My conclusion

After seeing all of the outrage against Trump online I have come to the following conclusion, white people were a mistake.

that's funny because our only problems are brown people, without them we'd live in paradise

How would you service a dome that large? How do you find and repair air leaks?

Race is social construct.
No race is better than another.
Do you really think that all our current problems are related to the color of someone's skin?

And the jews.


She's cu-

It has a penis, doesn't it?

the germans were the mistake, they destroyed europe for far too long

I want to dicc into her thicc if you know what I mean

Good question. Nanotech cyborgs incessantly swarming the external peripherals bolstering hyperion particulates to maintain batrachomyomachy.

Nanomachines, Son!

After seeing all of the outrage against Trump online I have come to the following conclusion, Canada was a mistake.

Hey, didn't see your post there. It's the right answer!

what did he mean by this?

White people are too successful for our own good that we naturally try to destroy ourselves for a challenge


Damn prophets, they jewed the entire convenient.

A race where at least half hate themselves will not last very long, especially looking at birth rates.

The majority of blacks are pro black
The majority of asians are pro asian
The majority of hispanic/latinos are pro hispanic latino
With whites its like 50/50, we have too many traitors.

i guess so, they managed to turn multiple species into space durkas

Whites are too empathetic for their own good. Chinese will rule.
I'm Indian btw

did you come to a conclusion? or a concussion?

who is this semen demon?

Literally space jews.

Our biggest problems:

Never going to space so we can have space wars with each other.

Or aliens attacking us to have common enemy.

Humans can't have peace, we are the mercs/vikings of the universe. We must fight and conquer. Keeping us on Earth was the downfall

If it weren't for whites we'd still have African Tribal level technology, Ooga booga