This is deep.
This is deep
That mudslime is secretly a man and is grabbing Lady Liberty by the pussy.
>what would really happen
Why'd they give lady liberty Nigger lips?
you know she's a muslim because she's wearing the thing that lets her go outside without signalling to muslim men that it's okay to rape her.
i see a french statue hugging a woman wearing a hijab
what virtues are you trying signal op?
This is deeper
Waaaay deeper
Put a suicide vest on the muzzie and it's completely accurate.
Two french girls, how progressive!
Daily reminder that the statue of liberty should be sent back to france
"""""""""""""Lady"""""""""" Liberty is a tranny, so its alright
Was it kino?
Someone post the one where she says "allahu akbar" and then explodes
>Two girls hugging
Allah disapprove.
That's the edited version, user.
I lol'd
is that guys dick like 2 inches long? and who the fuck thinks machine gun fucking is actually good? jesus
the left is so cynically evil. They know muslims are evil. but they find them useful anyway to further their cause.
Yeah, really makes the noggins churn.
Some fags are making fun of this foto
Learn the history and origine of statue of liberty
How do you fuck up lady liberty's face?
Especially since they're trying to give the statue nigger features.
>one three word sentence.
>faceberg flotsam
I'm sure the New Yorkers affected by 9/11 would love seeing this.
Fuck. I tried to fix it but someone beat me to it
No, they are naive. A baby isn't cynical because it shits it's diaper, it honestly just shits themselves.
>juggalo rabbit fucking
no thanks
>muh poor oppressed muslim women
>muslims are evil
man, what muslims have you actually met? ignorance
what did he mean by this
It's like people don't remember American history...
>Give us your tired, poor, huddled masses...unless they're Irish, Papist scum...
>OK the Irish can stay, but fuck Italy and Spain, they're barely even white!
>Alright Fine, Italy and Spain are OK but Eastern Europe? No Way!
>OK Europeans are alright, but the Chinese are getting in over my dead body!
This image only makes sense if Lady Liberty is protecting with woman from Islam. Lady Liberty were she an actual person would hate Islam more than anyone. There is no liberty in Islam.
Reminds me that we haven't seen muslim threads in a while.
Did we purge them? Or did they go die in a ditch somewhere in the middle east when they realized they weren't as "moderate" as they thought they were?
Liberal cucks need to lay off the Soro-globalism dick
Nah, just a lookalike sadly.
Why are leftists so good at drawing faces that are irritating to look at?
underrated kek
What are you exactly trying to say?
None of those people regularly murdered our own people.
>wearing a hijab
>symbol of liberty
How fucking stupid are these people?
Aren't most of the immigrants men?
I dun get it. girls love it when u churn it like butter. I only pound it like that when I'm mad
So many people are trying to frame this travel ban, or even the whole anti-muslim sentiment as "Un-American"(Bringing the Statue of Liberty into it), but that's just not true.
Every wave of immigrants to this country has tried to slam the door shut behind them
Boston in the mid-late 19th century was almost consumed by Catholic Irish and Protestant Ango-Saxons trying to kill each other and burning each others' neighborhoods down. It's not 100% the same thing but sectarian violence did sometimes break out between groups of immigrants and either other immigrants, or people who had been in the US for 2-3 generations.
This whole thing fucking pisses me off.
Trump's ban isn't a Muslim ban, it's a ban on nations that "happen" to be Muslim majority. But Christians and other people of those nations also can't get into the US. So if Christians from those countries can't get into the US, then obviously the ban isn't just a Muslim ban.
All this is just the liberal media trying BS people with a false narrative like fucking always.
You can be something other than mad?
this guy is deep in white pussy
Sure, maybe if you are 10.
What the fuck is wrong with just saying we don't want them here? Why do hide behind this plausible deniability?
We choose who comes here and the manner in which they come. Period.
Nobody has a claim to anything in this country aside from its citizens.
Of course people want to come here, the fact that we keep them out is part of the reason it's nice.
People need to stop selling out our birthright and future in the name of acceptance and equality
The thing is, the nations he's banning arent even the nations with the highest muslim population, just the most terrorists.
>those afgans
i'm beginning to understand why muslims cover their women's faces
I don't get it, the muslim ban got the statue of liberty too? I mean that thing is french.
leaf post best post
He's saying the nation of immigrants mantra parroted by liberals is a sham, at least their perception of it is. The idea that random, poor, persecuted people were welcomed with open arms to the Unites States is a misconception purposely construed to affect the mindset of modern Americans who otherwise might be rational regarding immigration. People were let in, sure, but resistance to immigrants, especially those who weren't WASPs, isn't anything new, Nativism attests to that. Hell, Irish, English, and German immigrants of the early 1800s who were persecuted first later formed the nativist groups of the Gilded aged once Mediterranean shitskins and eastern Euros started showing up. And don't even get me started on the Chinese Exclusion Act. The effects of unlimited immigration on labor, how it kills the living of wage earners and stuffs the pockets of the business elites, all has been experienced and fought against before and the battle still isn't won; it's grown worse with the rise and dominance of global corporations. All of these issues, this history and nuance is brushed over or else completely erased from liberal, leftist, globalist debate because it goes against their narrative. And they have the gaul to call us uninformed of history when they willingly forget the important parts because actually being educated in real history would cause the pro immigrant cause as we know it to collapse under its own retardation.
I would go on but I just realized my autism, fuck me and fuck the damn jews.
I see. I welcome your autism with open arms as it has shone a light on my eyes. Thank you.
this is deeper
I'll counter propaganda with fact.
>A symbol of freedom hugging a girl who is wearing a cloth that symbolizes her objectification and oppression as a second class human being
indeed it is