How do you find devout christian girs with high IQ...

How do you find devout christian girs with high IQ? It seems that the stronger they believe the stupider irl they actually are.

I used to think like that.

I've found that high IQ is very overrated and a good moral foundation is far, far more important for both women and men.

>is religious
>high IQ
Pick one

eat a dick, jew


That's your mistake friend.

You just need a good Christian girl.

Cunts who measure IQ are narcissistic bastards, for the simple reason as knowing it accrues no benefits other than congratulatory masturbation.

That's the thing, you don't want a high IQ qt gf. Somewhere in the 90s to low 100s is the sweet spot.

They don't exist, so you're going to have to remain a virgin while shitposting on Sup Forums for years to come.

Another option is just to go gay. Might be your best chance.


i aint dating no dumbass though

What if I want my kids to be smart?

>It seems that the stronger they believe the stupider irl they actually are
naw, my church has devout doctors, biochemists, concert pianists and psychologists. it is inner-city though, maybe that's the trick

Didn't the highest IQ guy in the US publish something about proving God's existence?

How many children do these "smart people" have?


pick both

OP, women dont NEED to be intelligent, you are either a troll, shill, or nu-male idiot. i bet you money all those 'dumb' christian girls know ACTUALLY USEFUL skills like cooking and tailoring, unlike the atheist whores getting their degrees in 'Political Studies' or some equally worthless crap.

stop falling for marxist death cults you stupid faggots. the white race has been christian until VERY recently due to certain (((forces))).

>stop falling for marxist death cults you stupid faggots
Like Christianity?

Just got married to my university educated polish gf of 6 years. Completely redpilled, loves to fuck, and wants family out in the country.

My advice (this is going to be cheesy) but honestly dude, just be yourself and meme magic will provide. But also be kind and patient. You weren't always redpilled just give people time and don't force it. Forced memes are not cool.

lol i literally cannot help you, sorry about your brain-damage



>was it peer reviewed

Idk, I'm an atheist but there are obviously some high IQ religious people.

>(((peer reviewed)))

you know your type is perfectly welcome on reddit, go there.

dude historical inaccuracy lmao

Read a book.

How smart could someone who has an imaginary friend be?

lol you need reading comprehension to understand books, maybe you should start

You are unfit.

Don't breed.

>marxist nu-male faggot that is too stupid to into spirituality

dont worry bud, you will NEVER pass on your own subhuman genes, but mine will survive since i dont seek out atheist harlots.

Yeah, because Netwon, Godel, and Heisenberg were low IQ individuals, right? I'm not religious either but cunts like you give atheists a bad name.

God bless

High IQ means leftist and atheist.

They were secret atheists, otherwise would be killed by religious nutters.

I knew one, really beautiful and intelligent, she also had a good moral foundation like mentioned. She was homeschooled which may have contributed to it.

High intelligence is nice and all but like the other poster said, good moral foundation, which is usually accompanied by strict but caring parents and religious background, is the best.

Give me that over a woman that listens to jungle beats and twerks like a babboon.

i know quite a few well educated pure christian girls

the truth is they have very high standards while their male counterparts do not,

the amount of pure christian girls 25+ who have never had a bf or sex is astounding

even if you were to find one, they would have incredibly high standards you would not meet


you are a pearl of great price my friend, a backbone of this community

That's up to your swimmers friendo

>High standards
This I did notice with the girl I met, granted she was a bit younger.

Fuck off, Justin

why would you want a high IQ girl?

In what way? Is wanting to keep more of my money necessarily dumb rather than selfish?


It's about living together in a civilized society that takes care of their weak. If you can't understand that, there is no hope for humanity.

If you had more meaningful goals than a vague 'money equals success' philosophy, you would understand.

Good goyim.