Daily reminder that religion and the belief on a god are not compatible with modern society.
Leave your autistic shitfest and embrace reality.
Daily reminder that religion and the belief on a god are not compatible with modern society.
Leave your autistic shitfest and embrace reality.
Religion in history has simply been a system of control so that much of a population could be more easily managed.
I was a Christian born and raised. Eventually, I read the entire bible, read other translations, learned world history and as a result stopped being Christian. It's the worst kind of bullshit.
People need to sacrifice their silly comfort in fake extra-dimensional beings for the truth. It's not that hard.
aren't u just an edgy one
Nothing edgy about accepting reality instead of believing in lies and silly outdated superstition.
kys faggot
Have you seen modern society? I want nothing to do with it! That's why I embrace religion.
>calling someone edgy for not believing in obvious lies
Then you will remain weak
Atheists are the weakest most worthless fucking faggots ever to have existed, and the time will come when they are no longer here
>knows nothing about history... the post
You do believe in the underlying archetypes, symbols and metaphors though, right? It's just the dogma of the Church you detest?
For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities; for when I am weak, then I am strong.
Depends on what you mean. There's a lot of reason to hate the Church and organized religion does a lot of damage to society. There's a lot of really fucked up morality in the Bible and many MANY Christians aren't even aware of it. They seem to pick and choose specific moral points from the Bible while ignoring others.
There are good stories in the Bible including ones that provide excellent examples for how to live and treat others. Conversely, there are stories that any reasonable person would consider utterly fucked up and would never base their actions on.
I don't need metaphors, symbols, God, or anything in the Bible etc to know that randomly killing someone for no reason at all is a bad thing to do. I don't need God or the Bible to know that beating and raping women simply because I'm horny is a bad thing to do.
You know fucking nothing about history you worthless piece of pus on humanity's anus. All the real greats of humanity were believers with very few exceptions. Kill yourself, no one will notice
>Does a lot of damage to society
>No one is aware of it
You are so fucking dumb its ludicrous
Then follows with complete fucking ignorance. Are you even literate bufus? Don't comment on things you know fuck all about. I guess that will limit you to discussing frying grits or something
Organised Religions are complete scams, but if you don't believe that kek is here living in our memes you should probably kill yourself
Chinga tu madre putito edgy
Gotta love these edgy 15 year olds who read nietzsche once and start going through there anti religious stage. Look up theology, your not meant to take religion literally, try and use abit of critical and abstract thinking, if you judged philosophy the same way you judged religion all philosophers would be madmen.
>being this illiterate
you're a liar, or you have frontal lobe brain damage.
It's the current year
Impressive... these two posts are the most outrageously idiotic comments I've seen on all of Sup Forums in several weeks and that's saying A LOT. I rarely even post especially on threads like this but your comments are so radically moronic, so stunningly dolt-like I felt the duty to at least say so. Holy fuck... do continue. When people with sub-100 IQs make these types of posts, attempting so sound intelligent it's always good for a laugh.
Wew... amazing
delet this.
>not funny
Wasn't intended to be funny. Are you really so obtuse as to not realize that?
>it's the current year and someone disagrees with me!? Say it's not so!
Wew, do you even know where you are right now?
>in the current year someone disagrees with me. This can not stand
this board is 18+ back to /r/atheism
>can't make an argument so says go back to muh reddit
Pitiful attempt at deflection and manipulation. Of course, if you're trying to embarrass yourself then most excellent.
Sometimes I honestly can't tell. Are you actually trying to sound like a stupid and angry teenager or were you really being serious?
Either way, you need help. Immediately.
Your not argueing either, your just point words that you think sound smart together
*tips thesaurus*
I guess you are an expert on the outrageously moronic.You did your duty, imbecilic failure of existence
>claims someone is trying to sound smart but infers they aren't via posting an even more stupid comment
>Modern society is better than Christianity
kek. Do you know where you are? sage
Obtuse? No he is acute
You're fucking nothing. Just a ready made integer to record on the day of the rope
>your just point words
Wew lad. I hope autocorrect fucked you over there... otherwise, holy fuck.
>Daily reminder that religion and the belief on a god are not compatible with modern society.
Keep telling yourself that
What are you trying to sound like? A worthless faggot? Although I wasn't aware text based forums had a magical audio button. I presume you are also an expert on the requirement for psychological help
praise kek
REMINDER: Atheism is a marxist death cult and if you fall for it you are a brain-damaged nu-male faggot and you are why the white race is failing. Grow a pair and accept that you cant SCIENCE! your way out or reality you reddit worshiping faggots.
>losing argument
>resort to spelling fallacies as argument
>person advocating for spirituality
>stupid and angry teenager
i think you'll find that it is the atheist marxists that tend to be stupid and angry teenagers (or grown men who think like teenagers)
We can only hope Trump's executive orders keep morons like you out of the country. You're an embarrassment to yourself, this board, humanity in general and you should be ashamed.
If you don't kys immediately, it's a sad day for humanity.
Of course, you might just be trolling. If that's the case, nice job.
OP fell for evolution fairy tales.
Agreed, without people being controlled everyone would be secular, and we could actually progress and get rid of culture, tradition, and religion altogether.
Christianity is BS, and hasn't comtributed shit to western society, nor has it comtributed ANYTHING to the modern world other than bigotry
Didn't present anything that resembles any kind of sensible argument. Therefore, there was no argument to lose.
kys, moron
You+keyboard=a mountain of worthless, putrid shit
>get rid of culture
Marxist subhuman detected
Christianity has contributed far more than you verminous lice could or will ever possibly contribute
>no reasonable or articulate argument is presented
>says the argument was lost
That's like telling someone they lost a competition that never even took place. Yikes.
The butthurt is strong in you. Embrace it. Or just kys.
lol you are such a fucking worthless faggot.
>extraordinarily closed minded viewpoints
I expect better from Sup Forums but I really shouldn't.
A case could easily be made that Christianity had held back progress on a multitude of levels in regards to a plethora of topics.
Christians used to murder people for claiming the earth might not be flat.
Are you gay?
lol you are such an insecure pseudo-intellectual cock sucker
holy FUCK you are stupid this is a travesty if you arent a troll, because either way, many nu-males think this way and many white men today are nu-males
whites wont survive the race war if atheism isnt stamped out NOW
lol nice buzzwords pal, wanna try something that actually applies?
You're probably far too stupid to realize this but there's actually quite a lot of atheists that are very anti-gay and pro traditional families.
You've been told by others but I will as well. Kys
obvious same fag on a proxy.
frontal lobe brain damaged pathological liar confirmed.
I usually like threads that respectfully question Christianity or promote real paganism, but this is just divide and conquer shit, don't fall for it you fucking dipshits.
A bait thread with a stupid premise got flamed and various fedoras got trolled and shown up to be complete and utter fags.
A case could be made that religion did hold back human progress in certain areas. Christianity much less than other systems of thought. Also Catholicism was much more repressive than say Quakerism. I haven't heard of many Quakers murdering people because the Earth was round.
Incidentally, please provide sauce on your last (completely erroneous and unsubstantiated) statement. This has never occurred. Indeed the church's objection to heliocentrism (not a round Earth you fucking ignoramus) was based on Aristotle primarily, so was a scientific viewpoint held by the most prominent humanists who had a 'scientific' (but ignorant) blind faith in Aristotle. Galileo himself was a religious man (more so than most of the popes) and Copernicus was a priest
You seem like a faggot
Atheism has been shilled HARD on the internet for over a decade now. If we dont end this shit the white race is doomed.
Jesus was a longhaired Gnostic who faught against the Judaic pharisees. He taught love, individualism, and freedom from this world. Mainstream Christianity, both Catholicism and Protestantism are Jewish lies that water down Christ and Love, it's the demiurge in disguise as Christ don't fall for the trickery
>not realizing a HUGE amount of atheists think almost identically to you aside from religion
You seem like you don't realize this... A lot of atheists are conservative, anti-gay, hate that minorities are out breeding whites, love traditional family and family values and etc and on and on.
The all atheists are lefty, sjw, lgbt faggots thing is a meme (and a bad one).
agreed. whats left of christianity is a stump destroyed specifically by the catholic church, for implementing harsh crimes against what they deemed "heresy"
those who blaspheme against the holy spirit will not be forgiven user.
they're only ending themselves.
Atheism is a front for the other isms, Marxism, Feminism, LGBTism, Trannyism, Islamism
>sage goes in all fields
Why should I give a flying fuck if some brain-damaged faggots happen to believe things I do? You are a detriment to society and Europe is proof of this. Fuck off or think for yourself for once in your life.
truth, but the bible holds immutable truths, such as the wrongness of sodomy and murder (both mentally damaging acts)
>The all atheists are lefty, sjw, lgbt faggots thing is a meme (and a bad one).
Not all atheists are lefty, sjw, lgbt trannies, but most of them are, and all the prominent lefty sjw lgbt trannies are ipso facto atheists. Militant atheism is the poisonous wellspring of sjwdom
can we turn this into a thread about how the catholic church is lying about the shape of the earth?
Belief in God and supernatural powers can be demonstrated as irrational, but the human brain works in ways that worship sects, symbols, seeks leaders, beliefs, hopes, a sense of union and communion.
The so-called magic is to understand the highest degrees of human and social communication.
For example all the protests against trump, are great acts of pilgrimage, of social expression against the considered evil, the banners, slogans and symbols, are religious rituals in this case against the white man, those who move the threads of the SJW have created A cult against Western culture, with critical theory.
The memes war is the control of the symbols.
A society without spirituality is a society that dies for apathy and selfishness on all levels.
Whoever does not know what God worships ends up worshiping the god of others.
English may not be your first language, but that was poetic as fuck.
>The memes war is the control of the symbols.
there are no words in the kingdom of heaven.
you speak with the Logos.
I don't actually believe in God, but I hardly tell anyone because I'm not a fedoralord. I cannot justify belief in an all-powerful yet benevolent God in my mind, but I still go to Church with my mother when I visit her because I believe that Christian morality can be beneficial to an individual's life and to society as a whole if it is correctly interpreted and applied.
I go to a Catholic university (mostly for the full scholarship and highly rated business program) and have to take theology classes and philosophy classes with a christian angle.
I've learned about both sides of Aquinas' and Leibniz's arguments for God's existence, but I frankly think it's a waste of time. You can't convince people for or against the existence of God. Calling Christians morons who believe in fairy tales is just as effective as calling atheists sinners who will burn in hell.
Sorry for the blogpost but I've always felt like saying this shit every time I see one of these threads.
>Belief in God and supernatural powers can be demonstrated as irrational
How gringo? Belief in many things in science which were unknown and unproven but are now the opposite would have been considered 'irrational beliefs' in the 18th century.
But I agree with the rest of your post :)
Fuck off PRI.
Shouldn't you be buying your next election?
>atheists think geometric shapes determining allotropes in the periodic table of elements is just a coincidence, and not intelligent design.
You're making sense, you don't belong here
honestly christian gnosticism is the most based shit i've ever come across. i really think if we can put it in the right words we can convince a lot of the smarter 'atheists' (who are mostly agnostic) that christ is basically the best way to avoid eternal non-existence
gnostiscm ends up being a contradiction in itself, all what is talked about in this book is how unknowable god is.
gnostics can accurantley be described as gnostics
but the belief in Christianity is knowing that unknowable god loves you so much that'll he'll die for you, so you don't have to taste death.
thats what it means to be christian, understanding that god is willing to not only experience death, but to die for you.
gnostics can accurantley be described as Agnostics***
meant to put agnostics.
I've learned about the design theory argument for God's existence. Paley used the an animal's eye as an example for God's handiwork. Today we explain it through evolution.
I don't know enough physics or chemistry to explain allotropes, but I imagine it has something to do with electron orbital shapes.
The most convincing arugument for intelligent design I've read is the fact that if things like the strong and weak nuclear forces were just slightly different, the universe as we know it would not exist in its current form. Heavy elements would never form, or every star would be a white dwarf or red giant or so. On the other side there is the many worlds theory, which I seem to recall states that there are infinite universes, but I don't know if they all have different laws of physics.
As far as I see it, believing that our universe is formed by chance from infinite possibilities or created intentionally by an intelligent being both require a certain degree of faith, as neither can be concretely proven as of yet, but I lean toward the former.