Whats the point of banning muslims anyway

whats the point of banning muslims anyway

if its to stop terrorism,why dont republicans use the same logic when it comes to banning guns since there both going to result in the same situation

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Really gets the noggin joggin...

>Why don't we ban inanimate objects that are common place and have a use?

Why should we let any Muslims in?

>why should we let any muslims in

i dont know,why do we let the jews in.why cant we ban jews from entering the country also

The religion is barbaric, the scum of the earth.

because Muslim starts with an M

Mexican also starts with an M

thus these two Must be banned

>We should ban Jews from entering the country.

You realize you're on Sup Forums right?

Besides, where is your argument?

because its our fucking country you moron. Muslims dont belong, we do.

the jews destroyed america,its only right we send them back to where they came from

thats my argument

> You realize you're on Sup Forums right?

So are you. What's you're point?

Because guns are necessary to defend ourselves from treasonous politicians that do things like letting third worlders into our nation and normalizing trannies.

Muslims are just hostile aliens.

t. Achmed Goatfucker

Owning arms is a right guaranteed by our nation.

No one has a right to enter the United States.

Also, most gun crime is done by the people we don't want more of (illegals etc)

for being such supporters of the constitution,why dont republicans want to support freedom of religion

This went from shit to bait real quick

That's fine. Jew ban as well.

Ahmed, what are you even doing?


so is having the right to practice your religion.but tell the fat orange fuck trump that

Because Islamic extremists outweigh Christian and Jewish extremists like 1 to 0

funny,i dont see the word extremist on the end of "muslim ban"

freedom of religion doesnt mean freedom of religion,unless you dont like the specific religion in your country

THE Reps. never called it a "Muslim Ban." Can't cite, but Islamic friend from Indonesia just came back from a semester through UMD branch, cuck.
"Muslim Ban" term coming from butthurt whiney basement dwellers that want to be in AP US History textbooks next year.

>We'll be safer if we disarm ourselves

It's not banning Muslims, Trump got triggered from browsing b/ Gore thread. Those countries mentioned are the source of the webm only thing missing is Mexican drug cartel webm (hints the wall)

Muslims aren't in the constitution, firearm possession is.

1: Nobody has banned all muslims except fucking Eritrea.
2: There is no constitutional right for people to enter your country.

freedom of religion

inb4 muslim isnt a religion.they follow islam so technically this is violating that right,but i guess thats ok because its a republican doing it unlike the 8 years when republicans threw a fit over obama and gun control

It's a right for American citizens. We are not constitutionally-compelled to offer freedom of religion to people who don't even live here.


They were allowed here until they started blowing people up and shooting them.

>since there both

I agree. I hate fags too and wish they would get shot more by Muslims in their night clubs. Good thing we have Muslims or gays wouldn't feel afraid about being gay.

well maybe if america wasnt a country of anti gun liberal cuck's we would start shooting them before they shoot us

Youre right, banning isnt enough. We should set up some camps for them. We can bring the refugees in on trains to these camps too.

Maybe in San Bernarndino. Look at that shit that happened in Waco.

AR15's are used for hunting you cuck.

yea, if they are already there they can pratice w/e religion. thats not the same thing as not letting in people who are already muslim. can you even read

Media Matters and its affiliate Shareblue plan to become the reference point for liberal news media, especially online
In particular, they plan to provide their own "research" to friendly media outlets to push liberal narratives
At the same time, they will try to censor non-aligned outlets, including by having Facebook, Google and Twitter penalize them
They will also heavily push the "fake news" and "Russian propaganda" angles to discredit non-aligned outlets
They intend to deploy social media analytics to catch developing stories as they emerge and direct their shill armies, called "truth squads" (not even kidding), to shape the narrative; this will be done via their proprietary tools and communications network, so it will appear to the outside world as if a genuine grassroots movement is happening
their 2017 budget is $13.4 million, with 81 staff

Sorry it was Garland, Texas. Not Waco.


fuck off

pick one

Because this religion is against freedom

What's the point? The last time there was a gun ban 2 muslims killed people with trucks in 2 separate cities.
Ban trucks?

technically,banning things would still be obama's way.or do you not understand the logic of an american democrat

This isn't about freedom of religion, fuckwit. All Trump did was restrict travel from nations with high amounts of terrorist activity, and suprise: muslim nations tend to harbor extremists. The middle east is full of faggot crusaders and they have no right to come into our country.

Kek Looks like theyre used to shoot snow.

>isnt about freedom of religion

>literally banning people from a religion from your country

god,its like americans have gotten so retarded they dont even understand their own constitution anymore

We've been saying this for years.

Freedom for American citizens. The Constitution doesn't apply to illegals, commies, and non-Americans, and other people God hates.

Our own crazies are our own problem, you absolute fucking cuckold.

That's freedom of religion, not freedom of death cult.