Here is the truth; Refugees are not the problem

Here are some objective, true facts about terrorism, Islam, Trump's travel bans, and refugees (and some other stuff too):

According to the CATO institute - a well-respected, conservative-leaning Think Tank - 17 people from the countries Trump targeted in his executive order have been convicted of committing or attempting terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. This includes six Iranians, six Sudanese, two Somalis, two Iraqis, one Yemini, and zero Libyans or Syrians - which is where most of the refugees come from! Of those 17, precisely zero of them actually ended in anyone being killed. None. Nada. Not a single death. 0.0000000000000% chance, well and truly zero.


More CATO institute facts: of the 3.2 million refugees admitted to the United States since 1975, 20 of them have attempted to commit a terrorist attack - meaning 1 in 162,625 refugees admitted to the U.S. were terrorists. And among those, only 3 Americans were killed, total. That puts the risk of being killed by a refugee terrorist at a whopping 1 in 3.6 billion per year. Which is reaaaaaaally close to zero, like rounding-to-eight-decimals-makes-it-zero close. Oh, and all 3 of those were in the late 1970s.

(And before you say, "But we don't know what *future* refugees are going to do! And besides, any number of terrorists is too many," I want you to sit down and think for a second about why that is an inherently flawed argument that could be applied to shut down *any* potential risk.)

Other urls found in this thread:


Again, according to the CATO institute, Americans have a 1 in 3.6 million chance, per year, of being killed in terrorist attacks committed by a foreigner - and this is including the attack on the World Trade Center, which killed about 3000 people. Without that, it gets MUCH lower, down to background levels. I quote, "The [9/11] attacks were a horrendous crime, but they were also a dramatic outlier."


For comparison, your odds of being struck by lightning in a given year are about 1 in 1.04 million, according to the National Weather Service.


And your odds of dying in a suicide are a staggering 1 in 7462.7, according to the CDC (just simplify 13.4/100,000), which is over 450 times more likely than dying in a terrorist attack (including the enormous outlier that is 9/11).


So why did Trump target those countries and those refugees, specifically? And why are we all so worried about terrorism in general, and not more worried about lightning or suicide? I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader.

Another interesting tidbit: the Islamic State currently has between 20,000 and 25,000 fighters. This is according to the U.S. military, as reported by Fox News (which, as you all know, leans well to the right).


what anime is that



That is really not very many people for an organization that some people think is an 'existential threat to the United States.'

For comparison, the number of people who are self-described Scientologists in the United States is 55,000, according to the American Religious Identification Survey. I'm not sure if that should make you less afraid of ISIS or more afraid of the Church of Scientology, but hey. Both numbers are pretty small, compared to the ~350 million American citizens.


One more for good measure: according to the Pew Research Center, well-respected independent fact-tank on world religion, a total of 38,901 Muslim refugees entered the U.S. in fiscal year 2016, making up not-quite half (46%) of the nearly 85,000 refugees who entered the country in that period. Almost the same number of Christian (37,521, or about 44% of the total) as Muslim refugees were admitted in fiscal 2016. The total of 85,000 refugees only makes up less than 1 in 10 of the about 1,000,000 immigrants granted lawful permanent residency in the U.S. So no, we don't have some kind of 'Flood of refugees.'


Those all seem like pretty small numbers to me - I think we should be accepting *more* refugees - but that's my opinion. I'm just presenting facts.

>Refugees are not the problem

Indeed, they are a symptom. Jews are the problem.

How about somali gangs gunning people in non-terrorist violence acts?

I think it's the one with the guy that jerks it to that comatose chick

You're right, the problem lies with the kikes and people like you letting in these savages.

gotta protect my generations

Neon Genesis Alexandra Gaier


In other words - terrorism is a cherry on the top. Real problem with ME/NA immigrants is their low impulse control and violent culture making them maladjusted to living in a developed society.

All I have to do is look towards Germany and Sweden and how everyone is anti-white.

Nice fairytale there. How is your wifes son doing btw?

>And people like you letting in those savages.

And you didn't even bother reading the post, because it doesn't conform to your myopic worldview on refugees. Who would've known

>this nigger thinking he's "striking the heart of the alt-right movement" or some shit

No one cares
Post more Alexandra

>coming to Sup Forums and posting logical arguments

You're in the wrong place. Despite the sticky of logical fallacies, this place is rife with them. Take this reason and logic elsewhere.

I would lick her taint

Non-white immigration into white countries is the problem

>nonwhites are not the problem
Ya sure

The problem with Germany and Sweden, Europe's migrant crisis, is because half of the refugees don't have jobs, at least according to CATO. Second source, 2/3 of the way down.

I would think the same people who call libs "emotional snowflakes that don't listen to logic" have statistics to at least back their claim instead of emotional fearmongering

Media Matters and its affiliate Shareblue plan to become the reference point for liberal news media, especially online
In particular, they plan to provide their own "research" to friendly media outlets to push liberal narratives
At the same time, they will try to censor non-aligned outlets, including by having Facebook, Google and Twitter penalize them
They will also heavily push the "fake news" and "Russian propaganda" angles to discredit non-aligned outlets
They intend to deploy social media analytics to catch developing stories as they emerge and direct their shill armies, called "truth squads" (not even kidding), to shape the narrative; this will be done via their proprietary tools and communications network, so it will appear to the outside world as if a genuine grassroots movement is happening
their 2017 budget is $13.4 million, with 81 staff

I should hope so

But they spread their shitty culture, rape women, live on welfare and build mosques. Refugees is not a problem in sweden then, cause no terrorattack has happened yet.

Regardless, they should not be let in. Or they should be thoroughly screened many times and checked on from time to time by the NSA.

One bad apple spoils the bunch.

You appear to like anime. Why don't we just check and make sure though? I wouldn't want someone just using an anime picture to try to fit in. What's a good question...

Who's the last angel?

Damn. Fucking. Shit.

It's more than 50% who does not have jobs, and thats just one of many problems. Would you also jump of a cliff if CATO told you to?





posting hot women and linking to cato/appeal to authority

a true jew



Okkie dokki uhh uhh

oh wtf she deer

I bet she tastes like strawberries

I could strangle her all night long

It's well known that immigrants aren't the problem, it's the second generation of immigrants that start killing people.

>implying any Sup Forumsack really gives a shit about terrorism
its about their culture and their race. You do not need to commit crimes and terror to promote it as can be seen by the scores of homegrown terror scums and the insane crime rates of second and third generation immigrants from middle eastern and African countries.

This is not "PC" so its worded as a defence against terror even though its just a general denial of their disgusting culture.

Outside of threats to local power-grids (which would be accomplished by 8 guys in 3 trucks with basic tools and some know-how, read: can google) I'm nearly completely unconcerned about terror threats. Well, aside from that and biological/chemical/dirty bomb/etc threats. Ain't scared a lick of some scum with visions of Paradise awaiting him, holding the trigger down on a Kalashnikov and hollering snackbar. It is statistically insignificant for me as a threat; especially since I do not reside in an urban area nor do I wish to

personally, I desire for the nation that I live in to be comprised of the most intelligent, productive, innovative individuals; obligatorily well-equipped to thrive and contribute to post-industrial Western society. Allowing significant numbers of individuals from nations with a mean IQ quite lower than the US is at odds with this desire. Sure, individuals on a case-by-case basis with a good chance at quick assimilation and possessing skills that are in severe shortage can come on in. Make it easier than hell for them!

Is there any decent utilitarian argument against this? I'm well-aware of the moral highground that can be taken; that it makes a person selfish to think this way or that it betrays what someone may view as "traditionally american" values.

>17 people from the countries Trump targeted in his executive order have been convicted of committing or attempting terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.

And this year, 0 will be

What's the issue?
I don't think people really "get it". This has nothing to do with people. This is a military strategy.

He's about to blow the shit out of those countries, that's why he's blocking people from coming in. he's going to take out ISIS.

Didn't bother reading any of your drivel because you're basically advocating for white genocide. Non-whites are part of the problem, multiculturalism is a failure.

>is because half of the refugees don't have jobs
they are refugees they are should not be allowed to work and thus steal jobs from the people who gives them shelter. Refugees are expected to return and not stay after all. Refugees looks for shelter to weather the storm not a new home. Denmark housed over 200.000 German refugees after WW2 and they all were moved back to Germany over a couple of years.

This policy is not followed in Germany and therefore you see the disastrous results unfold.

The muslim ban is a good thing. It sends a loud and clear message to muslims across the globe that their brand of religious fanaticism is not wanted in the west. Obama and Merkel kept making excuses for Islam as hundreds died across the globe due to it's radical teachings. Maybe now muslims will take a moment of self reflection and realize why people are scared of them and why people don't want them living near them.

And now you have a 0 in 3.6 m chance.

What's the issue? People might die from American shit in America, but at least people won't die from foreign shit in America.

It's not like Asians, Indian and Europeans come here and commit terror acts on behalf of their religion. It's an isolated problem.


The math keks out.

>I would think the same people who call libs "emotional snowflakes that don't listen to logic" have statistics to at least back their claim

Like black crime statistics?
Both sides suck I'll cum in both your girlfriends

What specific benefit is there in taking in refugees to the American people?

Indeed. Praise him!

White genocide does not exist and your irrational fearmongering is the reason why both liberals and conservatives laugh at you and your pathetic posture.

Also, the sheer fact that you didn't even bother reading about the minute impact refugees have on America via articles and op-eds show me that you are just a precious little snowflake who doesn't care about facts or logic

I'd say it's their culture that's the problem and not terrorist attacks, You can't just pluck people from the Middle-East and North Africa and put them in a civilised country and expect them to follow Western values.

None. OP is a globalist kike that wants to get culturally enriched.

Vague economic gains that pan out several generations from now if everyone isn't dead from Jihad.

that fee fee you feel in your fat burger stomach. That is about it.

also perhaps some cheap useless labor like even more shitty Mexican.


When the percentage of whites goes down, the crime percentage goes up. Not a coincidence at all, the current state of Sweden and Germany are perfect examples of why muslims shouldn't be allowed in. Your only argument is #notallshitskins, you must be a shitskin yourself.

t. achmed

>White genocide does not exist
nice argument there mate.
>White genocide does exist
See I can make statements too. Does it mean that I am right cunt?

Even though I agree with you about white genocide not existing I am just so fucking tired of you cunts just making definitive statements without anything to back up your claims.

i hope you die

Bullshit. How about their "american" kids?

An idea is different than a gun.

The real problem with refugees isn't so much terrorism. Sure, the threat exists, but the real problem is rape. Rape of both our women and our culture.


This. There's nothing wrong with wanting to enforce one's borders to preserve your own culture. Liberals spout just how great diversity is yet they want to destroy the diversity that the cultures around our world possess.


The sell is hard on this one.

The western perspective and the Islamic perspective are contrary.
That is a plain fucking fact.
They cannot keep their faith remotely in the west and assimilate at the same time.
They are not worth the risk.

Who cares.

I don't want them here.

also this "reasoning" about you having a higher % chance of dying of something else than terrorism is not an argument for anything other than priorities.

>your odds of being struck by lightning in a given year are about 1 in 1.04 million, according to the National Weather Service.

and can we make laws that will effect these numbers? no? oh but can we make laws that effect the number of terror attacks, murders and general crime?

>And your odds of dying in a suicide are a staggering 1 in 7462.7, according to the CDC (just simplify 13.4/100,000), which is over 450 times more likely than dying in a terrorist attack (including the enormous outlier that is 9/11).

"odds"? hahaha sure and your odds of dying in a car accident is MUCH MUCH higher than you getting murdered. So lets just ignore the murders because more people die in car accidents.

>And why are we all so worried about terrorism in general, and not more worried about lightning or suicide?
You people are fucking moronic. Because terrorism is forced upon you against your will. Suicide is a done by your own free will. And lighting.... yeah because we can really control the weather right? So we focus on stuff that we can actually control and change. Also implying the western world does not try and prevent suicides and lower the amounts.

>"You have 0.0000001% chance of getting hit by lightning"
>"here hold this lightning rod"

>the levels of anal leakage causing chemicals in these potato chips are lower than FDA regulations dictate.
>here, Eat away

Riddle me this. How much does it cost taxpayers to import the average refugee? If it's more than they will contribute we can help them where they are.

>Sweden turning into a shithole
>germany turning into a shithole
>france turning into a shithole
>UK turning into a shithole
>"Why would you not want to take these refugees??? They won't hurt you!"


did you know that you have a 0000000000.1% to die in a lion attack in America? Here walk into this lion enclosure.

>it's not very likely that you'll be killed by muslims so just ignore it, goy
>now let them into your country so they can suck up welfare and breed like rats and bastardize your culture kekeke

alright abe

Didn't even read past the thread title.

Fuck off Asuka.

There's a 99% chance you won't get aids from cunnilingus.
Here, eat this aids having bitch's pussy
Yum, yum!

You do know that most of the refugees in Europe are from Africa/Pakistani right?

We're only 23 million but holy shit now that everyone is a Syrian we're at least 100 million lad

I'm just here for Alexandra. Post more qts


Japan takes no muslims.

Why dont (((liberals))) attack Japan or Israel for not taking refugees?

>Implying the only negative associated with refugees is the possibility of terrorism.

Don't do that.

the U.S. is insulated from hordes of refugees by the ocean. even without looking at any data it's doubtful that they're a significant problem here desu. it's so dumb that this is what's playing on the media constantly.

GTFO you dumb bitch. It doesn't fucking matter. They are being banned as a test run to fixing the vetting process fuck off and good night. OP of course was a faggit.

Dont forget to sage guys

why dont liberal faggots cry abou japan or Israel not taking in muslims?

Why is it automatically that whte countries have to take in the world's trash, or we are 'racist'?

Fuck arabs and whoever else thinks they 'deserve' to live here.

this isn't anzu please delet thread thanks

Why is it just about terrorism? just look at crime statistics in europe for migrants. Assault, Robbery, Rape and Murder

The problem is not Muslims, it's misdirection. The problem is one of White Genocide. 1st stop the flow, 2nd remove Kebab and Taco-bowls. 3rd MAGA

>hey you dumb drumpftard
>No Syrians have caused a terrorist attack on U.S. Soil!
>Just ignore the fact they have attacked Europeans!
>Also you dumb drumpftard, why do you have a problem with letting people come to the US with no documentation from an enemy state in the middle of a civil war?

Who gives a fuck really? We don't need these people. Also Iran? WHY DO WE LET IN ANYONE FROM IRAN COME HERE UNLESS THEY ARE A TRUE DEFECTOR?!?! People in Iran are taught since birth to hate the "great satan" USA and that the "USA and Infidels must burn."


An anzu is fine too


I don't give a shit about terrorism, I give a shit about average crime rates, cultural destruction, the ideology of islam displacing whole communities, etc.
>tfw you thought this was about terrorism.