I spat in a Trump supporter's coffee today


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loogie or just saliva?

How did your wife's bull's semen taste last night?

Decent shot.

If you're a dude, why is your penis so small. If you're a chic, why haven't you have your penis turned inside out yet?

You a little upset? Did YOU have coffee today that tasted a bit off?

Trolls are worthless.



Why are you so ashamed about discussing your perfectly normal relationship user?

>working at starcuks

Dang you showed that trump supporter!!! Bet he was devastated!!!!

did starbucks just hire you akmed?

thank you that was the only question i had

You talkin bout yerself? Man you have such a low self esteem. If you get that dick turned inside out, you can go get fucked, though. So you have that to look forward too.

your doing god's work

Weee u

>working at starcucks

So how has your day been, man?

do you uhm, believe in karma? :)

good for you

should have poisoned it though. Fucking Drumpfsters


Where do you keep your gold buried???

Jokes on you, I just peepeed in your coke 10 minutes ago

I've found reasons to fire 4 Hillary supporters in the past two months. I think that puts me well ahead in the retaliation game.

well let's see how that works out. don't cry like a victim when it happens, come back here and we'll help you get back on your feet.

Do you feel like a good person or just a low life piece of shit

I don't care, you sociopathic brainwashed lefty garbage kids will burn soon

are we just...saying things now?

>Shat in an anti-trump person's coffee today!


why havent you killed yourself yet?

Dude, that's so hardore. xD

Danke Lincoln


I could never imagine myself spitting in someone else's drink, it just seems so uncivil and unsanitary. If you work in a cafe then you might be on the lower ladder of society, so I guess this is one of the few ways one can retaliate against people one really dislikes without having to go out of one's way?

You're a disgusting mongrel who needs to be put down but besides that I don't give a shit.

No you didn't.



thanks lincoln

op is larping, he's obviously too cowardly to even do something as cowardly as that