I am Justin Trudeau. Ask me anything
I am Justin Trudeau. Ask me anything
why so faggot
Y r u gay
race war when?
What hair products do you use?
why are your citizens shooting up mosques?
Why do you want to destroy your nation?
show tits or gtfo
Is hating your country and loving 3rd world degenerates just a part of your genetics?
Your waste of skin father had the same problem.
why are you such a neo-liberal cuck? You being the bastard child of Fidel Castro is a start, but I want confirmation.
If our enemies kill us, do we win?
All is proceeding according to keikau. You think letting in these Muslims was just a kind gesture
Fuck off Trudeau!
This is Trump's board now.
The world has grown bored of you. You're so "it's 2016".
Why do you love muslim cock in your mouth over black, asian and white cock?
How do you fit a 5m dildo up your arse on a daily basis?
You ip has been noted comrade
Fidel was a great man
Yes this is why we don't have the death penalty
If I took that mask off, would you win?
>be trudeau
>someone calls me a faggot
>cry inside but know that by killing my spirit i win
>decide not to kms today
fuck you. open borders for all not just your fetish
Trump has noting on me. You think he's putins bitch? You have no idea
Why don't you come very and we'll find out
hello pm of ((eastern canada)).
if we ban trump from twitter will you ban yourself from taking selfies?
deport chinks pls
if a fire was burning down your grandmother's house, and your grandmother is inside the house, would you put out said fire? If you put out said fire and save your grandmother, does the fire win?
No but it would he vary painful
No Muslims are the only race willing to kill themselves and others for a fake causee. The catholics would just start raping minors and the Mexicans have there disgusting poo sex
Can you send nudes?
where is my ice cream?
Where else would I get my power from?
I would say that a white man started the fire
If you resigned tomorrow, who would take your place as Interim PM or Interim leader of the Liberals?
Would they be as retarded as you?
How big is your dick?
I'm guessing 8inches at least
Why is getting pegged your preferred sexual activity?