Quantum dots solar cells user Thread Continued

Quantum dots solar cells user Thread Continued


>Red Fish, oil rigs, Pool Hall, Night fighting, 130938174 -+ 0102

Big fish RV park in Rockport with some sort of natural pool
google.com/maps/place/Big Fish RV Park/@27.9767019,-97.1220563,542a,20y,132.82h,44.86t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x86684ce1fad705a7:0xa3d5d02ae7d99a58!8m2!3d27.974613!4d-97.119341

Other urls found in this thread:


I dont know what the fuck your talking about and i dont even care fuck off

Thanks for making this thread, do you think that's actually where the laptop is?

CheddarM78edu',''=/=identifiable as; standbyforconfirmation
Red Door opens Tomorrow.
Be ready.


I can't wait for solar roofs. No need to be part of the electric grid anymore. No power outages.

'Sup peeps... last thread was quite intriguing.

I don't see a pool hall and it's all blue catfish


How come I just heard of gookanon now, this is spooky

No, it was a very wild guess.

texas user 2 hours from the laptop where are you

Red fish would be found in the waterways there. Not in the lake tho

Some other anons have posted his big collage of previous Sup Forums posts in EWO threads

Right, trying to find a map of oil rigs in the area.
Still no clue about the "night fighting" and the numbers

Yeah I'm trying to figure out the numbers

wtf are you schizos talking about


I had heard of the megalins threatening violence against gamers, but did not know it was that severe

makes me wonder if that kind of thing was planned for america under hillary, the feminazi queen, we know they've been drumming up the SJWs to hate


There are a few oil rigs in the area, one of them near redfish lane

Original archived thread:
tl;dr = spook type drops hints on forthcoming Energy breakthrough and (unrelated) possible flashpoint in South Korea

Oh shit nice, any idea how the numbers could tie into the area? the -+ makes me wonder, it has to do with some type of range but I don't know what. What things require nine digits to know...

read OP thread

Maybe the numbers are password to laptop

That would be pretty straight forward

Yeah except at night when the sun is asleep. Idiot.

phone number?
he probably just looked around and wrote down whatever he saw, and a margin to not be too precise which would give away his exact position

There's a bunch off of rockport, you can pull up google maps and find them pretty easily. This map shows them too..


I gotta go, please don't let this thread die! Reopen if needed. Will come back when available.

use elec during day + charge battery
use battery at night

tesla has been making battery walls for homes intended for their electric cars, but they need to get a lot cheaper before people will install them

Yeah but then there's no explanation for the -+, like it could be a generous range of like plus or minus this certain area. The phone number idea isn't bad and what I was thinking but idk, could the -+ be an area code?

Anon5 has suggested that was her/Soros plan, seems to be working, first I heard of the women's marches I thought of what he warned us about

could be in relation to a previous post
or an image code/filename

-+ seems weird to me, could be an id of some sort

Shit guys, I think I have Gookanons posts archived on my old laptop.

and if she was in power, she would have had state power to lock up all the gg 'mysogynists' like what has apparently been happening in sk for the past 6 months

Oh shit the number led to this for me krs-online.com.pl/gospodarstwo-rolne-krs-6562889.html

whos gook user? That south korean cult thing

I am finding them 1 by 1 on Google, will post 'em
Mad Hillary made some speech about "lock them up? YES WE WILL!" Camps were mentioned. So was nuking Iran.

>but they need to get a lot cheaper before people will install them

they also aren't viable at all for the vast majority of people, but w/e enjoy your 80000 dollar solar roof that supplies 20% of your house's energy needs

Library book?

Here ya go, here's what I have of GookAnon.


Now that's smart wouldn't of thought of that, are there any libraries in that area?

i ran this stuff by my gramps (literally sent trump a letter months before his presidential announcement begging him to run, and predicted nearly every political move he made) let's say this technology is world changing. what then? it would still take a generation at least for these new energy sources to be incorporated into society as we know it, people will still need oil for at least 20 years to come, why would the moneygrubbing groups be trying to escape like rats so soon? wouldn't they stand to lose plenty of potential power if they abandoned oil?

pretty sure that's range/margin of error

in scientific measurements, you give a +- factor for how much the result can deviate

I think he's just using it to obscure the exact location, perhaps buying himself some time and increasing the chances that someone other than his boss finds the laptop

Could be, but all these things are generalities, he never gives exact pinpoint. He would have to provide exact point for us to find the laptop I hope. I mean who else would really be on the search for it.

Cheers bro. Did you remember anything in his posts about a vaccine scandal from SK, a few years back, where some disease was spread by pretending it was a genuine vaccine?


yes, currently it costs 80k

how much using these fancy quantum dot things? which are supposed to be more efficient

as for batteries, some people are totally off the grid using a bunch of car batteries, depends how much power you use, usually it's enough to get through a day of use in case it gets cloudy


anyone? wish i would have asked oily OP


Sadly, I must have missed that one. I don't get a lot of time lately due to work and school.

Listen here user. It would be wise to let it die. Those who know, know. You could get the entire thing blown and everything will change. Be smart for once. If everything goes to plan, THEN you can start spamming the "Its Happening!" And be done with it.


That literally made me shoot beer out of my nose

NP, thanks user. I hope Gookanon is OK...

what the fuck

This explains North Korea so well. If my southern neighbor was doing this and there was nothing I could do about it, I would shut the fuck down too.

homeboy said he was shipbound to Cambodia to hideout... what comes from rockport and goes to cambodia?

i don't hate that for a sector offset on a hard drive. a hidden partition, perhaps?
before any laptop recovered is booted the drive should be imaged.

after that try to create a partition starting at the two sector offsets and see if either are real or not.

130938174 -+ 0102
and perhaps try a 204 byte partition between:
130938072 and 130938276

This is why we fight, Hillary wanted to become a goddess, now we know why Trump wants to ban abortion, Moloch cannot be fed.
This video is where the boys were told to remain on the boat as it sank, I have heard the cult demanded the incident video'd and watched it:

>tfw too stupid to not realize this is fake and gay





oh snap, do you think he embedded something in the image thumbnail?

B-but I wanna believe


well at least western feminists are not that psychotic yet

They are but one small step away from throwing their own faeces at the moon.

this lel feminists cant deal with trump winning and hillary losing

Can someone give a quick rundown on this shit?
>Trump + Elon Musk solar energy technology
>South Korean feminist sect
how all this stuff relate?

break your external links, faggot.


I'm thinking that all of the points triangulate on the location of the drop point.

but he doesn't connect the dots
what's the general consensus? he talks about vague concepts about power and corruption but doesn't give any concrete example

Its a cave where they send the dead babies straight to Molarch

what did the new larper user mean by this?

Redfish Lodge On Copano Bay?

Gookanon, whose posts are ITT, spelled it out to us. The spook guy mentioned something concerning disease, and I have heard of some scandal during the tenure of the SK head bitch pushing a vaccine that spread disease, instead of curing it. I don't remember the exact details, though, it was all a bit much to take in in one reading session (from Gookanon's material).