Leftists are losing their minds. Top Kek!
newfag go back and stay there. fucking normalfags
i can't even imagine all the cognitive dissonance and manufactured stress the leftists have been feeling for the past few weeks, it must be really unpleasant though
>yfw Trump really is going to be the next Hitler
The role playing is real
I love it so much. Every day is like Christmas.
Oh probably, they're dropping like flies from it.
My normiebook feed is even more beautiful.
The best part is that moderates like my parents and sister are getting beyond pissed off at the bullshit that's going on, my sister was pissed as fuck that the protests delayed her getting to the airport, and a highway protest once made my dad miss half his shift.
>tfw you're getting unsure about Trump and then you read reddit
Post some stuff. I wanna taste the salt from their tears.
>that hatred towards Richard Nixon
The REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE coming daily from dailykos,Reddit,salon,motherjones, and democraticunderground keeps so cozy
These people are mentally ill. How are your people going completely over bunkers over a little Muslim ban that will end in 90 days? Imagine what's gonna happen if he actually passes some serious right wing legislation..
America is fucked and bound for civil unrest for the forseeable future.. am I wrong burgers? How are things holding up?
This will surely be the end of Drumpf!
>yfw Trump was right and you're starting to get sick of winning.
How can we combat victory fatigue?
The truth is, the media is pushing this harder than people think.
People are getting real fucking sick of the lefts shit. It won't be long now before people just want Trump to fuck over the Democrats by any means.
>Talking shit about Denethor
Fucking cunt. Denethor held back Mordor for decades with no help and Sauron drove him insane.
Yet they wanted Nixon 2.0 aka Crooked Hillary aka Side Of Beef Chucked Into a Vehicle aka Rapist Enabler aka Bill Clinton Attack Dog
These leftists sat back in total bliss as obama increased the power of the federal government but we president now and they are right to be afraid
what the fuck is a denethor
how is it not one of his powers to fire executive political apointees? are they retarded?
>Every day is like Christmas.
It really is. Trump wasn't kidding about winning. I'm realizing that I really do believe in it. It's good to win. You need a strong leader of action. No more pussy shit. Winning constantly is exhilarating, and it doesn't get boring.
I thought it was Dungeons and Dragons or something. Thanks for deciphering.
I couldn't even get through The Hobbit. Once I read about that magic troll who sang songs that rhymed, it just got way too gay for me.
They think she's one of the "Checks and balances"
It sure looks that way aussbro but im cool with that.
Many people deserve payment for their treachery and what better way to issue that then through civil war.
Im fucking excited lads!
Private media monopolies were a mistake. Nationalize media and hang these journalists already.
That dude in The Return of the King who refused to accept Aragorn as the king who'd save them and blah blah blah lefties using popular franchises again as an argument.
The Hobbit was a children's book from the 30's to be fair
I know a guy in school whos THIRTY and he keeps complaining to everyone how he wakes up every morning angry at the world and that he needs protesting to help him feel complete.
holy kek these keyboard liberals are true defeners of justice aren't they? I'm really worried they'll take another #solidarityselfie!!
Hahahaha they're in hysterics
god that site is a cesspool
>communist shit everywhere
>every single clickbaity article about how trump is satan on the entire site
>Nationalize media and hang these journalists already.
nationalized media is such garbage. the DOJ should have never allowed so many kike enterprises to merge, but the DOJ was operated by kikes who were installed by other kikes that bought our government.
>we are witnessing the next hitler
wew lads
Post yfw we hitler now!
Ahh good point. They were kind of corny back then, I suppose.
Exactly. No more half-measures. Obama half-assed everything. Pathetic excuse for a politician.
>Leftists suddenly try to pretend that they care about the constitution
Yeah, funny, for the last couple of years, these were the fucks who tried to say that "Freedom of speech is too abusive" and "Right to bear arms shouldn't apply to assault rifles" or even "Right to bear arms only applies to muskets"
The latter is most hilarious because now those same people are saying "Freedom of religion applies to all religions!", when they literally once said "Right to bear arms only applies to shitty ancient weapons that were around during the time"
its a never ending million dollar extreme sketch at this point
Logic is not a friend of the liberal/communist mindset.
nixon also embezzled campaign funds to buy a dog
Why does there always have to be this comment?
Anyone got any good pink pills i can start prescribing?
I think i can flip somes if i use lube
Go fuck yourself cunt. It should be privatized. But we need to break up the conglomerates. 90% of media shouldn't be owned by 5 or 6 dudes.
you mean jewdes
because the people that are here are here by choice, we don't wanna be on reddit, or we would be. If that's the content you're looking for
>go back
Why not
>When you shit on people for being poor, working class and not college educated, when you're in student debt because of sociology classes and work as a barista in starbucks
Why are they so mad?
Hitler had a much more receptive environment among his populace, though, AND he had the support of the rich elite.
Comrade Trump is more likely to try and improve the country and get shit on by alphabets and capitalists for his trouble.
Because they lost forever. They lost life, Trump has won and will keep winning, and even if trump gets impeached, they will still lose because Pence
75% of those are shills
Well, with conservatives in charge, they think they can appeal to their love of the constitution by screaming "muh constitution" "muh civil liberties" "checks and balances" "limited government" etc.
They're trying to talk the talk in a divide and conquer strategy. Doesn't fool me. They don't have any integrity or principles.
Spirit of Reagan protect us from the evil of left. Hail Reagan full of Grace may Kek be with you. Thy kingdom come may your Supreme Court Justice be confirmed so we can BTFO of these lunatic leftists.
>unironically crawling back to the constitution for help after actively trying to dismantle it
This is just too rich.
Im crying. Reading your post over and over kekekeke.
But is it because he fired that one cunt?
>Logic is not a friend of the communist mindset.
Don't be a hater, commies swung the vote for Trump.
> Stand the fuck up and fight guys
> No you stand up and fight first!
> Nuh uh, stand up
> We need to fight
> I'll fight if you fight
Lol, they're as indecisive as women. You'd think they'd have already ready Saul Alinsky, not these reddit cucks it seems.
I hear you I have to put up with so much shit from relatives. i.e. supporting the vigil for the sandniggers that got killed in Quebec. I can guarantee you, had it been a group of white people, my relatives would not have given a shit.
What the fuck. They don't even know that the fired AG is a democrat and Trump was scheduled to appoint one of his choosing. She was a lame duck and it's extraordinary that she was obstructing. Thinking you have the Correct Opinions doesn't entitle you to shit.
I wake up everyday, I go to work, the suns out, its beautiful
read the news, while getting paid to take a dump
and there's all this butthurt by xir people
and I have a great day.
everything is awesome. this is literally my life.
Go back only makes sense when it's a person that came from Reddit. I started here. After countless years of people shitposting about Reddit I just wanted to see what it's like. Is it really so bad to see what the other side is thinking, and mock them where they can see it?
I fucking love reading these tears, it brings me back to election night.
> Listening to Shadilay on the way home from work while seeing articles about the fall of the lefties
Life is pretty good, isn't it?
This just shows how badly Trump was needed.
Could you imagine polticial culture after 8 years of hillary?
Even mentioning the fact that there is a radical islamic problem would have you put to jail
>muh state cuzes monopolies maymay
Look up Standard Oil
>Liberals now speak up about fucking veterans after shitting on them for being war criminals
Ha, wow
>paying for a gun training course
Top fucking kek. I should start doing this to rake money off of idiots. And why are they so dramatic? It's like they actually think they're the fucking French Resistance or something
I think being outraged is an orgasmic like feeling for these people the way they describe it. UUUNNGHHH OMG HOW COOOULD HEEE
quite literally getting off on themselves
He fired the acting attorney general? Isn't she just keeping the seat warm for the actual attorney general?
So if he military folks aren't too smart is he saying the Allied Forces did us a disservice by ousting Hitler from power? Really activates my almonds.
No need to break them up. They are dying. The internet is allowing people to go around the media. People with a camera and an internet connection are posting videos on YouTube and getting more viewers than CNN & MSNBC.
My sister has gone silent, she went college liberal but in light of recent events she's done a complete 180 and joined the rest. My parents have gone from moderate right to full right, and are pushing upwards to authoritarian territory. These are my folks who never make political posts, never talk about politics, work comfy quiet jobs, enjoy going to wine tastings, and now they're talking about throwing every protester in jail and about how they realize liberals are insane.
That combined with the (((Muslim Ban)))
Facts mean nothing to these retards.
This is my life. It's emotionally exhausting in a good way. Been a real high. I'm high on life. I'm watching fucking White House Press Conferences and shit. Can't stop watching every move. It's like a tv show.
They don't even know how to be subtle. The problem when you turn the volume up to 11, when Trump actually does something crazy, there's nowhere to go from there. They've been completely unable to modulate their tone. At all.
>In 1983, 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the U.S.
>1985 Reagan:
>Guidelines for minimal amounts of non-entertainment programming are abolished. FCC guidelines on how much advertising can be carried per hour are eliminated.
>1987 Reagan:
>"Fairness Doctrine" eliminated. At its founding the FCC viewed the stations to which it granted licenses as "public trustee" — and required that they made every reasonable attempt to cover contrasting points of views.
>1996 Clinton
>President Clinton signs the Telecommunications Act of 1996. It is generally regarded as the most important legislation regulating media ownership in over a decade. The radio industry experiences unprecedented consolidation after the 40-station ownership cap is lifted.
>in 2000, the number had fallen to six. Since then, there have been more mergers and the scope has expanded to include new media like the Internet market. More than 1 in 4 Internet users in the U.S. now log in with AOL Time-Warner, the world's largest media corporation.
>In 2004, Bagdikian's revised and expanded book, The New Media Monopoly, shows that only 5 huge corporations -- Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS) -- now control most of the media industry in the U.S. General Electric's NBC is a close sixth.
Youtube restricting profitability of right wing content. Alternatives unclear currently. Maybe Peter Thiel can make something happen.
>American civil war coming
Time to make a fresh batch of popcorn.
>those terrible references
Exactly what we wanted.
Oldie but Goodie.
What are they upset about this time?
>wall street elected B-movie actor father of neoliberalism Ronald Reagan
>rigged the government to favour the capitalists and big businesses
Really raises my class consciousness
Amazing how people don't realize the DOJ's job is to defend the President in court. Like how they did for Obama and lied about it, then got censured.
>w-we don't need the moderate whites
bye bye 2020
bye bye 2024
bye bye 20XX
>muh LotR
>muh Harry Potter
>muh star wars