What does Sup Forums think of festivals like Burning Man?

> Go out to the desert
> Create governance free, self organising and self sufficient society
> Build structures far removed from modern sterile aesthetics and function
> Explore primitive, human biological nature
> Ritualistic practice with fire
> Filled with degenerates

There are lots of conflicting things here Sup Forums. Is this heaven or hell?

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I'm not into that hippy shit and even less into drugs and STDs.

> Filled with degenerates

it took a while, but you nailed it

they were created for champagne liberals with no music taste.

it explains why the radio plays diabetic trash

Great place to get herpes.

there's literally nothing conflicting about it, it's all trash top to bottom, trash people trash idea trash art trash music

I wouldn't mind watching that chick fuck 20 refugees of you know what I mean

it used to be ok but now not only is it filled with degenerates but rich lily liberals destroyed it

A bunch of pigs who want an excuse to take drugs and fuck each other like animals.

that sounds gay as fuck
ill just do drugs at home and call over a girl or two

Nuke it from space

I'm pretty sure it costs like 200 dollars to participate in. Its just hippies 2.0 except they're all rich now and that's too being hippies after a few days. A desert is a retarded place to try to create a self-sufficient community to begin with as well, especially for white people who come from places with forests and plants other than cactuses and tumbleweeds.

Sounds exactly like a Persian Zoroastrian festival

Does anybody know if this is intended? It seems too much like it..

> Go out to the desert and take part in an event for the liberal super rich tech elite people to show off at
Naw, bro. Bro, Naw.

So is pol full of virgins?

>trash culture
>trash music
>hippie fags
>""""alternative"""" women

it's shit


Gross tbqh

>self sufficient society

been three times. filled with degeneracy but its fun as fuck.

This is just artsy fartsy people doing artsy fartsy things that are weird to outsiders or anyone that actually has a life. Such privileged children.

I fucked a girl 5 years ago.

I betcha after the first couple of days the reek of BO must be unbearable

>Faggots. Faggots everywhere.

t. every festival ever

>go to festivals for sex
>girls too fucked up to remember to file rape reports
>not a virgin yeeeeeee

fuck you you piece of garbage

Please more pics of tits at Burning Man

Degeneracy, obviously. liberals are sad.

I went to it once actually. It's all pretty lame and boring, and the hot girls there are so dirty that I turned down sex from them because I was genuinely worried about getting an STD. I almost never do that either, I'm a desperate degenerate sex addict and these chicks were too slutty even for me. Even the drugs at Burning Man were disappointing because it was just watered down LSD and MDMA, and you had to be careful because cops patrol the camps.

It's like the fakest form of DUDEWEEDLMAO hippie degeneracy shit you can find. This guy has it right, it's a tourist trap festival to separate retarded normie posers from their money.


lol this happened to my mate.

>go to america
>go to burning man
>get herpes

It could do with some white phosphorus, spice things up a little.

the hippie shit looks stupid af. but drugs are based and every redpilled person should take drugs

cesspitt of drugs, aids, mental illness and desperation

its just a bunch of privledge white people

its the most anti sjw thing you can think of no niggers no nothing frankly surprised it still exists

Burning Man was created by exemplary, high-minded people for the purpose of shedding the controls that society has over us to explore and embody our souls in a safe, free context.

It was always doomed to fail because any time you remove restraint in a large enough space (one that can't be controlled by watching who comes in and out), lowlives start to become attracted to it like flies.

For high-minded people, "no rules" means "free to be our best selves." For the ratty masses that have glommed on to Burning Man, "no rules" means "I can get away with anything I want."

Only under tight restriction can we have the space we need to be our best. We simply cannot include everyone.

Burning man has become a commercial pile of shit.

It's a fucking corporate sponsored politi-fuck-fest packed with a bunch of shit-heeled fucktards playing a larpy game of anarcho-woodstockery.

I love the idea of what it used to never be though...

What camping? Its an escape but certainly no heaven or hell.

/r/ing picture of all the fucking trash left after Burning Man


burning man is an obvious annexed event turned psyop

degenerate playground
many such cases
hedonism is tiresome

it was cool back in the day
now it's new age hippie wannabes
they arrive in the bmw with their 2k dollar handbag and smoke other people's weed

>be me
>go to burning man
>trip balls on acid and molly
>get my dick sucked
>leave with burning dick

Was cool then rich people ruined it

>go to Burning Man
>get a Burning Dick

Not worth.

instead of going to the overpriced shit that is burning man go to the Tipper and friends campouts in florida that have sphongle go every year ;) its like 200$ for a weekend of camping and REAL hippies. and REAL music. youtube.com/watch?v=QvI-ywdjRNo&index=2&list=RDeRm-QuBXkw0

Same as any other drug fueled party, just much larger in scale.

If you do these things from time to time in moderation it's fine, but if it's your identity you're just human sludge. Burning man in particular tends to attract a high amount of do-nothing thunder cunts and cock weasels.

>Conservatives and libertarians flee society to simply not deal with bullshit
>Liberals create new bullshit when they flee society and take all their problems with them

It all checks out.

>take tools and resources and materials from society.
>run off inna woods "playa"
>build party shit
>>>muh culture is worth sharing with others!!!
>>>>come do this with me!!!!!

anyone heard of Evolvefest?

I randomly found one of their pages one day, and it is weird as fuck. Apparently it started out as some hippie festival a la burning man in Pennsylvania, but the guy organizing it took a whole bottle full of redpills and tried to rebrand it as an 'Alt-Right' festival. He started posting Evalion videos and a bunch of Sup Forums stuff, and it caused a bit of a furor on the usual internet clickbait sites.

It's free and full of half nude hippies. Of course you get the drug crowd showing up. Plus people who want to take advantage of drugged up chicks or simply come there to try and get laid.

if it were full of anything other than liberal rich kids who just want to get high and fuck each other it'd be pretty cool, but as is the standard, liberal rich kids make things suck. the music is bad, the women are dirty, and the drugs are pretty weak

dude... i went last year, fricken unbelievable production... didn't know Sup Forums got down with TIpper

one could go as far to say that now HE'S the burning man

it's absolutely not free. it's over a thousand dollars.

Fucking degenerate.

;) not pol. just me, and other fellow compadres of sound.

$200? Pretty sure the tickets are closer to $800. It's for rich liberals

how can i find you so that we can link up this year

>Self sustaining

I wouldn't mind exploring her inner self.

It illustrates how something pure and virtuous becomes corrupted by gradual corporate sponsorship.


what in the fuck does that even mean

Sounds good if it's only white people, but once black people and other shitskins get involved, I wouldn't trust it.

just hit me up at my soundcloud page soundcloud.com/flauzhelin :3


We're a civilized and technologically advanced species and these people are actively seeking to participate in uncivilized stone age bullshit. People who tend to gravitate towards older things (think steampunk, victorian hipsters, vinylfags) tend to be extremely unbearable so it makes sense that the hippie desert show is a cesspool.

The entire event is a swarm of degeneracy.
Hippies invented it to have an excuse to not work for a week.

These festivals are a good example of liberals not recognising that something actually directly conflicts with their values, then hijacking it for their own virtue signalling.

Once a year I go to a Mad Max themed desert festival called Wasteland Weekend. It's amazing, it's really rough out there and less artsy than Burning Man. It's the only place where I can dress and act like a fascist, and it's fine because people think that I'm just LARPing and don't unironically believe in it.


a gathering of degenerates, a good place to get indoctrinated with marxist hippie propaganda.

people who are not interested in history and doesn't gravitate towards older things are usually shallow and materialistic normie retards or dindus

Go to Wasteland Weekend, it's much better it's way rougher and panders less to hippies. I got to meet the winner of the car contest, his costume and auto were both Hussar themed. He talked to me about how he wanted to honor the defenders of Europe. There were almost no non-white people there too, a rare experience for a Californian.

you know how you feel sick after too much candy?

>probably you fatty

thats what this music is. no real musical components just sugary ornamentation shoved into your ear holes

People have the dumbest opinions of these things. Most of this thread has no idea wtf that place is about. Taking drugs there is not the best way to spend your time there, you'll be suffering from the heat. The place is about self development and connecting with other people. Experiencing a culture where people go all out on art installations and money's usefulness is severely diminished in favor of supply trade. The whole point is to mix yourself into a community and you get more out of what you put in.

>Thinking festivals are about sex
1/2th of Sup Forums would rather sit in a basement and cry degeneracy. Festivals are completely spiritual, if you miss that part then I think you missed the true value of the experience.

Über hipster oldfags complaining about newfags and how BM used to be good.

Massive butthurt when Simpsons did a Burning Man episode.

I like desert festivals. Burning Man is only one of them, and it panders most to hippies desu, but I can tolerate them. I do Yoga occasionally too and I know that 99% of the people there are oppositely aligned from me politically, but there's still something worthwhile there for me despite the fact that the scene is culturally dominated by Berniecucks,

desu i'd go to one of these and get really drunk, play music and try to get laid if there was one in the rust belt and they weren't prohibitively expensive

but there isn't, so i'll spend my money on kickboxing class

There are similar things away from the desert. I went to Backwoods Music Festival (Oklahoma) in 2015 and I had a great time.

yeah sounds cool, but that's still a long drive. Wish there was something more in the detroit / columbus / chicago vicinity.

I suppose there's gathering of the juggalos, lel

Electric Forest. I think it's in Michigan or Wisconsin. These aren't really places to get drunk though, it's more about DUDEWEEDLMAO and psychedelic drugs.

sounds cool, it's in Michigan, I'll check it out.
believe me i luv 420BLAZEIT but i'm a big guy (for you) now, with a job that may or may not demand hair samples

Gotta try it

people need an excuse to take drugs and fuck? i don't want to live in this world anymore

can i go too? i can get mushies:)

Stop shilling here. I'm a burner, same as you, mostly regionals, but don't bring this shit here. It's disingenuous and unearnest.

I went in 2010. The only confrontation I participated in was bagging on some low level astrology hippie chick trying to explain how the position of pluto at the moment of your birth has a bearing on your disposition in life.
I cant even imagine if I went now, I dont think I could last all week without knocking someone out.

Why do rules prevent these supposedly high minded people from "being their best selves"?

Is there a rule that you have to be a piece of shit unless you are on acid banging on bongos in the dessert?

Pretty much. There's a lot of people at those places who are not people i'd ever associate with but it's foolish to write off the entire thing. I prefer temperate festivals because they're still plenty hot but feeling like I'm dying the whole time helps with the whole meaningful experience thing

serious question guys.

i have a relatively open minded and adventurous girlfriend from Asia who is trying to go to this. Should i be concerned?

I think she just wants to try it out.

If shes going, you need to as well.

>Just another "event" where people go to take drugs with each other.

its garbage.

This is why we need to legalize drugs. So corporations can turn you hippie shit heads off of them.

It's not corporations that are the problem it's the fact that it's open to anyone and thus becomes filled with the lowest common denominator. These "people" are basically a form of livestock, like consumer-cattle hybrids. Corporations just follow them like the Sioux used to follow the herds of Bison across the plains.

I heard it was awesome at the start but now it's main stream and infected with corporate crap.

I would only go if you could legally drink there.

Shell still try to fuck some hippie guy or girl even if you go so just make sure yourr a part of it

The same rules that prevent lowlifes from being their worst selves.

Authoritarian society is polite society.

went to a few of those.

most of the girls had been raped and/or molested as young kids

beyond that it was fun to get high as balls on lsd

all in all i rate it a 7/10 experience

I went to Burning Man in 2014, it was cool. Wouldn't go again.

Booking my ticket now, YOLO

>Burning Man refers to his genitals being on fire
