Do libertarians still exist on this board? Surely the few of you are against this borderline authoritarian/fascist administration?
Do libertarians still exist on this board...
In a 100% white country I would be libertarian
Hello my radical centrist friends.
Yes but trump has actually shrunk the government more in a week then the libertarian party in 25 years so I'll work with the fascists. Also Patton was right fascists >>>> Filthy Reds
>Not knowing what a libertarian is
>Not knowing what a libertarian is and not thinking its ancap
I'm a minarchist, if that counts.
No, I am not against this administration because I don't listen to left-wing media tantrums as 'news'.
There is plenty I disagree with about our entire government, Trump or not.
But the alternatives are worse. All of the other parties are fucked up beyond all recognition.
So fuck y'all, I'll be in my bunker.
I'm libertarian, but I hate lefties so much I'm willing to compromise all of my principles just to see them suffer.
Libertarian isn't a bad ideology. It just requires people to not be dickheads, which is a lot to ask for these days.
I still think war isn't necessary and only pissed off the snack-bars. Now they want to harm us instead of it being the sunni shia shit flinging contest.
Yes, but I hate niggers and mudslimes more than I hate government overreach.
What has he done exactly? Slowed refugees from foreign countries, signed an EO allowing a wall to be built from a previous law and fired some old political hacks who tried to nationally disrupt the direction of the country he was elected on? He has not even signed a bill until law but enforced current ones.
>It just requires people to not be dickheads
There are dickheads in our current system aswell, and the worst of them go to jail. Same thing in a libertarian society. Libertarianism doesn't mean no laws.
Rand Paul surge when?
Letting suicide bombers into your country isn't libertarian, especially when the unspoken intention of muslim immigrants is to curb the freedom of others via sharia.
An ideology which precludes its own manifestation is none worth following.
>trump literally making huge cuts to federal departments
>this is somehow not what libertarians wanted
Now that they are in power, all pretenses of supporting "liberty" have been dropped
this is basically it. Libertarians as a political force in the United States are utterly useless and barely deserve attention anymore desu. Im not going to roll over and watch the western world be destroyed by leftists just because Trump might break the NAP. When you enemies have no integrity whatsoever, you can't afford to hold yourself to a moral high ground that will be undermined at every chance they get. You have to play the game they're playing, to an extent. The way I see it, 2012 was the absolute last chance to fix this country the "nice way" i.e. in a principled, non-triggering way. Now the country is so unbelievably fucked and the left has reached unprecedented levels of insane delusions, that will really just need a guy to go in there and save us from the brink and defeat the left once and for all. As far as I'm concerned, we can talk ideology again after Trump mops up this mess.
Can you expand on this a little?
I enjoy watching these trumpkin retards sperg out.
I'll laugh when Sup Forums is Libertarian again after their shit collapses around them.
Maybe learn what words mean before using them.
That's because USA is already a libertarian country so there's no point in making it even more lib.
> calling an american conservatish govt fascist
> right wing in uhrmurka is nationalist AND socialist
> Oh, fucking retard trollshit
Just like the commie faggots, we finally convinced the libertarians that they were retarded.
We civic nationalist now.
we are still libertarian though
you chose the more libertarian of the two candidates
He let the protesters protest and the demonstrators demonstrate. How is he authoritarian or fascist again? The meme stream media sure says it a lot but never quote an instance of him actually enacting either manner of governance.
An-Cap for the win
Yeah, I'm just reading some books and watching both sides chimp out.
> Philosopher Kings of the ashes
Or at least that's how my fantasy goes....
it hasnt been for a long time. Yeah, in a lot of ways we're still a hell of a lot more free than the rest of the savages around the world, but we have strayed extremely far from the principles this country was supposed to operate on.
Trump isn't libertarian in the ideological sense, but he is trying to bring this country back to the 1950ish era in terms of law and economy, which in effect is a huge swing toward what libertarians have been asking for.
>implying all whites can't just work towards the greater good together
Have niggers gotten to you? I can disagree with someone and still agree with them on other things you fucking shill.
I'm thinking of ancaps, who hate the state with religious fervor, and thus are not willing to use the power of the state to engender an environment where libertarianism can flourish. In fact, they do the opposite, and hope to engender an environment that would make libertarianism impossible by importing thousands of Pablos because of their support of open borders. Many have an obsession with moral purity.
Gonna have to break the NAP to create a society where people won't break the NAP.
Yes and yes
>implying the white underclass won't also have to be domesticated
Nope. We're all Nazi's now. No one gets left alone so long as a single Leftist lives.
yup still libertarian. I am enjoying marxists, cultural and otherwise, getting blown the fuck out. When these libshit gommunists are defeated, I'll go right back to arguing for lower taxes (something Trump has promised anyway) and balanced budgets and lower regulations (something Trump is working on) and a better foreign policy (also something Trump is an improvement for)
t. Richard spencer
How do you stop barbarians from entering your country and turning it into a tyranny? How do you prove that you have property rights over something without a federal judge?
The government is a necessary evil in some cases, Minarchism is the answer. I know you want to be as pure as possible but it's simply not possible in a society where not everyone is likeminded.
I think it means that we can't hold ourselves to strictly follow an ideology that has only existed in theory. An "ideology worth following" would be one that arose naturally as a response to real world conditions.
Its probably a good point. Libertarians have been trying to make ideological change in the US for 40 some years and accomplished fuck all. This is largely because they hold themselves too strictly to their theory rather than operating and adapting according to the real world paradigm.
having immigration control and a border isn't facist mr plebbit
Agreed. I would consider myself libertarian but I hate niggers and degeneracy infesting my country.
At this point I would do whatever it takes to just piss off and hopefully one day kill leftists. Even if that means being living in a dictatorship.
A liberal who hates social justice warriors so voted right
They're still young. Libertarian->alt-lite->Alt-Right. It's a process, but everybody has to grow up eventually.
Yeah, a few. It's hard to pin down because of user.
>implying forum sliding ever works
Ever notice how everybody remembers legendary threads first hand? They aren't just pretending they saw it happen in real time, they actually did.
Its meme magic.
Kek will always guide us to the right threads in the right times.
>trump goes full fash
>civil war happens
>after the civil war is over everyone stops trusting the government
>rand paul becomes a war hero and leads the nation for a while
>the USA becomes a libertarian nation
It was our plan all along.
t. reddit
If you have any kind of political transformation you're most likely just easy to manipulate, not enlightened.
Yeah, because everybody holds the same beliefs they did in High School
I'm a pseudo-libertarian socialist.
I don't know how to better describe the ideas of right and left that I have merged together.
Libertarian = Open borders, Free trade
You cannot be a true libertarian whilst supporting the goverment interfering in the free market for labor or goods.
"Libertarian nationalism" (kek) is a meme peddled by edgy 17 year olds who want to have their cake and eat it.
Then tell me what changed your political views.
I moved from my white town to my not-white town.
>it's another episode of someone mistaking the whole spectrum of libertarianism for lefty anarcho capitalism
end this meme
i can't call myself a Libertarian anymore out of sheer embarrassment
Classical Liberal is the closest thing to what i believe but that's another terminology I'm not too keen on
>what is dialectic
You don't reach the truth by starting from one fixed belief then never adapting or changing your beliefs.
I'm willing to bet you have autism though.
>civic-nationalist-libertarian here
Wall should be about 100ft desu
I'm also against the other side, too, though.
He hasn't done anything authoritarian yet (well, any more than the government has been). People are panicking over perfectly legal things the executive should be able to do, even in a libertarian society.
So because you moved to a non-white town you went from being against the initiation of force to being favorable of the initiation of force? Tell me exactly what happened, because otherwise I have to make assumptions.
>dictating your political views by what sounds the best
Tell me what happened, I said it -most likely- means you're just easy to manipulate. It could also be that you have seen new data that changed your mind, if so, please enlighten us. I would love to know why your current ideology is better than libertarianism.
>ends it with an ad hominem attack
Rand Paul can still help MAGA
His healthcare plan is pretty dope
i'm a libertarian. you're not (or you're a bit slow.)
they're not americans. now gtfo and take any commies you find with you: we nationalist now.
I guess in some ways I'm a "civic nationalist"
I'm black though so I don't buy into that "everyone needs to be a FUCKING WHITE MALE for society to work" shit. People just need to adopt the same culture. My family was successful because they "acted white" while other blacks did jack shit on their asses.
culture is more important than race.
"you're easy to manipulate" is an ad hominem
I am not "manipulated" when I read literature and gain a new perspective on something. I choose to adapt my belief(s) in pursuit of truth rather than sit in the comfort zone of the known, my former worldview.
Philosophers, scientists, academics throughout history constantly changed their minds and developed new theories in their ongoing search for truth. The fact you don't know this shows that perhaps you need read some books. Arrogance and inflexibility of mind is a trait of a simple mind.
He can speak for himself but likely something to do with seeing that some people just aren't cut out for civilization.
Government systems more advanced than "I get all your shit" require an average IQ of about 100.
>culture is more important than race
This. Stay based, black Sup Forumslack.
I've been a registered libertarian for 14 years and that isn't going to change.
You just don't understand libertarianism. Self-defense is a fundamental right. Immigrats are coming here to take from us. Actually, anything less than killing them is treason.
race doesn't matter at all, it's absolutely culture
The IQ tests peddled by "race realists" focus on abstract manipulation of shapes, a skill that does not produce individual success in society especially compared to the many skills that are not tested
I'm a Rothbard-Brand Anarcho-Capitalist and I love Trump
I may hate authoritarians but I loathe Marxists and their lefty puppets even more, they should be opposed foremost right now.
Western values are the only thing keeping ancap even slightly feasible. In short, without Trump, libertarianism would be washed away in a tidal wave of imported third worlders.
I didn't say ''you're easy to manipulate'', I said ''you're most likely just easy to manipulate''. It's an assumption, that's why I used most likely. I don't know what happened to you that changed your views, but I would love to find out, because maybe you know something that I don't know yet.
> I choose to adapt my belief(s) in pursuit of truth rather than sit in the comfort zone of the known, my former worldview.
What is this truth you're talking about? You're being very vague right now.
>Philosophers, scientists, academics throughout history constantly changed their minds and developed new theories in their ongoing search for truth.
Absolutely, I have nothing against changing your mind on things as the world around you changes, that's called adapting to the situation and not being stubborn. Or even changing your mind because you did more research and found something out you didn't know yet is okay. But changing your entire belief system because you started browsing Sup Forums is something else. That's what this is about, and that's why I said you're most likely just easy to manipulate. If this isn't the case, please answer the simple question of what changed your mind. Enlighten us.
sure, but Liberalism fucked America
must go back to Libertarianism through Authoritarian rule
>1 post by this ID
fuckers are getting keen on what'll get genuine replies
>Self-defense is a fundamental right
Correct. That's something most political ideologies had in common. Libertarianism isn't some special snowflake.
>Immigrants are coming here to take from us
That's an extremely collectivist statement. I thought libertarianism was about judging people on individual merit rather than in huge groups? It appears you are ideologically confused.
I was libertarian once as well.
At some point you will realize that freedom and liberty are all relative and you basically get to choose in which dictorship you will live.
Choose the one that is good for you and your people
People who aren't cut out for civilization can go and do their own thing, as long as they don't initiate force against anyone. If they do, they will go to jail just like anyone else, just like in our current system (except for the government apparently).
Savages and barbarians will just fail horribly in a libertarian world because there won't be anyone there that holds their hands no matter what. This is the beauty of a libertarian society: Do good things and you will be rewarded. Do bad things and you will be punished.
>ancap even slightly feasible
It's not. The "free market" always leads to the creation of a monopoly. That's why governments exist in the first place.
I am a libertarian and voted Trump. Gary was a neo-con and Hillary would be even worse.
With Trump I can keep my guns, land, and money.
How is Gary Johnson a libertarian anyways. He is obviously a Neo-Con conservative.
So the initiation of force is okay, but only against other people. Not against you or your people. I'm not sure but that sounds a little contradictory.
>I don't follow your ideology, in fact i hate it, but i'll pretend to believe bullshit in the hopes you will
I can say I want everybody who believes in a NAP dead, there's lots of different kinds of people who would want that.
It's pretty easy to see that broad groups of people take a lot more than they give. Surprisingly many people don't even mind passive taking, but when it's "I get your money *and* your life" they get the shits.
You can rebuild from an autocratic system if you didn't have your own people annihilated.
If the previous system entailed your sons get turned into bitches and then murdered and your daughters turned into talent-less whores and both are childless because they hate kids....well that's just game over.
Didnt he throw a historic repro gun he got as a gift into the trash can and was caught doing it?
>civic nationalist
No, it doesn't and making a shit effort of concern trolling libertarians is not an argument.
You can decide who you want around in your society.
I'm generally libertarian but unlike libtards I'm willing to compromise in order to get a limited government instead of whining and demanding overnight perfection.
I was never a Libertard. Libertarianism will never work so long as half of your populace are dumb as fuck parasites.
Gary was a NeoCon? I thought he was more of a Berncuck SJW. That's who he was appealing to.
Yep. It pissed me off. That is what turned me off officially.
>But changing your entire belief system because you started browsing Sup Forums is something else. That's what this is about, and that's why I said you're most likely just easy to manipulate.
I never said I did.
Though, I would forgive someone if they did. Manipulation is an active verb. The idea that someone would be "manipulated" by Sup Forums is to say that Sup Forums would/could deliberately control and deceive someone. Anything can give you a new perspective on things, including an internet image board. That is very different to manipulation.
Maybe 100% white planet. Refugees would fuck it up.
Government leads to creation of monopoly. This is why big corporations take over the legal and regulatory system.
You ladies can stay in the back. It's a time for men. We'll let you play grab ass when we secure the Republic.
Yeah, I am a libertarian too and the reality is we have more in common with Trump than the left so Trump it is. No one actually likes Libertarians so the party itself is dead in the water. We are forced to side with the lesser of the two evils. #draintheswamp #maga
What is right or wrong?
When the Anglos and Saxons killed the Celts they took their Land now its theirs.
Now niggers and muslims are taking our land and íf we are gone they were in the right. Because nobody will exist to make a case for us.
because you are born into a collective, like it or not.
nature doesnt care about lolbertarian pipe dreams
Exactly. Right now liberalism, marxism and globalism is used to destroy our race.
The result of 100k years of evolution. It wont come back ever.
Hitler talked in his table talks about dissolving the party when the goal was reached.
You cant have a non dictatorial traditionalism or libertarianism as long as the kikes are around. They will use the freedom you grant them against you and kill you.
sup OP, nice trips!
What an ultimate cuck.
-bad manners
-anti gun
-bicyclist cuck
never trust cyclist cucks
Government is itself a monopoly.
How did government come to be in the first place?
Power vacuums throughout history have ALWAYS been filled.
im a Monarchist
I say we go back to the days when kings and queens ruled over the land
because in those day you didnt have to have shitty elections full of corrupt politicians all the damn time , 1 family is in charge and you always know who is the next in line
in the most simple form of government
He's right though one of the biggest things Libertarians used to support before the alt-right meme is the free movement of labour to help with global unemployment, real wage imbalances & to keep the flow of skilled/unskilled labour globally flexible.
Can't call a nation free market if it's only free market for people within the border, while simultaneously infringing on the right of people within those borders to interact and associate with people outside the borders, it's disastrous economically.
I'm sure you could argue for a tough border minarchist state but you'd hardly be able to call it a shining beacon of the free market.
Could you imagine Hong Kong requiring people to spend years living there before being able to apply for citizenship & then have to "retrain" in order to get work doing what they already know how to do?