Anti LGBT Executive Order

b-but he held up a rainbow flag one time.

nothing personal

>LARPing this hard

yea and wheres the bill that's gonna axe medi care in one swoop and bring in something athousand times better?

That would be very good news.


Got a laugh outta me.

>AIDS pills through sexual intercourse no longer covered by insurance

my fucking sides

That twitter account is the left's equivalent of 0hour and anonymous. Nothing but a larper

free tendies for those who don't transition


The use of the word "feminine penis" is now subject to severe FCC violations.

i doubt it. if its true, ill convert to jew


Of course there will be an anti-LGBT EO. Anything they don't like is anti-[insert protected group].

>Faggots will be prosecuted for raping children
>OMG anti-LGBT

do you think turmp is intentionally sending out rumors of bullshit to freak people out? I hope by the end of the week nothing happens so we get to make fun of all these people.

Anyone who thinks Trump is anti-LGBT doesn't remember the Ryan White story.

Poor kid got AIDS from a blood transfusion gone wrong and his hometown ostracized him and shot at his house and Trump took him under his wing.

You're really trying to push your fake twitter account

>Rogue POTUS Staff.

he's done things like this before, it really wouldn't surprise me.

This LARP is trolling lefty fags so hard kek

Antichrist antichristianity-ing it up

You should too. If the news think it's legitimate, they'll report it, and then get themselves further into the hole.

Dis gon be good

what is this rogue staff garbage?

Never heard of this Twitter account. Why should I take it seriously

I hope it's garbage. So depressing certain memes. Yeah yeah kill the fags

Someone expects me to believe that a real white house employee is leaking info through this cheesy twitter account?

Giving them straws to grasp at.

Heh. Who knows. Maybe.

Mike Pence never directly supported electroshock therapy for the gays, but we're memeing incessantly about it for shits and giggles.

The left is going mad. They're making fools of themselves and we keep pushing them.

but he was straight.

its time for the voltsman of the apocalypse

A rogue staff member like that would have been yates'd already
LARPER or future guantanamo detainee

Can you subscribe to my Twitter account? :)

what would happen if real white house staff was doing this on twitter

I'm hoping for a complete ban on nudity on the internet. Nudity on the internet should be treated in much the same way it is in real life. It only poisons minds, and I think has contributed to the massive rise in faggotry and Richard Maddow-style dyke lesbianism.

>Gender "Reasigment" no longer covered by goverment
>Reclassified as beauty surgery

There will definitely be an unconstitutional EO late Friday afternoon. Probably not about LGBT though.



It finally time for the trannies and fag to get ehat coming to them.


Source or GTFO
All Trump EO's are constitutional

*giggles* you didn't actually believe that did you.
we're going back to survival of the fittest, the way it was always meant to be.

Sources close to WH staff say they're calling it the three strikes order.

They give you three chances on the electric chair, each time the voltage increases, if you're still a faggot after the third strike, they fry you straight to hell.

Ohour1 is fucking based .. he's not related to user just trolling them.

You may not like it, but it's the truth pal. It's warped millennials' minds. They grew up having strange fetishes injected into their minds. They're the first generation to have grown up on it, and look how odd and lazy they are.

The men feel inadequate (and thus become gays or trannies), and the spoiled, entitled women get free shit, and put down men they deem ill-fit to hold the title of "man" because they don't measure up to a certain arbitrary standard that is set in their mind due to porn.

Kek bless Australia


Zero chance of this happening.

wha...what did you say user?

Fake news, this is a shill twitter.

sage in all fields

Seriously, all these faggots opening parody accounts are really needing of attention.

Curiously, why are we not opening all types of parody accounts?