>Highest average IQs >Highest number of billionaires >Highest number of nobel prizes >Israeli army is is the most powerful in the Middle East despite Israel being one of the smallest countries >Israel is a major power despite being tiny >Jews pretty much control everything
So explain to me how white people are meant to be the superior race? Seems to me that Ashkenazis are the ubermensch
>Highest number of billionaires Usury and Jewish nepotism
>Highest number of nobel prizes Who sits on the committee?
>Israeli army is is the most powerful in the Middle East despite Israel being one of the smallest countries Turkey is the most powerful in the Middle East. And 25% of Israel's population are Arabs.
>Israel is a major power despite being tiny Because we give them guns and money
>Jews pretty much control everything Not for long.
Gabriel Perez
It's a meme. The moment you fail to spam it enough times, the whole thing falls apart, which is why you are here right now, desperately trying to convince us all of your superiority. Make aliyah.
Eli Jones
I have ww2 fetishes about Hila and picture me as a Nazi and Hila as a Jewish fuck slave I cheat on my wife with while I hide her from the other nazis
Jack Lewis
quebec's real average is around 93. the way they chimp out when anyone threatens their shitty faux french heritage really speaks volumes for how fucking dumb they are
Benjamin Jackson
>Israel >Powerful Army
Couldn't take a Lebanese village despite having the defenders outnumbered 50 to 1 in a month. Only the ziomedia believes that the Jewish army is any good for anything but giving the military industrial complex shekels