Start browsing Sup Forums a couple of years ago

>Start browsing Sup Forums a couple of years ago
>Become 'red pilled'
>Constantly in a state of anger at liberals and non-whites
>Actively antagonise liberals within my family, workplace and social groups because I so believed 'red pill' philosophy was universal truth and they were just stupid idiots
>Lose many friends due to this
>Take LSD for the first time 6 months ago
>Trip takes me to places in my conciousness that I didnt even know were there
>Profound epiphany in which I realised the reason I was angry at others was because I hated myself
>Start meditating daily
>Notice that Ive stopped judging people by their race and started enjoying making connections with new people and that generally I have a lot in common with people id never have talked to before.
>Actually feel happy for the first time in my life

Is LSD/Psychadelics a rope out of the rabbit hole of the 'red pill'?
Is it a pathway back to the state of blue pill?
Is the 'red pill' not actually the red pill at all?

All rec drugs are degenerate.

There is no escape from the red pill, you accept moral authority and reject moral relativism

There exists a state in which you can have compassion, kindness, and affection for those which you must inevitably oppose and destroy. That you must allow yourself to be a happy functional person, but as well be ruled by your duty and morals.
Hope to see you here soon bro.

>shill faggot
>weak faggot
pick both

>fell for the 'drugs' meme

statist faggot.

My opinion is that LSD and psilocybin can repair a lot of the brain-damage caused by mercury, fluoride, and over bio-accumulative toxins (inb4 redditfags 'call me out' for saying 'toxins'). Most of the 'degenerate' psychedellic users i've met were degenerate because of damage caused by anti-psychotics and anti-depressives, so of course its not a magical cure all.

In the end, my argument is that reasonable, controlled, and spaced out doses of LSD/psilocybin can fix the nu-male epidemic for the most part.

duuuuuuuddeee far outtttt. acid man, peace and love and flowers bro. within without you maaannn. must have been some shitty blotter. A useful experience on entheogens is realising that white people and white culture is being exterminated right before our very eyes. but hey who cares right brooo? tune in, turn on, drop out brooooooooo00ooooo00ooo00ooo

Thats the thing, what moral reason is there to oppose a black colleague, for example?
If he was born and raised in the UK, like myself and has a decent job like myself and similar interests/personality traits, what real reason is there to cast him out of my life?

If he was an illegal immigrant who mooched off the government for his whole life, I would understand.

stop making up rhetorical situations and look at reality.

No you just are a weak willed retard that does drugs

There are no moral absolutes, but that doesn't mean you can't have subjective personal or societal standards. I say we should let muslims and other foreigners do whatever they want in their countries, but they have no right to come to our countries and fuck with us.

OP you literally just redpilled yourself on false red pills. GG WP.

the hippy movement was all about drugs and sex with niggers. honestly op, youre a bigger faggot than I thought. gtfo out of britian. don't fall for it op

I mean there are self righteous faggots on many sides of many issues. Congratulations on taking a good step forward but try not to project your own insecurity and issues on to other people.

t. Degenerate drug junkie

I thought red pill was supposed to be about pragmatism in the face of leftist ideologues. If your black friend is a productive, contributing member of society, the pragmatic thing to do is continue being his friend.

lol you fell for the 'hippy' meme, you are already fucked. have fun with the brain fog you are too brain-damaged to even detect

This. It is human nature and also makes excellent storytelling, something I'd like to see more of.
But no, we get 2 dimensional bad guys.
That Harry Potter stuff.
Game of Thrones almost gets it but kind of misses it.

In real life, New York City (before the American revolution) was ruled by this dude named Gauge or Gage or something. Anyway, he couldn't bring himself to hurt fellow British, and neither could King George. George was also a nutter but Gage had an inner conflict, for sure.

>Dumb ass thinks he's woke because he did drugs that 1 time and loves everyone now
>Still hasn't moved to the ghetto to learn first hand to learn who everyone entails

Nah, you just took drugs and became a hippie degenerate.

Drugs are NEVER okay, it breeds complicancy.

cool not only are you a libtard now you're a druggie too

I meditate every day, have taken LSD multiple times, and I am basically at the bottom of the redpill rabbit hole.

You are just a faggot

who /dharma/ here

unfortunately a lot of Sup Forums still hasnt taken psychedelics and realized theyre the true redpill. they always fall the for "drugs are degenerate" meme

>white culture

Triplicate linked palindrome.
Thoth is here and supports hallucinogens as long as they don't make you cucked

>ha ha yeah man I took LSD and now I'm enlightened

You and every other fedora faggot. Congrats on passing Philosophy 101

Can you fuck off then and meditate in nigger ghetto?

Redpill leads to the green pill.

Green pill is understanding the occult, but also understanding the divine order of races.

>I don't understand how drugs work

Just because you took some shit made in some tweaker's bath tub and it caused an artificial chemical dump in your brain doesn't make you enlightened or "red pilled"

I hope next time you trip you get stuck that way

>hey guys I fucked my brain with drugs and now I'm docile

Go on...

Taking psychedelics had no such effect on me. Your problem is that you're basing your political conclusions on feelings rather than reason, both before and after you took acid.

Ive probs eaten psychs over 100+ times.

Ill admit it gives a huge boost in motivation and ego for around a week then it disappears for me atleast.

Also i still shitpost on Sup Forums so you understand the effect it had.

Psychs actually gave me an identity crisis due to how alien i perceive the world now. Psychs force new abstract thoughts into your brain, by crossing connections.

I could go on for days on this subject, but psychedelics are the most alien thing to experience on earth

many people only started browsing Sup Forums *after* taking psychedelics. I'm one of them.

Just because you've felt your body merge with god doesn't mean you can't remove kebab afterwards.