Apparently the abortion market is a money making racket. I had my suspicions, but this is the second most evil thing I have ever come across in my entire life. Please tell me this isn't real.
The ride never ends.
bump bump bump bump
This was posted yesterday on youtube. That's all I know. People need to see this. This needs to be on national television if it hasn't been already. I doubt a woman would ruin her reputation by outing herself and associates as literal satan unless this was true and she has remorse.
watch and bump please for the sake of whatever good is left in this world.
Most people will just cry fake news. There's not much you can do to make them feel others. Stop selfbumping like a faggot, you linked an 11 minute video and bumped twice within 4 minutes.
because its getting shot to the bottom the page. Did you even watch it?
Bumping for you
It's Sup Forums courtesy to offer a tl;dr in the first post.
Green-text it for those who have not the 11 minutes to spare.
And I don't give a fuck what you think about my self bumping. Ban me I don't give a shit. my conscience is clear.
Yeah, can't say I'm surprised. If the entire left being strung out for all to see during the election had any effect on me, it's that they are wholly immoral and believe in occult rituals. Making money off their "hobbies" isn't a far out idea.
>And I don't give a fuck what you think about my self bumping. Ban me I don't give a shit. my conscience is clear.
Obviously you do care to some extent since you added that :^)
>The lady is confessing that they literally trick girls into getting baortions by supplying faulty birth control, the gaslight them into an abortion decision to make more money. She said like 30 abortions a day, even answering calls at night. Then they take LIVE HEALTHY babies and lie to them so they can abort for 'mental health' reasons and throw them in the incinerator. Then falsify reports on it.
I care that someone doesn't care.
You won't hear that in the media.
Likely not anytime soon, but sooner than if Clinton had been elected.
>Implying I don't care
I apologize, I don't mean to belittle you and I was wrong in doing so. Just give people the time to actually watch the video before bumping. It makes you look desperate for (you)s and often leads to dead threads.
>If the entire left being strung out for all to see during the election had any effect on me, it's that they are wholly immoral and believe in occult rituals
Haha what?
MSM is never gonna cover this.
have a bump
Sorry. It was just a doozie and im pissed. This thread isnt the end all be all, but it's new and I wanted people to have access to it. Not an expert 4channer.
knew this already but thanks for posting it more people need to know
The title had 'pizzagate' in it, which I'm not sure of, but then again less and less surprises me every day.
You can call me crazy, but I think it's plainly obvious that the entire political elite believe in satanic principles. Look at what they stand for then look at what's talked about in The Bible as "godly" things. It's like turning it all upside down. To them, love is hate, freedom is oppression, and good is evil. As above, so below.
I wonder who behind this?
Let's burn this fucker down. No survivors.
Some people simply need to hang
Just another day Just another redpill