King nigger strikes again.

How long is this uppity nigger going to be a problem for America?

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You mad? Trump talked a lot of shit when Obama was president so he's returning the favor. Stay mad cuckboy

It comes down to it.... you go back to what you know. And that's all he knows.

>your entire legacy is about to be reduced to a al sharpton level race baiter

I have an 8 inch penis; I never get mad, I get horny and rapey

Charge this nigger with inciting a riot, because that's what he's doing.

His hair looks like dirty Velcro. Disgusting!

more hedge fund kike riots
more losses in elections

win win

Till someone gives his black ass a one-way ticket on a plane to Kenya or on a helicopter over the Atlantic. I'll let the President decide which.

God damn it, I never wanted to see that faggots face again.

>your entire legacy is erased in a few days

Do RWDS count as community organizing?

president nigger encouraged chimping throughout his tenure, this is nothing new. i hope people constantly spit in his fucking affirmative action nigger face and he can't go out in public anymore. rot in hell president cluck cluck


Globalist pedophiles are attacking, they know their time is coming.

so poetic

Who is Obama?
All these nobodies out of the woodwork

I thought it was an unwritten rule that presidents just bow out gracefully?

Media Matters and its affiliate Shareblue plan to become the reference point for liberal news media, especially online
In particular, they plan to provide their own "research" to friendly media outlets to push liberal narratives
At the same time, they will try to censor non-aligned outlets, including by having Facebook, Google and Twitter penalize them
They will also heavily push the "fake news" and "Russian propaganda" angles to discredit non-aligned outlets
They intend to deploy social media analytics to catch developing stories as they emerge and direct their shill armies, called "truth squads" (not even kidding), to shape the narrative; this will be done via their proprietary tools and communications network, so it will appear to the outside world as if a genuine grassroots movement is happening
their 2017 budget is $13.4 million, with 81 staff

What a piece of shit.


So, how do you counter Alinsky tactics?

With the 2nd.

you outjew the jew

He has no power here any longer

>So, how do you counter Alinsky tactics?

Food for thought:

Barack Obama is almost certainly regularly consulting with body language experts on how to best make it look like he's not upset about Trump winning, during public appearances.



Utilize his tactics against them. Our only weakness is the community organizing aspect. Plenty of poor people and college kids with nothing to do. Not much available for demonstrations and shit for those not on the right

Until we murder trump in his bed

hey fuck you buddy!!!!

Based Obama.


Man a black man could be walking down the street of where a murder happened and yall would jump on the accusations right there.
The False Flagging is the worse thing about Sup Forums.

Trump BTFO by the King of Niggers, the coolest president America ever had. How will he recover? CAN he even?

Truly unprecedented, the man is trying to restart a fire and we all know exactly what he stood for before he even got into the white house.

Violence is definitely upon us. Get ready boys, we haven't been paying our "fair share."

So (((community organzing))) was a codeword for violent revolution all along?

Honest to God, I wish you could fuck yourself. I truly wish you were capable of just ass-ramming yourself to death for that fucking mongoloid of a response you just presented to all of us. You fucking sat there, and typed out that fucking abortion of a post and probably chuckled to yourself as you went about your day. I seriously just called an old friend to find a coke dealer for me so I could properly verbally acoste you in the feverish state Im currently in. No shit. I just stopped for an hour to buy some coke and came back home to tell you how fucking terribly cuntish and off-putting whatever the fuck you just wrote was. I hope your dad died when you were young and your mom married some refugee from North Korea who became your step-dad. Because you clearly were taught by a sub-human on how to act like a fucking person. Youre a miscarriage of a fucking person. Your fucking refugee father failed you, and failed us. So fuck off with that shit you call an "opinion", and next time just look at pictures of Rome or space or something instead of deciding to contribute anywhere. Because why the fuck not? It would have more of an impact than whatever the fuck you felt you did here today. Fucking cunt.

Now I want a hooker...


Around Whites, Never be Right...

Silent no more king nigger it didn't say king nigger urges community organizing. Its about time there we go brother mashallah

Here's a reply

>how dare he do what I did in 2011 for less time than I did it for!

What did Obama mean by this?

You mean communist?

And nothing to argue back with? Let me tell you something Sup Forumstard, If you know something is wrong explain in full analysis why its wrong. Going on an autistic scoff and saying im wrong is how you make yourself look dumb.

Which you probably are sooo

The audacity of this nigger.

The rest of his fucking life. He'll never go away.


He's not doing a very good job then.

Do you think Trump ever read Obama's letter?

t. purple aki

No more? As if hes been laying low for so long! Its onky.been 10 days. We hardly ever hear from pappa Bush.

Someone get the rope, the old nigger is pretending his opinion still matters.

>How long is this uppity nigger going to be a problem for America?

About negative eight years from now