Every fucking time I visit this board recently at least a quarter of the threads are about how Trump sucks and should be impeached. The MSM made this board and our memes more accessible to normies, and it's time to show them that they need to fuck off.

Kek decides how.



not even a leaf lol

they come here to learn, we can show them the ways. give them time, they will come around.

CTR is back and now they're named Shareblue.

Media Matters and its affiliate Shareblue plan to become the reference point for liberal news media, especially online
In particular, they plan to provide their own "research" to friendly media outlets to push liberal narratives
At the same time, they will try to censor non-aligned outlets, including by having Facebook, Google and Twitter penalize them
They will also heavily push the "fake news" and "Russian propaganda" angles to discredit non-aligned outlets
They intend to deploy social media analytics to catch developing stories as they emerge and direct their shill armies, called "truth squads" (not even kidding), to shape the narrative; this will be done via their proprietary tools and communications network, so it will appear to the outside world as if a genuine grassroots movement is happening
their 2017 budget is $13.4 million, with 81 staff


Fuck you trumpkin faggot.

Now you know how we feel

fuck your feelings faggot

these are all valid points that Trumplets will ignore

Media Matters and its affiliate Shareblue plan to become the reference point for liberal news media, especially online
In particular, they plan to provide their own "research" to friendly media outlets to push liberal narratives
At the same time, they will try to censor non-aligned outlets, including by having Facebook, Google and Twitter penalize them
They will also heavily push the "fake news" and "Russian propaganda" angles to discredit non-aligned outlets
They intend to deploy social media analytics to catch developing stories as they emerge and direct their shill armies, called "truth squads" (not even kidding), to shape the narrative; this will be done via their proprietary tools and communications network, so it will appear to the outside world as if a genuine grassroots movement is happening
their 2017 budget is $13.4 million, with 81 staff

Do you even know which side you're on anymore?

I've been on this train from day one, but I've got to get off now guys. Even Kek can't convince me what Trump's doing is right anymore. I know there's good reason for increased scrutiny, but an outright ban on nationals from those countries? What about all the people with established homes, families and businesses? What about all the students? If they fix the vetting system, why can't they let the "good ones" in? It's just fucked up. Too fucked up. I cannot in good conscience support that. I'm 100% right, but I just can't support what Trump's doing anymore.

It's hypocritical too, because I doubt we'll ever see the ban extended to the countries Trump has business interests in. Just can't support it anymore.

Faggots using algorhythyns to spam the board with lefty shit. Stay strong user

you get out drumpfer

I was on Sup Forums before you type.

Fuck off.

Fuck Trump.

Nice concern bro

Steve Bannon and Breitbart plan to become the reference point for conservative news media, especially online
In particular, they plan to provide their own "research" to friendly media outlets (Fox News) to push conservative narratives
At the same time, they will try to censor non-aligned outlets, including by calling everything they produce "fake news", even when it's just unflattering
They will also heavily push conspiracy claims (Birtherism, Jade Helm, Terk er Gerns etc.) to disrespect and delegitimize Obama, then complain when people don't bow to Trump.

Get the fuck out, leaf.

Media Matters and its affiliate Shareblue plan to become the reference point for liberal news media, especially online
In particular, they plan to provide their own "research" to friendly media outlets to push liberal narratives
At the same time, they will try to censor non-aligned outlets, including by having Facebook, Google and Twitter penalize them
They will also heavily push the "fake news" and "Russian propaganda" angles to discredit non-aligned outlets
They intend to deploy social media analytics to catch developing stories as they emerge and direct their shill armies, called "truth squads" (not even kidding), to shape the narrative; this will be done via their proprietary tools and communications network, so it will appear to the outside world as if a genuine grassroots movement is happening
their 2017 budget is $13.4 million, with 81 staff

Trump's a cuck

fuck off, what the fuck would you know about a real functioning government if you live in brazil???

A question to civic nationalists:

First of all, im not an ethic nationalist, white supremacist, right-winger or any of that.

What are your thoughts about what is happening right now? All this mass protest, all of this stubborn hatred of Trump, these black people that want to burn down the white house. You yourselves said that Trump was a civic nationalist. Does it appear to be working? Is it because Trumps ethnic nationalist tendencies are making the transition rough? If he was more smooth like you would your system work out? At what point would these people cooperate if you merely are passive and carry on as you are? These people are so stubborn that it doesnt appear they would cooperate at any point, no matter how smoothly and correctly you carried out your civic nationalism. At some point or another you would have to round them up and kill them. You may say that some would cooperate, yet look at what is going on. Look at how stubborn these people are. I just cant help but realize that it wouldnt be any different and the real reason why any of the minorities are cooperating are not the reasons you think. They are still motivated by the movement the others are, if you took that away they would be just as violent. They are still carried on by the motive that one day they will be dominating the white man they just hide this and are pacified because they are being paid and they have position etc. They may have egotism, imagination and be confused but if you took that away they get violent just like the poor ones.

If you take the submissive role, as you have been in the past and you will in the future, what then is stopping these people from over-taking you? At what point will you draw the line? The tyranny is already happening and has been going on without end. For all intents and purposes it seems pretty clear that a passive role will never bring about this line and will just continue indefinitely as it has.

I fail to see how this is going to "just work out"....

let them kill us. then, we win

We must ask Hiro to implement the final solution:
No limits on the pics uploaded - gore etc

Is this a b8 pasta? Or just standard leaf shit?


It's shills.

You're either lying or not a normie.

Commie shit

Your clown-king is losing support and his days are numbered.

Come on now, lad. You can do better than that.

shills inevitably wash out or get converted

I just want a legitimate reason that makes you Trump sucks. Instead you just call us racists. That's why he won. Because we're tired of it. And if you keep it up and try to ruin Sup Forums, he's going to win in 2020.

If anything, we need to cleanse this board of drumpfcucks like you. This used to be a libertarian board of reason and phisolosofy, now it's turned into trump circlejerk 24/7

Goodbye faggot

the one think they never comprehend is how ridiculous they sound here.
If you can stand em just hit the minus button on the top left, done.
Self moderation - best moderation.Sharpen your senses.

this tee bee eh phamala

imo frogposter should be executed

Nope, real leaf here. I honestly don't like the travel ban. I usually lean right but everything Trump does just seems to make me like him less and less.

Fuck off back to your favela, you spics will be next once the mexishits are cucked.

thanks for posting this. everyone should copy and post on shill threads, along with reporting and hiding them.

trump won because of memes. if you feel yourself outnumbered its because yours suck

So it's b8


gore thread does the job ussually, that and proof of google sub-humans



try again kiddo


It will never end. Even after Trump dies, it will never end. Until every single liberal is destroyed.

He is an authoritarian who doesn't care about democracy or any principle this country was built on.

He's a petty narcissist and a sociopath.

He's vulnerable to asskissing.

He can't tolerate dissent or criticism.

He sends love letters to autocrats.

He can't even roll out a showpiece executive order without the thing falling apart at the seams because nobody's been trained properly on it or is sure of how how to enforce it. So he doubles down, doubles down, doubles down.

He's surrounded by svengalis, enablers, and asskissers, like GWB but worse.

That's it, digits confirm, fuck trump

I think it's about time to actually do something.

We need to amass IRL and begin our training for the great


>chaos god


What is your country going to do? China replaced you as our major trading partner more than a decade ago, and now even argentina and the european union trade with us more than your country. Shitty dumpfiling tariffs won't do anything.


truth hurts, huh?


Fuck Drumpf nigga fuck white people

I don't know what you're so happy about, you're literally a poo-in-loo tier country. Noone cares what you think

I cannot wait until they are all dead senpai

>le russians did it maymay

For fuck's sake, enough.

trump is a real loser

>a fucking australian replied to my post

Good job faggot, now I have to wash my hands.

want to cleanse Sup Forums? Every time you see a normie thread, spam it with GORE.

What's gore anymore?

I think we need a very dedicated spammer too like Sup Forums's accelerator spammer

Sup Forums are the normies. shills make the negative threads. use your brain. trump was just elected in a landslide win.

redditor here

where do you think all the money generated from Sup Forums goes to?

Nice shitpost faggot

Sup Forums has always been against hiveminds. If most of a board agrees on something there will be a loud minority that will disagree.

Shills are brigading in numbers unseen. Look at faggit, they've even taken over r/pics

>redditor here
Don't stay

That'll work. These are normies, remember?

this is now a nigger hate thread





what the fuck did it puke up?


more like this





>this post is itself by SB's affiliate
any attempts to create an embattled narrative are force expansion tactics by the org.

sage concern shills
sage musterposts


Right wing death squads when?



>11th post by this ID

what an odd life you must live



spam post flaccid penii


i mean you own a Sup Forums pass and have all this shit on your hard-drive? wonder waht your moms basement looks like

what it's like having a worthless opinion because you're a nigger


Ron Paul poltard witnessed. Respect old man, now back to the cabin