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What about the other guy? The one named Mohammad?

Martin Luther Cream can fuck off.

this post really fired my neurons, thanks (((TRUTH SQUAD)))

I told you guys there were good leafs out there.

He was also a feminist

Fuck Martin Luther Cream!

>No hijab
>No refugees
>No Islam


shaun king is a whiteboy cracker

The irony of him outing someone else as a white troll.

So a retarded leaf had to go and fuck up everything.

They also fail to mention that he's an atheist NDP voter (as far left as a major party goes here)

funny how he basically just admitted that he's an outlier

And he's a white guy pretending to be black.

so what happened to the other shooters?

He did it all just to get Sup Forums banned in canada, that is, canada banned from Sup Forums.

He was the rake.

>le blanc homme visage


what website is this? you could make some pretty good memes with this

what happened, gib rundown please

what was his name?

how was he a troll?

He was the hero Canada needed, but never deserved.

The "Donald Trump Supporting" line comes from the fact that his facebook page likes trump.

But his facebook page also likes the university branch of a feminist organization and an atheist author.

So is trump supposed to get all the blame, or just 33%? Who decides how much blame for these murders get assigned to each of the facebook pages he likes.

Will in include the corporations? Will Tim Horton's be assigned some of the blame because he liked their web page?

In other words, my answer is this... as always 100% of the blame goes to the person who pulled the fucking trigger.

This. Who shouted allah snackbar? What happened to the 'two men in black masks'?

>5 people
How can you be so ineffective? Thats not even a single magazine


Don't make fun of trans-african-americans :(


it is in canada

Liberals are a joke especially this fag. They sit and judge while blacks run around American in gangs murdering,torturing,endangering everyone and no one says a God damn thing . Honestly what do we have to hold back for ?

at least Quebec is confirmed white :)

Still looks kinda black... must be the mustache

He's a hypocrite in many ways.

He looks less white than Shaun does.

ummmm no.

"Two men in black masks" have done every major shooting in the last 5 years, they haven't been caught yet and they probably never will.

which reminds me... does anyone have screen shots of his FB like pages WITHOUT all the shit drawn on them?

All the ones I've seen so far have comments. I just want a clean list of what his "likes" were so I can put together a chart for the people trying to lay this at trumps feet.

i guess ((((media)))) got the story wrong at first and they thought that a muslim and some other person shouted allahu akbar and shot other muslims.

good thing they have corrected the record now, its a white guy yelling heil hitler. the others were figments of imagination.

Who's Sean King?


the meadia won't show his picture, only the white guy

>w-what are you going to do nazis!
>g-get sucker punched!
>lol nazis deserve it, all pussies

>see this

god what is wrong with you people? Can't a Muslim just bring his best AK and his favorite mask to his mosque and yell out god is great without being targeted by xenophobes like you?

and yet i still dont care

He's a good manipulator

No nappy hair.
No melanin.
No black family members.

This fraud is actually a FUCKING WHITE MALE.

>lethal poltards wasting their potential killing 5 cunts huddling in a mosque


>Talcum X

funny how willing libs are to claim ideology can infect people and lead them to terrorist acts, but when the tide is turned and islam is the ideology, they keep mum or actively resist the implications. these are really really shitty people.

TalcumX laying down the (((truth)))

>1 post by this ID
Begone, kike pest.

>trump supporting
When did that guy ever support Trump. Talcum X must be bullshitting again.

Hey guys look I know 90,000 terrorist attacks were done world wide but look at this one guy who was a trump supporter you see how peaceful Islam is now?
Is that talcum brother

Why wouldn't the kid shout Allah Ackbar for shits and giggles? I would have.

Spam his twatter feed..with that image

Cunt should be ashamed to show his fucking face in public a long time ago. Could he be Jewish???? That would explain it

None of his 50 injured victims died since 1 hour after the shooting

Isnt that wierd?

So Shaun King has a small dick.

He was the guy who called the police and was wrongly identified as a suspect. The white supremacist was the only murderer there

Even his cartoon avatar is white. #TalcomX

And he had every fucking excuse for the fucking Muslims in Paris.

Fuck Shaun King someone put a fucking bullet in that faggot wannabe niggers temple.

What about that Muslim that was with him?

>No beard
>No hijab
>No Arabic name
>No refugees
>No Islam
sounds good

>Shaun King describes himself

Even so the kebab that smoked 50 fags down in Florida is still ahead by a wide margin.

Also the truck killings in Europe and a myriad of other examples.

Talcum X and other libshits are so transparent I find it hilarious they don't think themselves white

his brother has a pretty righteous beard.

can we stop using the word 'troll' in the wrong context? i don't think murdering a dozen people counts as trolling


not jewish, just mentally retarded.

> Laying it down for the bigots.
> Is bigoted against white people.
> Is a white person.
> Not hypocritical in any way.

THANKS SEAN KING! You've really enlightened me!


>LOL ur all gunna die when the day of the rope comes. fucking nazis!
>richard spencer should die! REEVE
>trump supporters need to be genocide'd!
>this happens

>h-how c-could you guys?

Considered a witness now.

>Trump supporter

I don't understand this at all. I get that retards will just claim whatever is white and negative as Trump but this is baffling.



the world needs more dead niggers, and for talcum x to stop pretending to be a nigger

I like how he slapped a color filter on his picture so it's harder to tell that he's white.


Could he be Australian???

>there's finally a terrorist attack where he can use this
Patience really pays off


>wrongly identified
Or correctly identified until pressure was put on the authorities to let him go and throw the white boy under the bus.

If true this is going to make protest violence escalate rapidly.

This timeline may get even more wild yet.

The world is intersting. Kill people as a muslim. Kinda sorta bad thing maybe in the eyes of liberal.

Be anything but Muslim.

Trump supporter.

whitey needs to shave his windows peak to pretend to be a nigger

Confirmed for white

killing any more than that would have been impolite

Dindu sucker punch the pastor at church for mentioning Trump

But I thought Donald Trump supporters weren't educated, according to liberals.

who shouted allahu ackbar. sage


i don't know which one i like more

he wuz a good boy, he dindu nuffin wrong
he wuz getting his life on track, goin to school
he wuz a victim of a society that made him violent

Why don't Sup Forumsacks with black curly hair copy his hair style and pretend to be black in order to infiltrate SJW groups?

Everyone is educated these days. Overeducated is the new educated.

Mateen gun

You wouldn't if you were shooting up a mosque?

Proof of his beliefs?

>tfw too intelligent to pretend to be black

>You need a beard,a hijab and an arabic name to be muslim

Wow how racist of Shaun King.

way to change the world with his sarcasm and twitter addiction