancer. Depriving the body of nutrients - slowing oxygen intake with breath control and fasting - will lower your metabolism, which will slow the growth of the cancer. During stress, older damaged, somatic cells commit suicide, and younger germ cells differentiate into somatic cells. If you constantly chugged Soma and starved yourself, you'd turn into a husk filled with small populations of young, naive cells.
The husk is formally called the extracellular matrix, and just feeding graphene to silk worms and spiders causes their silk and webs to contain graphene, leading to superior mechanical properties;
'Sutra' means, 'thread,' and 'Tantra' means, 'fabric.' 'Tant' seems to be a root that means 'weaving,' and 'Tantunabha,' 'Tantravaya,' and 'Tantuvaya' all mean '(Male) spider.' After the silk is burnt, it turns into pure graphene. 'Agniviz' means, 'coal,' with 'viz' meaning '(female) folk' - 'Fire-women.' Shakti is considered the fire that moves the Trimurti - just as Soma, the Moon, moves the water during tides. Agni and Indra consume Soma and gain their power from it. Soma is the essence of the ocean of milk - from him, all things can be made.
wow rude
He's not though. Thoth is a THOT compared to Kek-Sama
Because someone needs to clean up this mess.
bookmarked this thread because of you
Fake, forced meme designed to disrupt Sup Forums and ruin it's memes.
At least Kek is intertwined with politics in a way, you shills just make endless threads circle jerking over bullshit.
No surprise when rumors abound of CTR raids, Thoth shows up again. The Mods got rid of you once, they'll just ban you fucks again, bye.
What is Thoth sitting on in the OP
Soma's dark side is graphene - which is black in color. 'Soma' means, 'water,' extract,' 'a particular class of pitRs (Or fathers.) That is, Soma refers to the 'Ancestors who live in the fluid we extract from plants.' A synonym for 'extract' in Sanskrt is 'Sara,' which also means 'water,' 'purgative,' 'hard,' 'laxative,' 'kind of plant,' and 'impure carbonate of soda' - used to lower the melting point of silica glass. Silica is combined with the lime - aluminum, calcium and iron - to form cement and glass.
Hinduism/Vedism is pure ancestor worship - Brahma is the mind-father of Marichi, who is the mind-father Marichi, who produces Aditi and Kashyapa, who produce Surya, who produces Manu with Saranyu. Manu is the father of all humans on Earth, and he has two sons - Ikshvaku and Ila. Ila is either born a woman, or becomes one to marry Budha, who's the son of Soma. Ila's children were the Lunar dynasty. In the Manusmriti;
>8. The husband, after conception by his wife, becomes an embryo and is born again of her; for that is the wifehood of a wife (gaya), that he is born (gayate) again by her
Implicitly, we're Brahma reincarnating over and over again - this is the type of pitR referred to as a 'Soma.' According to Leary;
>The seventh brain kicks into action when the nervous system begins to receive signals from WITHIN THE INDIVIDUAL NEURON, from the DNA-RNA dialogue.
>The first to achieve this mutation spoke of "memories of past lives," "reincarnation," "immortality," etc.
>That these adepts were recording something real is indicated by the fact that many of them (especially Hindu and Sufis) gave marvelously accurately poetic vistas of evolution 1,000 or 2,000 years before Darwin, and foresaw Superhumanity before Nietzsche
habeeb it.
dead memes should stay dead
Still having doubts?
For this to be real, the theory that memory is composed of synaptic structure has to be false - memories have to stored inside the cell for the hypothesis I'm presenting to be true;
>These results point towards the nucleus of neurons as the potential locus of the engram in aplysia
As well, there's objective evidence that behavior can be genetically inherited;
But exactly what's passed on to produce the memory is unknown. Graphene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon - a PAH, and so could be incorporated into a 'PAH stack' - which would be analogous to graphite because of the multiple layers. The PAH world hypothesis suggests that RNA was originally synthesized by PAH stacks, and that RNA went on to synthesize DNA, thus creating life. For this step in the hypothesis to be true, we would expect life to begin with PAH stacks;
>Evidence for biogenic graphite in early Archaean Isua metasedimentary rocks
>Furthermore, the graphite grains in the schist contain distorted crystal structures and disordered stacking of sheets of graphene
This PAH stack could be modified by the actions of biology, and so it could encode new RNA strands, which would synthesize new DNA. Endogenous retroviruses can exist in the genome for tens of millions of years, unexpressed, only to manifest in one generation;
>Endogenous Retroviruses and Human Evolution
The paper provides an example - the evolution from our common ancestor to the divided Chimp and Human gene pools. Leary suggests that these PAH stacks are computers which host your consciousness, and guide evolution - viruses are designed tools to conduct RNA between PAH stacks. This forms a global brain, and this global brain is god.
You can email me at [email protected]
As someone who reveres both Thoth and Kek I believe there can be harmony between the two. After all knowledge and wisdom can be the kindling to chaos.
I also revere Fortuna on the side because we need the luck. Renenet is for chumps. Snek tits are pretty good though.
Kek too will die
what are you implying teaman
I hate toth
this guy better get banned, I've been banned for far less
Lol rekt
You've all noticed it.
Kek's power grows weaker.
Kek is the dark before the Don.
The Don has risen.
Thus, a new era begins.
Be careful, or you'll go blind.
Just ignore and report the Thoth threads.
I want to give cure-chan strength!
Year of cure!
Year of cure!
cuz thoth was keks dad or something