Well, Sup Forums... Which is it?
Either blue or purple. Tough call!
>no pill to kill all jews
Only if I can perform character creation on myself first though
I want to be a based elf nazi
black pill.
would take the purple pill since i want the fed to be COMPLETELY and PERMANENTLY abolished, but i'm not huge on the gold standard for the current world economy.
after all, the USD is looking stronger and stronger and capitalism is one big system that i can make money off of by leveraging that power.
green pill no question
The only true pill. The bogdapill.
Obvious BIDF shill thread to distract us from the real dangers in the world. Sage.
Purple because I like Libertarians like Ron Paul
Change green to Fallout and I'll take that ;^)
Skyrim becomes real! I've dreamed of raping a High Elf and impregnating it.
blue: good tier
red: god tier
purple: ok tier
black: hide it so nobody eats it
green: destroy it
Skyrim becomes real
Through the bogpill I will achieve CHIM and rewrite reality to make the aurbis great again
Green, pretty much does everything of the other pills
I'm sick of this world
So many good choices, b-b-b-but muh Skyrim...
The black pill has the largest impact on my life so I choose that one.
I could get a vasectomy and have as much worry free sex as I'd like.
Prostitution would be legalized and with so many women becoming sex workers for easy money I could bang an 8/10 women for a $20.
Green pill
green. gunna get me a lizard GF
nice Philippines flag
Anything but the purple pill is cancer.
Red. Wipe out the three Abrahamic religions or at least seriously damage their belief in God. How could God allow the holy land to be destroyed?
Skyrim would be more war over religion and bullshit.
Green pill, I want off this ride but I don't want to not exist at all. Fuck it, Markarth is comfy.
Green because i want to fuck a dragon lady.
Also the redpill is pretty shit
Cockroaches are capable of surviving even to nukes
If there wars only a pill where i would né geralt and my waifu triss
>skyrim becomes real
OP confirmed for shit tastes
Where's the pill that makes OP die horribly?
>implying the green pill doesn't make it possible to get all the above
If Talos can alter the climate to go from jungle to forest I can alter human history. Just achieve CHIM and mantle Kek.
>Praying for that shit god
Melitele can still save you though
literally bluepilled
If you didn't choose green you're a gigantic faggot
think a little bit about the purple one m8
>not taking the purp pill
STD's kill fags and niggers. Wasted choice.
Black pill, then get fucked into oblivion by ladyboys in Thailand,.
i choose bogdapill
Nuking Jerusalem isn't gonna get rid of the Jews.
Green and I become a Khajit
Yeah but too many trannies nowadays, you could get unlucky.
but i'm not an insecure fedora tipping bitch boy like you, so no, it's not a wasted choice.
stay mad, cletus.
fuck me
>wanting to become a mexican drug dealer
Eew OP
I am heavily considering the red pill
>Wipe out the three Abrahamic religions or at least seriously damage their belief in God.
gg fag, now society will resort to worshiping celebrities or invent new gods.
>Be homo elf
>Powerful mage
>Own Winterhold
>Marry another man
>Adopt children
>Slay dragons
>Build homes
>Travel everywhere by horse
>No electricity except the lightning from my hands
I want this.
Is it just Skyrim or all of tamriel? I don't want to be stuck in nordcuck land I want to go to Morrowind and get a harem of khajit slave bitches
I'm not even a Skyrim fan at all.
But Definately Green.
4 of those don't matter at all if Skyrim was real.
Charlie Sheen helloooo buddy!
that one is my FAVORITE asian tranny
she makes me fuckin diamonds every time
Never should of come here. Skyrim belongs to the Nords
Got to be the blue pill. It's just one off the list.
The Reach belongs to the Forsworn!
I have about a dozen forsworn mods. Removing the Empire and the Stormcloaks is the true red pill.
i would have picked green if it was fallout.
>wanting to be an arthurian welsh mountain britfag
daily reminder that all celts must be exterminated for the glory of the noble Anglo-Saxon race
definitely blue since it's the biggest cancer of all
>1 post by this ID
GTFO Nord shill
my niggas
Green easily, then I could rest easy knowing I'd go to not-Valhalla after I died instead of eternal nothingness
>Heaven that separates out all undesirables
sign me up
all shit
Jerusalem is Christian land
Blue, obviously.
Red isn't necessary as with no opposition save the kikes to concern itself with the crusades would've wiped them out centuries ago (unless it means that Islam did exist up until taking the pill in which case Muslims are worse than kikes any way), purple would just lead to that getting manipulated instead as we see in countries that still have gold backing their currency, ending STD's would do right by niggers, Skyrim is a shit game made by hack devs and your only chance at installing mods comes with the caveat of potentially thinking yourself out of existence.
Blue is the only sensible option.
Green, because I want lizards.
look at me
im the dragonborn now
The rahowa actually happens in Skyrim. I'm taking the greenpill, skyrim belongs to the nords!
Green into Mass Effect and Humanity First, until then, Islam goes extinct
Skyrim becomes real.
I do it for you, and I do it for free.
I will take the bluepill. Just... remember me, and forget the goatfuckers.
>how could God allow the Holy Land to be destroyed?
Bruh he does that EVERY TIME the Jews stop obeying him.
green. The others pail in comparison
Fuck off back to /r/The_Donald.
Checked and kekd
i'm gonna take the green pill
Purple pill, no brainer.
the other options only create more problems
if I take the green pill can I ork?
You seem to know so much about the place, perhaps it is you who ought to fuck off back there
Green, because that necessarily ends Islam, removes Jerusalem, and restores the gold standard.
Don't stick your dick in Khajiit, though. STDs you can't fathom.
>End all STDS
Would help Puerto Rico a lot actually.
Glad too see fellow Chileans choosing purple pill
Purple, I want the satisfaction of curb stomping 11 year old islamic terrorist's and eating killing they're parents in front of them.
Know thy enemy, dumb shill.
the jew world order needs to fail
kick out the jews from all banks, governments, media
I'm colorblind.
Green i will spread the word of our green frog bud and magic to skyrim and gain a qt waifu in the process
Bluepill take the bloody bluepill
(redpill works as well)
blue or red, tough call
checking myself kek has blessed my mission