Since i'm 15 i'm drinking pretty often, and since i'm in the army it's even worse. I'm in holliday and since i came back from jungle i'm drinking every night.
So it's alcool a real threat user ?
What's your story with alcool tell me everything
Is alcool a real threat ?
It's like you actually want to pump gas at 30.
We will die anyway, it's not a race to whom will live more i guess
It's literally the most destructive drug there is.
being all cool does terrible things to your personality...
haha. i hate the french
This isn't 1968 bub
Wait, where the fuck do people have their gas pumped by other people?
i'm not 15 anymore user, wake up but jungle is still a thing fag
Honestly it will fuck you up. 28 y.o funtioning law school acloholic. all my worst problems are alcohol related.
>american reading comprehension
Some of them expect tips, too.
Oregon and NJ(I think).
Oregon here. Its fucking gay. You pull up to a station with 6 cars, and one asshole working the pumps
I can feel you bro, but you stop drinking ? no so it's easy to say alcool is the problem. IMO the problem is ourself and alcool is just an excuse
L'alcool est le juif liquide, mon ami.
fuck that I have never tipped a pump jockey
Beer and wine are fine as long as you don't push it.
Watch out with the liquor, you can go downhill fast. It's fine as long as you're not a blind drunk about it.
If you find yourself throwing up, keep cutting back your intake until you're no longer throwing up regularly. Eventually you figure out your plateau and drink to maintain that buzz and not enough to lose control.
Also, don't engage in any risky behavior while drinking, you'll end up married.
L'alcool est surtout une tradition de par chez moi camarade
It's because they read it as "Since I'm 15" (which was what OP did indeed post) instead of "Since I was 15."
Welcome to the jungle we got fun and games
We got everything you want honey, we know the names
We are the people that can find whatever you may need
If you got the money honey we got your disease
In the jungle, welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your sha na na na na knees knees
I wanna watch you bleed
Welcome to the jungle we take it day by day
If you want it you're gonna bleed but it's the price you pay
And you're a very sexy girl very hard to please
You can taste the bright lights but you won't get there for free
In the jungle welcome to the jungle
Feel my, my, my, my serpentine
I,I wanna hear you scream
Welcome to the jungle it gets worse here everyday
You learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play
If you got a hunger for what you see you'll take it eventually
You can have everything you want but you better not take it from me
In the jungle, welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your sha na na na na knees knees
I'm gonna watch you plead
And when you're high you never ever want to come down
So down, so down, so down, yeah
You know where you are?
You're in the jungle baby, you gonna dieee
In the jungle welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your sha na na na na knees knees
In the jungle welcome to the jungle
Feel my, my, my my serpentine
Jungle welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your sha na na na na knees knees
Down in the jungle welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to you
It's gonna bring you down, ha!!
Underage can fucking leave.
To answer your question, stop drinking you tryhard faggot you arent impressing anyone with your fein alcoholism.
Boire du vin est un bel aspect de la tradition (surtout celle des Français) ; et même cela devrait être fait avec retenue. Tout le reste est la dégénérescence et la folie des barbares.
*mais même cela
slide thread, go away
Hi Aussie Fag, alcool not impress anyone in my land, my ancestor are not thieves and rapist, we have a real cultur of wine and beer and even some liquor so i'm not ashamed to love it and i don't want to look badass cuz lot of my mate drink 10 times more than me.
Any anons gone to work drunk and how did it go?
Tu écris très bien français, si tu es américain bravo à toi camarade !
You talk like a fucking retard, and gtfo after this if you are 15.
But I will tell you, I am 24 years old, and started stealing pulls from my parents liquor cabinet when I was 9. I was a weekend drinker at age 16 through 22, and most of the issues i faced i caused myself through drinking, and blacking out almost everytime i drank. I lost the love of my life at 22, had to move out of our apartment because I hit her when she tried to stop me while I was pissing in a trash can in our kitchen, i continued on to drink about a night of shitty cheap vodka for a year and a half until I tried to stick my head in an oven and ended up in the loony bin on my 24th birthday.
Drinking is fucking awesome, it is my favorite thing in the whole entire world. But, I am an alcoholic, and will always drink way to much, I am unable to stop myself.
If you have to ask yourself if you might be an alcoholic, you probably are. Normal people don't ask themselves that question.
Get to an AA meeting, or drink yourself to death or insanity, its up to you in the end.
In France we have a lot to drink song so maybe there's an explanation for this shit
Merci, cher Français. Je suis vraiment bon avec le français écrit, mais je peux à peine comprendre le français parlé parce que vous parlez trop vite. Poster sur /fr/ (sur Sup Forums) m'a vraiment aidé.
Are you from lousiania ? or have you some frenchy family ? because in France we believe that americans only know english and talk another language haha
pickle your organs with continual booze intake
then they will last through the cold winter without freezing
I'm a functional alcoholic. Get a health physical, a doctor will tell you your liver is releasing all kinds of chemicals killing itself trying to keep up with the C and 2 and H and the 5 and the OH. So I quit for 2 years, lost 45 pounds, looked better, etc, now I'm back on the bottle because it didn't fix everything and my sober toolset is shit.
"And you know that I'll survive very time you call
Just to thank you one more time for everything you've done
Alcohol, alcohol"
What i an alcool?
Also enjoy your under age ban.
I just saw them play in Omaha in November
Alcool is warm my brother
Learned it at school. Most Americans are required to learn Spanish/French for a minimum of 2 years, but most Americans stop after 2 and then forget everything. I took French for 5 years
>Since i'm 15 i'm drinking pretty often
>drinking while brain is developing
It's like you want to be retarded
Cool. I've never seen them live but I hear they're terrific. This is one of my faves, although "Never Young" is topical at the moment.
"Be them new Romans, don't envy them my friend. Be their lives longer, their lives are longer spend without a love or faithful friend, all these things they have to rent." Brutal.