How can you refute this Americanos?
How can you refute this Americanos?
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By raking leaves.
If it aint white, it ain't right. Kill all non-whites.
thanks for firing my neurons, (((TRUTH SQUID)))
sounds about white
>being denied access to the economy and benefits of another country is being "made to answer"
I have no choice if I'm white, Muslims choose to belong to their intolerant ideology
Barbary Slave Trade.
i just wanna live in my country and not have a bunch of people with a specific toxic ideology come and fuck it all up
Show me the part of the Constitution that says everything George Washington ever said was the truth directly from god, then show me George Washington extolling the virtues of slavery
It happened and we did something about it. Like abolish it in the US. When are Muslims going to stop there slavery of young woman?
>But its not me its the crazies
after a couple hundred years we concluded that slavery was wrong, even though we just bought people who were already enslaved in their own homelands by their own KANGZ, and we stopped it altogether and it hasn't happened ever again
but all muslims are literally terrorists and any one of them could actually explode and level a city block at any time, we have no way of knowing how long we have until the next one
My family came here post industrial
slavery was all wasps and frogs
Muslims started the slave trade lol
One thing happened generations ago and GREAT lengths have been taken to rectify; the other is happening RIGHT NOW and we are trying to take steps to rectify NOW as opposed to waiting until it's worse. Almost like lessons have been learned...
Most people don't know America has been fighting wars in Syria since its inception.
Muslims gleefully reaffirm their commitment to a violent, murderous ideology on a daily basis.
Whites were born white.
The difference is whether or not you ideologically support the convention in question. Muslims are Muslim ON PURPOSE. Whites never signed up for the "I want to benefit from slavery" option.
Also, 99.99% of whites did not benefit from slavery.
Have Muslims ever given out reparations? They still use slaves to this day, and have been for the past 1000s of years.
Whites are and have been the most kind and generous rulers. Britain outlawed slavery before any other nation.
Get absolutely fucked. Whites make mistakes, but we're also the only dominating force in history that tried to make things right.
They can refute it by stating that Muslims are keeping slaves right now.
Whites are made to answer for actions of whites everywhere. But, you bring up slavery to Muslims & it's "I had nothing to do with that!"
>You whites were slave owners
Nigger I wasn't even alive for that shit, none of us were. I don't need to apologize on behalf of my ancestors, you got a complaint? Take it up with there headstone.
Fuck these muslims, they probably took some of my ancestors as slaves.
Well, Islam is still going on, so
What about when you bring up slavery to Muslims and the fact that they're still fucking doing it
Slavery- hasn't been instituted in more than 150 years and about half a million people died in putting the practice to rest
Muslims- blowing shit up on a daily basis
Sand nigger expects me to take responsibility for slavery since we let our slaves live instead of castrating them. Fuck off.
The difference is that whites owned slaves 150+ years ago, while Muslims are committing acts of religious terrorism right now.
If people were criticizing whites for slavery in the early 19th century, that would be fair.
i live in a southern city where about one murder happens per day. the reason is anger about slavery. the problem is they are getting their revenge. a lot like free speech, you aren't free from the responses of others. i've been attacked and had a friend murdered about 5 years ago because of revenge for slavery. what is happening now is revenge on revenge. the niggers are about to get bitch slapped by the greatest people who have ever lived.
Very fair point in terms of the constitutionality of it, but there certainly was an institutionalized entitlement as it relates to slavery (or manifest destiny). Then again anyone who believes that America has ever had it right is a fucking cuck. The founding documents were a promise made that we have yet to fully live up to.
That being said, aside from the christfags, America has no true spiritual claim of sovereignty to stand behind.
being white is not an idelogy
the point is asinine
It's not a muslim ban, it's a ban on Israel's enemies.
That comparison makes no sense at all. All they do is blame whitey because it's PC.
Okay lets talk about slavery, why is there still slavery going on in Africa and India?
false equivalency
Syria wasn't a state until after WW1. Sykes-Picot Treaty.
Muslims still practice slavery today
Be honest, Sup Forums, if you had the chance to buy and own a slave, would you?
Simple, Muslims are a religious group, hence can't be compared to the groups of white people (race).
However, the majority of slaves were owned in the south, where you find the Baptist Christian church, they could be argued to answered.
>Sup Forums-tards actually believe this
One day you'll learn that the transatlantic slave trade was different than slavery all across the world.
Muslims didnt start the slave trade, it was something humans did since they started fighting. What people mean when they talk about the slave trade is the trans-atlantic slave trade that destroyed the indigenous people of the americas and made africans less than people.
White people ended slavery.
Muslims still haven't reformed their retarded religion
Being white isn't an ideology or a set of specific actions or beliefs, false equivalency.
>How can you refute this Americanos?
slavery is barbaric
Slavery has been an endemic institution throughout human history.
Slavery was abolished a century and a half ago by white people taking accountability of own of their practices that they found abhorrent.
>Syria wasn't a state until after WW1. Sykes-Picot Treaty.
Syria is the oldest surviving civilization in the world, it was a state before the modern concept of states existed.
We fought a war over it and won.
>tfw you grew up in the North but your ancestors on one side were slaveholders
>it was something humans did since they started fighting
then why are white people the only ones being demonized for it
One is happening now, by Arabs and the other is happening now, by africans
They refuse to police their own, make constant excuses for them, and continue to facilitate their radicalism.
Islam is an ideology.
People who follow Islam are called Muslims.
White isn't an ideology.
Did I literally just provide the best BTFO for this shit argument?
Liberals BTFO
Also, something about active slavery and active terrorism
This is a smart post
Wasn't one of the initial calls to colonize Africa a matter of civilizing it in order to end slavery for good?
religion doesn't equal ethnicity ?
muslims still blowing shit up when slavery was abolished by white people?
ignore retarded shitskin?
Being white is not an ideology. Being Muslim is an ideology.
This is the most bullshit deflection. We are talking about AMERICA, child.
Very simple to refute this. It might seem like a hard argument to defeat for a retard, but it's apples and oranges
Ah leaf, leaf. Your country deserve every single bit of what is coming for it. Enjoy.
>transatlantic slave trade was different than slavery all across the world.
lol, nope.
Chattel slavery is chattel slavery whether it involves boats or not.
don't forget the indentured servitude (read: slavery) in Qatar, which is a majority muslim country.
transatlantic slave trade
horrors of the middle passage
3/5ths of a man
no path to freedom
Civil war
>less than people
Son, the arabs and moors castrated their african slaves and worked them to death.
Their treatment of their slaves was vastly more dehumanizing than anything whites ever did.
Assyria and Syria are two different things friend.
by the end of it we might almost look half as bad as brazil
You do realize one is still going on while the other ended a very long time ago, right? If you don't there's something wrong with either your brain or your education.
What about Arab slavery?
Wait. Are we actually using time as an axis here? 4D chess meme confirmed.
No but these SJWs that push this stupid guilt-narrative care more about dead slaves and slave-owners than living human beings currently in chains.
The people who owned slaves are all dead. The people who are blowing themselves up, shouting Alluh Akhbar are still alive and still doing it. You wanna talk about past aggression, fine, we should kill all Muslims because they pirated our ships after the U.S. got independence from Tripoli.
wut was the ottoman empire
fucking hari needs to hang from a tree right now
Because Muslims enslaved whites and whites aren't infiltrating their countries to kill them in the name of Allah. Muslims should pay whites reparations for slavery, and they should stop being terrorists.
Isn't it the opposite?
>blame all white Americans for slavery
>bring up Islamic terrorism and it's #NotAllMuslims!
This is pure and unadulterated gaslighting
Arab slave trade still exists. We abolished slavery centuries ago.
Being white is not a choice. Being muslim is.
Every nation on earth had slavery. The only one still with it are the muslims ones. Whites got rid of slavery first.
Also, being White isnt and ideology, Islam is.
like the fkn africans was the only slaves in america
>Irish remember
Only 1.8% of any Americans owned ANY slaves
25% of muslims are radicalized
US made slavery illegal 154 years ago and everyone involved is dead for several generations
Most recent muslim terrorist attack was 24 hours ago
Muslims enslaved 3 million white europeans, resulting in Barbary wars
Slavery is still practiced widespread in Muslim countries
>apples and oranges
it's a "non-functional-state" ban
every nation (banned) does not have full control over their land nor over their citizen and cannot provide information about them
it absolutly rational and normal
>Chattel slavery is chattel slavery whether it involves boats or not.
it really isnt though
see above post sources? Pretty sure castration was a turkish custom not moorish
slavery also wasnt racial for them, they enslaved whites blacks and each other which makes it a bit different
White Americans won't exist at the rate we are going. Even Trump supporters cheer on diversity, sometimes even more loudly than the left.
Wasn't as brutal as transatlantic slavery or the use of slaves in mines in the ancient world.
Modern day gulf slavery is pretty bad though
Trump can't ban Saudi Arabia because they are an important American asset.
Irish werent brought in chains, werent subject to the 3/5ths rule
Its like you all dont understand why everyone is still triggered by the transatlantic slave trade
>How can you refute this Americanos?
We put an end to slavery among our people, how about he round up some of his fellow Muslims and put an end to terrorism?
>The Islamic Slave Trade genocides over 110million black people
>Muslims have never apologized for this atrocity once or paid reparations
>slavery abolished over 150 years ago
>terrorist attacks happen like clockwork every month
what the fuck is wrong with you?
>wasn't as bad
>literally castrated slaves
It happened over 150 years ago, heck off nerd
That was then and this is now, why are liberals close-minded shitlords?
Its not about any of that shit at the end of the day, about stupid pointless bickering over muslim did this or that, its not about whats fair or unfair or right or wrong. Its all about preserving the Aryan Race.
Arabs even enslaved each other
you're missing the point
you dont understand why no one talks about theirs and why everyone keeps talking about the anglo/spanish trade see above posts
What does pol hate Black Ameicans. They're cool, at least the ones who don't commit crimes.
I acknowledge that not all Muslims are terrorists or support terrorism. Simultaneously, I acknowledge that not all currently living whites are slave traders or descended from slave traders. Then my face miraculously transforms into TFW one is too intelligent to take seriously two unrelated but erroneously linked generalizations which are themselves based on generalizations.