Why are city people usually more intelligent and left leaning?
Is it because rural and suburban retards inhale cow shit and pesticide all day?
Why are city people usually more intelligent and left leaning?
Is it because rural and suburban retards inhale cow shit and pesticide all day?
No it's due to comfort.
Cities provide convenience, cheap entertainment and the ability to indulge in anonymous vice as no one will likely recognize you one day from another. Comfort everywhere. It breeds people who are soft and emotional - leftists.
Rural people live less comfortable lives and as such do not value emotional or intellectual pursuits as much. Because they have to live practically and in close knit communities.
Here's the thing, Leaf. Neither one is bad. You need both sorts of people to progress as a society. So calm the fuck down and love thy neighbor.
it's because cities are more diverse and the rural and suburban retards are all whites
OP is a faggot
why are cities and the hoards of unwashed, state-dependent parasites from them so objectively horrible????
This leaf is correct and won't be raked.
OP is frustrated virgin
You are a good leaf.
here have my /fit/ edition
Let's be honest here OP, you don't believe that. Cities have the accuracy by volume law on their side so facts might show that, but you know the AVERAGE city dweller is a scum sucking try hard.
Thank you based Leaf
How come all the lowest performing schools are in the inner-cities while the highest performing ones are in suburbs?
City people can't handle their niggers.
hes a big guy
and I'm not talking about the "Old School Astoria" type of people. I'm talking about your fucking shadow chasing retarded generation
Such a silly distinction... I knew that you would have a maple flag though because I've seen some faggot leaf posting this phrase in threads... were you the hip urban genius who decried gun ownership as something that only "rural and suburban retards" would need? Yeah that was you. You like that phrase eh? Why are you so severely insecure and mentally ill?
>taking it up a notch
dang leaf how autistic are you?
for you
AHAHAHAHAHAHA what a buttfukin retard,
city folk are just as retard as everyone else
>conflating education with intelligence
those rural retards have actual job skills, most of these city fags are barely qualified to grind coffee beans and clean toilets.
>be me
>small town
>loads of guns
>diesel truck (2008 duramax)
>cnc jet engine parts
You're the only one still trying to force this meme. I think it's time to stop.
>so intelligent they get fooled into being pawns for kikes
>Be city dweller
>be very smart
>be very unhygienic (check it out, they're dirtbags)
>get stabbed by very smart nigger
>Left leaning
Pick one op.
>the air in the country is more polluted than in the city
If city people are more intelligent , you're not one of them
Not all leafs are bad, you guys.
>replying to 1 post by this ID OPs
how autistic are (You)?
This, but sometimes we need some helicopters.
Ever seen a city dweller out in the woods that didn't seem lost?