I wonder who's behind this..
Such an obvious false flag it's amazing anyone could fall for it.
this makes me really sad that it happened in my Province
Whats an alt right? Sounds made up to me
This. That timing. Nope, totally normal.
at the same mosque there had been vandalism and other pranks before in the last few months
> yesterday it was two muslims
> today it's a white supremacist
Yeah ok
>involving Le Pen
REEEEEEE fucking leaf ruining everything
>Such an obvious false flag it's amazing anyone could fall for it.
You think he was drugged and "wound up" by the Deep State?
The other guy is now a witness, correct? Wow, what a fun story. -.-
this is a set up, he dindu nuffin, he wuz a good goy
>thing happens that makes my viewpoint look bad
Sure was the CIA boys
>"just kidding, heil hitler rofl"
Is anyone buying this?
Tfw no alt right muslim mass-murdering qt bf
So just because the timing is inconvenient, it's a conspiracy? That's your standard of evidence?
Minority report?
>believing RT
The other guy who was arrested called the police but had poor French so the cops arrested him unsure what the fuck he was doing, turns out he had escaped the mosque, called 911 and the dispatcher thought he said he was armed but he said the guy in the mosque was armed
He didn't get enough of them. Low energy, sad!
Initial reports stated that survivors said the shooter was yelling "allahu ackbar". Are you part of CREW or something? Is this David?
Always a manlet
>Initial reports stated that survivors said the shooter was yelling "allahu ackbar".
it happened in a mosque, fucking everybody is shouting allahu ackbar.
wtf i feel sorry for the refugees now, let's take another 100 thou
It was never two Muslims yesterday. There were two names released today and one of them (the Muslim) was just a witness taken into custody and later released without incident), retard.
i like the cut of his jib
What happened to the Tunisian + Quebecois arab?
Still better than those blacks who kill each other left and right in Chicago.
false flag.
This was all by design. I hope everyone has their backup site ready when Sup Forums is taken down.
But that could be a good thing. It's time to spread our wings and fly.
dude hate crime law, you need to be more subtle.
this is a very typicaly quebecois view, (i'm manitoban) they seriously despise historical islamic culture the the extent of being the only province to ban the burqua
he was arrested because he had poor french.
>decide to shoot up a mosque
>show up
>start shooting
>everyone is yelling "ALLAHU ACKBAR"
>join them
>keep shooting
But I haven't killed anyone
That's racist. I hope he sues.
The timing of this event is too convenient. It is a false flag.
haven't you seen any videos from the near east wars? Everytime there's an explosion everybody just yells allahu ackbar, even guys getting shot yell it.
If it was yelled it was probably yelled by scared people getting shot at.
>stop killing people
>6 muslim dead
Haven't you heard? We equal nao
I honestly think this is real.
Leafs are the only ones stupid enough to do this while we're winning.
that's not what the people gloating over 40 dead said yesterday
>You must be detained before you do commit one!
Do it broooo
>originally 3 shooters
>originally turned himself in after fleeing
>no details released for hours
>just some white kid
leaf, pls die
I'm so glad that my world view isn't so warped that I need to become a conspiracy theorist just bridge the gaps between my beliefs and evidence.
>hate muslims
>hate them enough to aquire guns
>hate them enough to think about killing them
>hate them enough to plan out an attack to kill them
>hate them enough to follow through with said plan
>hate them enough to only kill six?
>feel bad about what you did 10 minute later and turn yourself in?
wew lad
Alt-right feminist? Sounds fishy...
This happens after every mass shooting or attack. Events are unclear until after an investigation. Only burgers are sensational retards to believe day 1 reporting without a grain of salt.
LOL expecting us not to retaliate.
>how does it feel leftypol?
>tfw they couldn't even do the false flag here, under Trumps watch, because he would've applied much more scrutiny to the case
If we see more articles like these the West will win.
The whole white genocide thing is just an excuse for the white niggers to chimp out.
>right wing notices muslims keep killing people
>left notices whites are killing muslims occasionally
We have proud christian roots.
fucking niggers
he didn't turn himself in he was arrested at he scene.
He trolls them you dense motherfucker
it was a moslem arab paki and a convert. stay stupid kike nigger lib retard.
i didn't even think about this; is the french media losing their minds? this might fuck your entire election sorry lads
Canadians are niggers
I rejoice in the death of every one of Christianity's enemies. Deus vult! Make Istanbul Constantinople again!
The alt-right still hasn't figured out that it is the nigger worldstar scum of the white race.
who cares about Motreal, fuck France
We don't know WTF you're talking about. This is a Pervian dog whistling facebook group.
and his gay partner, Mohammed? suddenly dropped from the news narrative
We see you. Oh, we see you
>Early reports are 100% accurate
>Things are most accurate when we know the least
>When more information comes out and it doesn't fit my opinions I claim conspiracy
This is why there are so few conservative scientists, I don't think you understand how information works at all.
He could have been mocking them by shouting that.
That's my guess anyway.
"Please let the shooter be muslim"
"Please let the shooter be muslim"
"Please let the shooter be muslim"
>Shooter is white
"Must have been a false flag"
Sup Forums is pretty pathetic sometimes
Pick one
>hate muslims enough that your boyfriend is a muslim named Mohammed
>>Early reports are 100% accurate
>>Things are most accurate when we know the least
>>When more information comes out and it doesn't fit my opinions I claim conspiracy
this is why there are still 9/11 truthers
>le everything is a false le flag
Got the whole thing here
They did gods work, im alil angry they had aks and only managed to kill a few!
What about the second gunman that was a Tunasian nationalist? Does he not exist anymore?
>likes Garfield
he wasn't a gunmen, he called 911 about the shootings and got arrested because he spoke poor French.
A muslim would have killed 50-100 like a fucking boss. With weak and pathetic whites it takes 3 of them to kill 6 people
I don't think you understand how trolling works.
>Crusader kings
>Donald J. Trump
>Generation nationale
You can't be this stupid.
>>Generation nationale
This. They call Islam a mental illness, and are FLQ wannabes.
Sup Forums got btfo so hard today
Not even Sup Forumsharbor left so many Sup Forumslacks in tears
They all legitemately believed it was a Muslim shooter, and BAM, right in their face it was a lone white guy ironically shouting "allahu akbar" to make it look like an attack by a Muslim, failed so bad.
Good thing they mentioned that he liked Trump so that I can be angry at the guy otherwise I wouldn't give a shit that he murdered 6 men.
>Hillary supporter shoots up 50 gays in a night club
>media never mentions he supports hillary
>Canadian who likes trump shoots up 6 muslimes
can the media get anymore desperate?
Right, I completely forgot that CK2 was Mein Kampf 2: electric boogaloo
Thanks for correcting the record, fellow leaf!
they just point out that he liked far right leaders on his facebook. There was no implicit causation.
there was no reason to attack the mosque other than to stir the libcucks emotions and garuntee sympathy support for 'refugees'
It had to be right after Trump banning 7 arab states for the added effect of perceptual contrast. With this false flag Trudeau can now easily allow free flow of immigrants into Canada. Well played Soros.
no he called the police on a bridge and they came to arrest him
it was the other suspect (innocent) who was arrested at the scene
its check outs crusader kings 2. Everyone I know that plays that game is walking time bomb.
Not yet.
Leafs fucking up again.
Seems like controlled opposition would be surprised if he has connections to the International Jew.
I have told you fucks.. again and again.
1. It's stupid to go out shooting a few people just to then get killed or caught. One fucking mudslime family can out produce your killings instantly.
2. If you plan on going on an rampage or whatever. Go for the powerful people. Try to get close to.. for example Soros.
>Muslims do terrorist attacks in the West
>expecting Western people not to respond
Violence begets violence
Crusader kings is made by literal cuckold swedes
>a swede actually thinking that ANYONE, ANYONE AT ALL would want to listen to him