

He's not. He is way too intelligent to be associated with this shit.

Not our job to tell you, faggot


A fucking leaf

Thanks for correcting the record

Most of your country is Chinese.

He knows where is bread is buttered.


While I suppose his tweet may be truthful, I still must insist that you fuck off back to plebbit for sucking his dick out on the open so willingly and boldly

Put a rake in it Ching

We have NUMBER ONE YOUTUBE GUY pewdiepie
We have NUMBER ONE KGB AGENT Vladimir Putin
We have NUMBER ONE JEW GUY Netanyahu
We have the president of the USA too!

He's just level headed. Not the type of guy that takes a side so easily

>was in Canada during his formative years

No wonder he hasnt put anyone on the moon

He isn't. He knows he relies on subsidies to fund his businesses and needs to "get along with everybody" like Trump would say.


>First in Line for NeoCorporatist Trump Goodies

All Donald Trump has to do is promise him space travel and he's /ourguy/ for life.

>the 1000 year reich will happen in space

He doesn't have to say ANYTHING. It's much more likely he knows he won't lose his job for saying what he actually thinks.

He is far more than level headed. He is cunning and ambitious. He might be autistic, but by his own admission and review of record, he autistically studied how to behave normal and become famous, in his paraphraed words "because it seemed to be a necessary step in achieving my other goals".

Musk is a cool guy, but he might actually be a bit insane. Listen to the words of those close to him and he is robotically focused on literally "saving the world". Everything is a means to that end for him and he has been driven by this outlook since he was very young. Like some glorious autistic savant who believes himself to be a messiah

From a past interview:

"Musk is a self-described American exceptionalist and nationalist, describing himself as "nauseatingly pro-American". According to Musk, the United States is "[inarguably] the greatest country that has ever existed on Earth", describing it as "the greatest force for good of any country that's ever been". Musk believes outright that there "would not be democracy in the world if not for the United States", arguing there were "three separate occasions in the 20th-century where democracy would have fallen with World War I, World War II and the Cold War, if not for the United States".

He knows his place. Tesla is a government company like google,facebook.


Trump is probably going to use one of Musk's patents for a massive infrastructure project. No way he would publicly defend Trump's most controversial order if he wasn't getting something big in return.

>weaponized autism

yep, he's /ourguy/

Welcome to the club, Elon.

When are you going to apologize to your fellow white South Africans for running away to Canada like a little faggot instead of doing your military service on what was still a free and prosperous South Africa?

What brought you around? Was it actually having to live in a nigger-ruled country for eight years? Opened the eyes of a lot of other people.

Because until now, the majority of people here would shit on him.

Musk is about to drop a bomb.

He was going to release it to the next president regardless of who won, but I'm glad it was Trump.

>50% efficiency

Or he actually read the order and doesn't think it's that bad.

Most geniuses are a bit insane too

An African Canadian like Drake or the Weeknd? Elon Msk.

A fuckin leaf is our prophet!!

So why the fuck did lefties like this guy again? Not only is he patriotic he commits the sin of making profit.

Its basically just a more efficient way to run a space agency

"Science is so cool XD Look at these 9 weird optical illusions XD Vsuace!!! Electric carssss solar energyyy Bill nye Niel degrasse tyson black holes xxxxdddd"

Solar panels and electric cars, basically.

There are several technologies about to take off in the next few years, each one as civilization changing as the internet. This will happen even faster with President Trump's economic reforms.


Most typical go-with-the-flow type liberals happen to worship science. It's why they're so pro-green energy but it also means they support people like Musk.

Lol it sounds like he found a way to cash in on the idealism of Obama and the left in general. I wonder if he even gives a shit about solar since its so obviously an unviable tech especially in an admin that wants to greatly expand fossil fuel production.

looks like the leaf is angry that elon is on our side.

IRL Ozymandias

>implying Sup Forums ever reads the source material

yeah, elon musk is based, but he's the exact opposite of Sup Forums here

ALL Sup Forums does is read opinions, NOBODY here reads the source material

just look at how many retards you see talking about inane conspiracy theories about critical theorist and the frankfurt school

100% chance none of these people have ever read a sign critical theory essay, let alone one from the frankfurt school

basically Sup Forums is one of the least educated, least well read, and most aggressively ignorant places on Sup Forums, dont even try to associate with elon musk

>"Do your own research"
>This is a partisan statement in CURRENT YEAR

>dont even try to associate with elon musk
good try shekelstein.


Kek laughs at your failed trips.


>.02 gibsmedats were deposited into your account

Solar castles in the sky, bro.

>frankfurt school
We have unabashed communists in our unis, they've dropped all pretense. You cant call cultural marxism a meme when there are literal marxists all over academia and the Beltway.

He's still liberal but he's businessman first.

Peter Thiel redpilled him, probably.

He's purely rational, which allows him to see through bullshit

He's Ozymandias from watchmen

>tfw to intelligent two be associated with Sup Forums

Or he is a just a businessman going along with what he percieved to be public opinion.

Barron/Musk saga when?

Cool, so what frankfurt school theorists have you read?

Thanks for proving my point.

>Science is so cool

I think you mean
>I fucking love science

Nauseating pro-American but consistently anti-Americans. He's all about the civic nationalism meme.


hey just wanted to say thanks for posting that picture.

Trump promised to fund his Mars project (in a recent closed doors meeting)

He just wants the prestige of being president during the first manned Mars landing

you're correct.

Musk, I think, mostly just wants progress and doesn't really care where or how he gets it. He'll support Trump because Trump will let him continue his work and probably even support him quite a bit since he's part of american industry, but if Hillary had won he'd be almost as happy cozying up to them so he could continue his work which they would support quite a bit because he's part of green energy.

He'll continue to develop solar as much as he can, because you never know, technological advancements are almost always good and maybe he'll figure out something huge, but he's not in it because "fuck oil" or anything.

look what we have here, a leaf

That was a non partisan comment if anything. He sounded willing to give both sides a fair go which I respect.

Elon knows that Space X still depends on government contracts to make money, and that he'll lose those contracts if he makes an enemy of Trump.

He's rich, but not nearly rich enough to fund his Mars colony without dat sweet, sweet government money.

South African born and raised, guaranteed he's redpilled as fuck beneath it all.

He knows if he can persuade Peter Thiel and Trump that the Mars mission is a reality by Trump's second term, he will be the first person to walk on Mars and establish his Mars colony.

Kill yourself leaf

Dude thinks we're living in a simulation. He's /ourguy/

Elon Musk is not our guy. He is a guy who is of, by, and for big government. His every grand venture begins and ends with government approval, government deregulation, and government financing. Elon Musk will kiss the ring regardless of who wears it because Elon Musk is interested in self preservation. Elon Musk will brown nose a far leftist like Obama with the same passion and enthusiasm that he brown noses a populist like Trump. Ultimately, Elon Musk is just a guy who discovered a way to get rich by collecting welfare because his ventures require little from him but an enormous financial investment from the government. Elon Musk is the furthest thing from being our guy. He's much closer to being George Soros' guy.

how tesla hasn't folded and died yet is beyond me. they lose like 300 mill a quarter (besides last quarter) and sell fuck all

this guy is the biggest scammer or something.

Definitely not a Sup Forumstard. And anyone, Sup Forums is the natural home of fake news and conspiracy theories, so he's actively opposed to what thrives here.

>he is a guy who is of, by, and for big government.
Did you forget where you are? This guy is a deadringer for the next Werner von Braun


No way, there has to be another level, I can't take a rationale opinion at face value.

Herp derp I'm a retard

Dream on, Mars man

Elon Musk has a conflict of interests with the Trump administration. He loves him the green energy bux the Obama administration funneled him

I dont think trump has anything against green energy, he just wants results

Thats what im saying, I think he used the solar meme to curry favor with the Obama admin so the rest of the stuff he was doing would be supported -- and the folk hero status is a plus.

500% this

>fake news and conspiracy theories

yeah that's the problem though. Green energy does not bring results in term of raw usable unities, it's more of a virtue signalling thing.

But I guess he can continue his work if it's for keeping one up in case the technology is needed at some point.

His greatest love is SpaceX. Trump admin is loaded with private space people. That's the next big advancement in our colonization of space. Going to be glorious to see Musk work with Trump and Peter Thiel to create a flourishing space economy led by private corporations rather than shit-tier governments.

Well it just so happens that one of the few viable applications for solar is on space craft

>Green energy does not bring results in term of raw usable unities
>what is nuclear power

lol im such a nerd

Most lefties would argue nuclear isny green

>There are several technologies about to take off in the next few years, each one as civilization changing as the internet

I believe it. Can you give me a hint? Is it going to be awesome ?

I would eat all their asses

Dream on, mars man

>Most lefties would argue nuclear isny green
The term "green" is subjective. I work in power plants, and do not care for the waste produced by nukes. It is amazing how much "waste" is captured by coal and gas burners and there is much more in the future for technology to clean further.....Nuke wastes are very voilitile, and some can sit around for 10,000+ years before it becomes safe for a human to access.....I think more technology on waste remediation is required before nukes should be considered green.....Just because they don't add pollutants to the atmosphere does not mean that it is green.

>tfw too intelligent to associate myself with any group

Elon Musk is only speaking Common Sense by Thomas Paine

we NWO now

What order? Context plz

was it not obvious? think of one reason to care about space other than that beaners cant float through a vacuum on a door.

jfc those comments are stage iv cancer

Iran is a safe country though. It's probably the safest country in the middle east.

you should have known already newfag

this senpai