Will Trump Build High-Speed Rail?
I can fucking dream.
It goes against the wild west mentality, I'm only for rail in metropolitan areas
i had read that one of the shortlisted items for his infrastructure works is HSR between Dallas and Austin, maybe one of the few corridors it makes sense.
I don't expect him to move on it large scale thank god. He's an airplane guy. He'll refurbish airports.
>railway joins corpus and san antonio
I will never have to drive up i37 ever again
Hell no. We have airlines
What is the appeal of a high speed rail?
if the US was the size of its one state, maybe
tldr the US is too big for project like this. maybe interstate railways connecting a state's metropolitan area to another's, but not this Transcontinental-muh-railrwoads-Vanderbilt Ver.2.
just take a plane - you know, those aluminum tubed that can fly?
>Hell no. We have airlines
No shit. Same cost as air travel and 10x the travel time? No fucking thanks.
Its cheaper to run and much better for the environment than planes (depending how you generate the electricity)
For the consumer its way comfier, because of the lack of weight restrictions they can give you way more space and way better food. Plus the view is better
back to /r/the_donald please
Population density in the U.S. is too sparse for a rail plan like pic related to be economical, so no. Railfags fail to discount for the higher population density in Europe and Japan that makes such systems financially justifiable there.
When Trump talks about improving infrastructure I always think of this. Please let it happen
What? tl;dr has been a thing here forever. The mental midgets at /r/the_donald couldn't invent buttered bread much less a common internet abbreviation.
I hope not, that shit is the oldest government scam in the book.
why do we have proposed rails to mexico?
high-speed deportation
i think tldr after 11 words is dumb. Maybe that was the point.
Or having a tldr that is longer than what it is referencing.
I'll allow it.
What is it with the left's insane obsession with trains? Are they not aware that we have an interstate highway system and hundreds of airports?
but slower is more fun
Trains are more efficient, and its not just the left I don't know where you get that idea
We already have one underground that the government uses to transport political prisoners and aliens and shit.
why rail when there are planes
the USA is not a crowded place like Japan or Europe. Airplanes make much more sense and are more profitable which means the states does not need to intervene with tax money to save the day
>Monterrey to San Antonio in 4 hours
if it were implemented on time, under budget and actually a success for people to use as national transit, then it would be awesome. As a Louisiana resident, I would say instead of a Beaumont so close to houston, and that baton rouge stop being in the wrong spot, that the stop be in Lafayette
And fucking plane crashes.
Fair enough. I assumed he just omitted the longer explanation because god knows none of us want to read a paragraph longer than 5 lines without seeing a meme or two in between
See that yellow part in Louisiana. Going through the Atchafalaya swamp won't be easy. The bridge for I-10 is something like 18 miles long. I hate going to Baton Rouge.
If the left wants trains, have Soros pay for them, he can afford it.
Looks cool
>wild west mentality
That makes no sense. Railroads have been prevalent in the west since at least 1869 when the First Transcontinental Railroad was finished
It takes far too long to be a decent option for long distance travel in the US.
The fastest train trip from New York to LA takes 62 hours. For comparison, it's a little over 6 hours by air. New York to Tokyo is about 14 hours for comparison.
The east coast from Boston to DC or Richmond is about the only area where you've got enough population density to make it worth it and short enough travel times that it could reasonably compete with airlines.
>High Speed rail terminal in Portland, Maine
>Connected to Standard rail out of Bangor, Maine
Jesus, that's right next to where I'll be going to uni. If it's done early I could literally just go with friends to Boston or New York in like a 90 min-120 min trip.
The problem is, rail trips that take more than 4 hours are inefficient compared to air travel. High speed rail should have 4 corridors:
>California - Sacramento San Francisco San Jose Fresno Bakersfield LA San Diego
>Texas - Dallas Austin San Antonio Houston maybe El Paso
> Midwest - Minneapolis Milwaukee Des Moines Chicago Indianapolis Detroit Columbus Cincinnati Cleveland
>New England - Boston Providence Hartford NYC Trenton Philadelphia Baltimore Washington
OP's pic is retarded - nobody in their right mind wants to travel LA-Chicago by train, no matter how fast it is.
How is it that dakatas, wyoming, montana, and idaho have no major cities?
I have serious doubts as to whether he will.
The American network should be straight enough to handle highspeed. All you'd really need to do is uprate the track. You'd have to bypass a lot of shit to make a decent network and it'd cost fuck knows how much, especially considering the U.S's affair with rail is based entirely on freight.
Public transport is socialism.
being stuck in traffic is hell
where you going bro?
>Same cost as air travel
That's because they use freight lines. The freight companies don't give a shit about passenger rail because it doesn't make them money, so you end up stuck behind a freight train.
for the east coast, at least in the north east, you'd need to replace the track and make it straighter to make high speed rail more effecient. they way it is now there is too many bends and curves for the train to take at high speed
plus too many suicides. investigations already take too long instead of well, ok, guy is dead, let's clean up and move along
Chicago to LA took literally 4 days. We were on schedule until some poorfag in coach got raped on the last night.
The two retards who did it (in the bathroom on the lower floor of the car) thought they could get her to keep quiet for the 5 fucking hours left in the train ride before they could get off.
Not surprisingly, she told the staff, who notified the police.
How long to get from NY to LA?
There's literally no point outside of the East Coast and California. It only makes sense in heavily urbanized areas.
> Going through the Midwest at all to connect anything
LOL WTF, what's the cost-benefit ratio? Do you realize just how empty most of the middle of the country is and how massively long your rail lengths would have to be without even any service stations? There will never be Transnational Rail, but Coastal Rail could be fine.
were they niggers?
plus how was the trip overall? scenic? honestly curious
It's a scam! No existing one has ever been profitable, they create a massive security threat, and make it difficult to traverse over
> Cheaper and better for the environment
Maybe in the LOOOOONG term, the up-front costs would be fucking insanely immense, as well as the amount of greenhouse gases generated, cement needed, etc. not to mention how much environment, grassland would be trampled over and built on. It would take an extremely long time for that environmental affect to even be close to outweighed by the minor benefits you get over time, not to mention it's continual maintenance costs.
> The view is better
In the majority of America you were going through outside of highly urban areas (the only areas this would be practical and could/should be done in anyway) you'd be looking at flat grassland and nothig else, nothing special worth viewing.
Trains are definitely not more efficient in most of America, the East Coast and California definitely yes and they should have and build them, but the idea of transcontinental high-speed rail for personal non-cargo use is a retarded non-starter.
Heavily agricultural, never settled much anyway, no major rivers for ports, and cities generally accelerate in their growth, meaning places with cities get more population and you need an initial seed to grow.
>connecting california to the civilized world
seems like a bad idea
It was like at 3 in the morning when they stopped the train somewhere near San Bernardino, so it mostly rumor, but take a guess (absolutely).
It was really something. The only way to do it is if you ride up front (sleeper cabin), and spend most of your day in the observation car, watching, reading, working, etc.
Specifically from CHI to LA, they time it really well, so you leave at 3 pm from Chicago Union Station, and 3 days later, arrive at LA at 7am, and you're only seeing cool stuff during the day. I'd recommend it. Cool geography.
Our stops (that I was aware of) were Chicago, Kansas City, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, a stop at the closest point to the Grand Canyon for those that wanted to get off and go there (the train went on), Phoenix, and then LA.
When we got there (my uncle and I), we scammed Hertz into giving us a yellow convertible Corvette and drove the Ocean Highway. 9/10
roughly 20 hours
Sorry I took so long.
It takes 5 seconds...check mate
Are you retarded?
Only if they go right to a Trump Hotel.
Anons ITT are forgetting about our based Nippon greatest allies.
The cowboy samurai is the most fearsome of the juden enemies. The future is great.
HSR has its merits, but over a massive distance like transcontinental, no merit.
It'd be great for connecting big places together like New England or Cali to Oregon, but connecting Cali to New England would be asstarded.
UMO Engineering college for bioengineering. Bangor is 20 minutes max from Orono. Get some friends together in the morning, drive over, get on the train and take off to NYC.
Mostly agree on the 2nd point, but it actually makes sense to build in the triangle region of DFW- San Antonio- Houston. It's a forming megacity like the NE. And there may be a case to extend to OKC and New Orleans.
No worries, thanks
You're like a little baby. Here, look at this.
too long
bullshit the dinosaurs would have tore that shit up
>between Dallas and Austin, maybe one of the few corridors it makes sense
I can fly to Austin in 55 mins on Southwest for $79.
I can only imagine the cost and time to ride that government boondoggle.
Hows the train to nowhere in cali going?
>you'd be looking at flat grassland and nothig else, nothing special worth viewing.
>cityfags actually believe this
I don't know whether to laugh or to feel pity.
But it only stops in major population centers (cities). Are you really comparing Japan to Europe? Or did you mean single European country? Because population density in Europe might be a little higher than the US but again it is mainly only cities. Across multiple countries. Across a large geographic area even if it isn't as large.
High speed rail is a cheaper alternative to flying and faster (and safer) than long distance driving.
Yes but its going to be underground in tunnels. Its called construction im very good at it.
why the fuck is it going to Cheyene?
If the travel times aren't too high, it could have real appeal to everyone who'd rather just look at their phones the whole time instead of drive.
No we will have cross country rail underground. Not like chinas shitty above ground bullet shit either. Using the earth as protection and infrastructure will allow us to build some speedy trams.
Don't forget, if we reinforce them then we can vacuum out the air, allowing for even faster speeds.
exactly, look at moles and badgers all their tunnels are underground
life finds a way
I have family in denver I have always thought about taking a trip from Bakersfield to Denver but it takes 28 hours longer than flying and I would have to take a taxi in salt lake city to their bus ride just to then get on a 10 hour bus
If you invent a TBM that can easily and inexpensively cut cross continental tunnels, you'll be the richest person on the planet.
How is a rail system not 'wild west?'
No, but will this:
I personally just want interstates with no speed limit
This would honestly be pretty cool as an alternative to flying. Trains right now in the US are fucking slow and really limited so the only real alternative to flying to drive yourself, which is super fucking slow, but pretty much on par with a train ticket.
Probably not happening though.
God I hope not. (((Trains))) are a kike scam that takes over a billion fucking dollars a year in subsidies just to break even. Sad!
Can we meme in into existence?
Trains are more efficient for cargo. For passengers, not so much. One good blizzard can hold up an entire line - a plane can fly over it.
They can't get the high speeds for long enough lengths of track along the coast to make it worthwhile. Not with current tech. They don't talk about that much, that a train that can have the speeds they want safely basically doesn't exist - they're expecting the train manufacturers to just pull trains out of their asses that are safe and can go over 200mph.
It's all a massive boondoggle for matching Fed funds to friends of Democrats. It's already massively overbudget and they've barely started the project.
AT BEST, with everything working right, they are aiming for 2 and a half hours between LA and SF. That's too long for a daily commute. By plane is 45 minutes, and by car is 5 hours. Because it's going up the Central Valley, SF to LA is an 800 mile trip. I'm betting, if the project isn't called off by Trump, will be 3-4 hours for the trip, because they'll never reach the 200mph speeds it needs to even begin to be practical for anything other than tourism.
I could see using it, if they could get a SF - Vegas train that's under 6 hours. I'd go down to LA on special occasions or holidays if it was a 2 and a half hour trip.
And, they have no idea what ticket prices will be.
I'm betting they don't happen. CA can't afford it, and it's just a dumb idea. It was one of Obama's worse legacy projects, and it needs to be killed before it wastes any more money.
For distances smaller than ~550KM/2 hours of travelling time I guess it isn't so bad, but anything beyond that? Don't think so
It's all about the environment. The HSTs are electric, and it theoretically will cut the number of flights between cities. Of course, that's liberal pie in the sky bullshit. And, the environmentalists are NOT happy with the train, either (they're never happy with anything) and are threatening lawsuits constantly.
And, nobody has done much reporting on where the electricity for the trains is coming from, and it's cost.
DC to NYC is the first place it should be tried. There's a massive need for commuters, and it's already a major train conduit.
>Giving Squatemalans and niggers cheap access to the entire country
Shitskin or autist detected, here in PA we deliberately don't want public transportation so the ghetto can't creep outwards. I don't want poor violence-prone ~85 iq brown people invading the entire country for free, and you will not find support on the ground for a pork barrel shit fest like this.
Why are autists always into fucking trains?
yeah and the government got involved in the 19th century and killed it
now they're obsolete and people want government to invest into it just because of some romanticism of commuting to work like some sort of japanese or western european
You are safer in the air, etc. etc.
Try moving 500,000 tons of cargo across the country on planes / trucks versus rail m8
two and a half hours, IF they get trains that can go 200 mph safely. They don't exist. Yet.
I was just reading, China had some, but they had to slow them down for safety reasons.
That's why they can't use existing tracks.
I hope not.
add Las Vegas routes and maybe a phoenix route
It would be more sensible to build a route to south texas, say harlingen or mcallen before el paso. Fuck el paso.
maybe add st louis and KC
>New england
at least add richmond
bretty gud dough
>trains that can go 200 mph safely
>They don't exist
Um, yes they do?