wtf is this halal shit?!? is this like that gluten warning? why is mcd's catering to one group? are they too stupid to know what they stuff in their piehole?
Wtf is this halal shit?!? is this like that gluten warning? why is mcd's catering to one group...
Did you ever think that this is not an American promotion?
Fucking grand mac? Man I could smash one of those right now. Fucking burgers, fuck off with your awesome burgers that we'll never see.
>Adds new meat variety
>Gets more sales
>Makes money
>Doesn't give a fuck about your political beliefs because money is above all else
Hard life lesson for you burger.
All the Macs are crap though, burgers for people who like bread and thousand island dressing instead of beef.
Wtf you on about. We got the mega-mac with 4 patties on it
not with the grand mac actually.
Which I hope sells well enough to stay cause that was my biggest gripe with the big mac.
nigga we got stuff you wouldn't believe
wendys has some quadruple patty bacon/chedder on a pretzel bun with beer carmelized onions
I can have one and a meal for 5.97 in 15 minutes
you also have this
I want them to specifically and unnecessarily make my beef nonhalal by like smearing pigs blood on it or something
>Trumps president
>Not calling it the Great Mac
Get it together, ron
What-A-Burger is the best fast food joint thqh
Capitalism does not give a fuck about your country. McDonalds will whore itself to the first cunt with a dollar bill. That's the only language it speaks.
Just so you know....
The slaughter of a halal animal is called "zabihah" and there are certain guidelines to follow:
Allah's (God's) name must be pronounced during slaughter.
The instrument must be very sharp to ensure humane slaughter. The animal must be slit at the throat.
The animal must not be unconscious
The animal must be hung upside down and allowed to bleed dry. Eating blood is not halal.
These steps must be accomplished by a Muslim or the People of the Book (Christian or Jew.) Many observant Muslims find kosher meat acceptable.
The animal must have been fed a natural diet that did not contain animal by-products.
That's what I'm trying to say.. That shit would not work in America, but elsewhere? sure.
Pussy shit. Its meat. Its a living animal. It sustains the body. I don't need your head trip to satisfy my hunger. thanks, tho.
>meanwhile in Canada
Big Mac + add bacon. yes that's the entire promotion.
White people don't eat at McDonald's anymore. They're trying to reach out to new customers.
I had a big mac the other night, and I was vastly disappointed
>kinda stale
>tastes like it was sitting on the counter for a few hours (99% chance it was)
McDonalds was already on my shitlist, and now I'll be getting my fastfood garbage at either Wendy's or Taco Hell.
Yeah, fifteen fucking years ago we got the mega mac for two weeks. Bring that shit back.