Anyone starting to really fucking hate leftists? I'm getting really, really sick of their shit...

Anyone starting to really fucking hate leftists? I'm getting really, really sick of their shit. I thought it'd be better after the election but these pieces of shit have shown their true face.

Like Molymeme said, I try not to hate, but I'm starting to learn.

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you're only just starting to hate them?????

this is a group of people that has done nothing but hate hate hate their entire lives, hate themselves, hate beauty standards, hate rich people, hate white people, hate everything. normal people have tried to reason with them, you've seen it, we all have, that one crazy person constantly shouting over everyone, the normal people just giving up, some trying to agree to console and calm her down. there is no love for a leftist, in a world fair and free they seek to further distort the world, seek to destroy it until even its ash on the floor has been pummeled into the cracks and divots in the ground. they will never stop, they are clinically depressed and insane and the only way you can stop them is overwhelming force for good. to suffocate their hate in a sea of love, to rally a country against its own problems in search for a better quality of life and leave these people behind to die out. we must give people something to live for, a unified cause, and that cause today is nationalism.

no I mean REALLY hate them, I didn't know I could reach these levels.

Never forget the depths to which they will crawl to hurt their enemies.

find a safe space trumpkin nerdlinger

>baby wanna bottle?

Sweetie, if you're listening to molymeme you really need to expand your horizons. I suggest starting with Rachel Maddow and honey, when you get a little bit educated, you can move on to the Young Turks.

beautifully said user

checked. These "people" are psychotic, and it's scary how many people I thought were otherwise fine are actually batshit insane. these people want to destroy the future of me and my future family.

Don't hate them, it'll make you stupid.
Recognize them as the opposition and act accordingly.

Fuck hating them. I'm to the killing them stage.

I'd be mad too. Globalism is the logical future and conservative beliefs are dying with our parents generation. This administration is the death knell of American conservatives.

Eat shit and die low IQs.

>gen z redpilled as fuck
>they'll be voting by the time you faggots have a shot at office again
Yeah. Nah. You guys are screwed.

personally, my hatred peaked in 2013-2014- there was a feeling that these people were on the advance everywhere and we were powerless to fight back, but with the rise of Trump and all the win in 2016 I'm just not bothered as much. I pity these people.
Maybe your experience is different, but I don't notice as much belligerent leftist retardation in my daily life. It's mostly confined to social media. The ones I encounter in real life don't blow up at me like they used to, and sometimes I can even have a nice conversation with them.

amusing from coming from someone on a neo-nazi forum where all anyone does is hate. you faggots are so delusional its only a matter of time before another one shoots up a pizza shop

you should be in prison or a mental hospital. seek help you defective cunt.

Yes. Even looking past political/economic/social issues; i've found most leftists are just genuinely awful people to be around.

Wow that's such a brave thing to say on this board. So so so brave.

I honestly hate them more than muslims. They are so stupid that they literally are pro everything they are against.

Islam-Anit women

Anti Gay

Anti Free Speech (lefties actually hate free speech so this one works)

Pro- Rape

Pro- Pedophilia

Pro-Religious law


I hate them because they are so fucking stupid and then just call you names when you calmly try and debate them.

Please, we're talking about the the average American here. That's asking a lot.

And you should continue to learn, for the only way to defeat them is through their own means. Being the bigger person doesn't work anymore. These monsters won't stop until Western civilization has been eradicated. Use the dark side, pledge pure allegiance to Kek and God Emporer Trump, and you will become more powerful through your hate.

>Globalism is the logical future

It truly disgusts me that people out there believe this garbage.


Right there with you. But you have to channel the anger. You have to let it give you motivation to make some positive change.

Ok Bess, sweetums.

>pic related

If you disagree with the statement; then you do not understand the history of the islamic ideology.

beta cuck coward detected

I used to be a normie, Comedy Central Daily Show watching liberal until the left became a batshit insane cult.

>neo-nazi forum
It's an imageboard, learn your pronouns, shitlord.

You guys have spent too much time in the echo chamber, consequently you have a warped view of what a leftist stands for.

It is like someone on the left claiming all right wing voters are neo-nazis that advocate ethnic cleansing and civil war because they only get their information from stormfront and Sup Forums.

Get away from it for a while, spend some time in the real world. Don't end up like the leaf that just shot up a mosque or shia le bouf screaming about his faggy "art" project.

I keep hearing their arguments
>comparing Islam to Isis is like comparing Christianity to the KKK
>The right held protest when Obama was elected
>America was built on immigration, so we need to let them all in.

Notice how all of these are technically true. But never quite to the same scale. They should have seen Trump coming. They pushed their agenda SO hard, that they thought that power would never not be in their hands. But as the election shows, people were fed up with their narrative, and wanted to prove it, force not only the left but also the right to make serious change. Now they don't have their way, and they respond in the typical left fashion. With hostilities. The left ideologies can only occur at gun-point.

fuck off ctr

Clarify "leftists".

naw, we should disarm


>You guys have spent too much time in the echo chamber, consequently you have a warped view of what a leftist stands for.

Your premise is wrong. Proven by the countless number of real liberals coming out in the past few years, describing the cult of sycophantic, regressive ideals the left has become.

Even to the point where they are describing themselves as classical liberals/libertarians or even outright conservatives just to distance themselves from their former groups.

Is that you Satan? Your New World Order will fail

real life is an echo chamber of mushy sentimental soft-left corporate liberalism.
I can tolerate it and work on my social skills talking to normies, but you really have to look for small niches and cliques of weirdos to have an interesting conversation.
I come here because it's a wonderful free for all.
This place has a reputation for being nazis and libertarians, but really it's also kosher conservatives, minarchists, stalinists, anarchists, zionists, and all other points of view, all shitposting and calling each other faggots. It's beautiful.

>you really have to look for small niches and cliques of weirdos to have an interesting conversation
That are most likely under surveillance by the alphabets.

Trump has made me hate the right. The left are the only ones standing up for the Constitution and human rights today.

What has Trump done so far that's unconstitutional?

Truly. These fascists hate America and what it stands for.

We are united by nostalgia and a love for our own history and people.

when are they gonna execute the detained rapefugees!?!!!!!


This. At least Muslims support traditional morality. Soon enough the only way whites will be able to uncuck themselves is by converting to Islam. Leftists would love to destroy the family, destroy women, destroy everything good in the world. At least with Islam we'd be able to protect that shit.

The problem of the leftists is that they do not value honor, respect, traditional values in a sense. They're a disgusting and arrogant people who I want nothing to do with.

but the constitution was written by racist old white male slave-owners and human rights are a bourgeois illusion

OP here, switched from mobile. People call this website a shithole but I've honestly learned a fucking lot from it, I'd say Sup Forums has overall been very beneficial to my life, /fit/ and Sup Forums especially, I'm not quite at the extreme levels some people are here but I'm grateful I've been woken up to our reality, and it's been hilarious fun while doing so. This is the only place with true freedom of speech, and it hones your bullshit detector as well, a very valuable skill.

im getting delusions of grandure i want to see pictures of me battoning a leftist teeth out plastered all over the MSM

Though you and I post with the same flagtag, we do NOT live in the same country. I don't believe we can truly inhabit the same continent. Your stupidity is everything wrong with the world and I despise everything you stand for.

What now faggot?

I don't hate you, faggot nigger.

at least for the present era, imageboards like this are the epicenter of youthful vitality and creativity. In between all the unoriginality and shitposting, we've produced a lot of great original content that speaks to something in the soul of the people. Memes, shoops, music, mythologies, humor- it's all coming from here, whether from basement-dwelling NEETs or merely people who appear totally normie on the surface, but just don't fit in.

You look at mainstream sjw-ified culture, and the majority of it is mass-produced top-down cookie cutter soulless prolefeed produced by (((marketing focus groups))) to pander to interest groups and large marketing demographics.
Praise Kek