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Why hello boner
canada legalized it mate.
i thought it was only oral sex thats been legalized
How can human """""men""""" compete with the Big Dog Knot?
this is so common nowadays dont believe me just google
>just google
everything except the animal being penetrated. so women being fucked by animals is ok
>black dog
The pattern holds across species it's marvelous.
wtf, is this real?
she should just do solo porn if she wants attention. itd be more respectable than this.
google what fellow american
>tfw no giant burger cats to pet
why do you think men don't marry anymore?
man, id dog her, nomsayin?
Common law is shit i know. One woman says she wants to have somebody kill her. Now everybody's gotta do it. Mercy killings ya see. But only for doctors! Who still cant operate on their spouses for some reason i guess. Because. Euthanasia is good. Now one doctor is suing all of medicare. Excellent system I tell ya
Literally just happened.
Pls respond
>nope your not 0.0 im into beastiality
which one of you was this
Bring a folding shovel and a light, since you'll be hiking back alone.
"The vast majority of serial killers have either been registered Democrats or come from strongly liberal households. If I had voted Trump you would actually be far safer than if I had voted for Hillery. Statistically speaking.
So how about we get some Jamba Juice before we go!"
"Wow we're so far away from everyone else here."
*puts on MAGA hat*
tell her you did mid way through the hike
Whoops meant for
Hook her, then when she's really into you break up with her and tell her you did vote for Trump.
hit it and quit it pls
stop being a sperg. every woman's political views are irrelevant and stupid.
this is what I mean by being a sperg
Pretend you're a liberal and then fuck her and as you pull out and nut on her face yell "TRUMP 2016" then kick her out
"actually, im homophobic, and i believe a decrese of refugees from where our enemies cultivate is a good step in protecting our nations well being. also, we could use the money we give so generously to other countries to people in need in our country.
anyway lets fuck"
I'm trying to think of a response so that she sees how incredibly offensive what she said is but gently so she realizes it herself and issues an apology
Semd her pictures or videos of blacks and muslims supporting Trump.
Act the same way liberals think Trump supporters are like.
Bring gloves, duct tape, a rope and a shovel.
Same profile pic different names? I don't understand.
well first off you lied that you didnt vote for trump.
i would lecture her about pedophilia and how its about time the libs give them a platform to branch out from
even with dogs the white women go for the BBC
Its been 7 minutes she just sent a smile emoji...
It a fake account made by an indian man.
fix that for ya
>They said it wasn't a slippery slope
NIGGER why wouldn't you go on a hike with her and pull some edgy MAGA shit midway?! Also make sure to record it all somehow.
Post your favorite doggy doujins! Mine's a tie between these two.
she wants the dick
Wtf does knotted mean?
>hanging around a darkie
Bring a condom and some rubbing alcohol for disinfectant.
I didn't vote at all so i didn't lie.
And pic is her
Make sure to take a shovel and try to make it quick when you smack her in the back of the head, or you could throw her off the cliff and say it was an accident.
You are either the most naive thing since the first candy van victim or just plain stupid.
stop cross posting from Sup Forums
get help
It's also legal in many U.S. States, my friend.
Straight up ask her why she is so hostile and prejudiced towards people with differing views.
Also ask her why the liberals always blackmail people into agreeing to their terms and views by ostracizing anyone they don't agree with and labelling them racists without any proof. You know.. instead of having a calm and rational discussion about the subject at hand.
>Then she claims rape
>he gets jailed
Whats the next part of your master plan?
>autistic Sup Forumsacks will sperg themselves out of pussy because they think a woman's opinion on politics and other important things actually matter
>well I am a homophobic racist, but Trump really wasn't promising the smiting of the gays I'm looking for
Common filth, get off my board
Stop fucking the liberal Latinas Tejanobro. I bet your from Kyle, there are plenty of stand up white wymin there.
>posts fake Facebook screens
>accuses others of being spergy
Get a grip you silly dutchie
She'll cry rape and call the cops. Make sure you can prove it was consensual if you do this.
i prefer high test but tall chicks are nice too
What's the big deal? I enjoy watching my GF fucking our dog until he knots in her.
Dogs knot inside to basically rape the female so his cummies go nice and deep
Can you managed to make her lost in the woods?
Anyone who mentions bane will cause their mother to die of hotheadedness (:
Are you guys mispelling nut like bust a nut inside her, wtf?
But they're cute
>yes it's true: food IS the way to my heart
She doesn't even realise that that's a line that is supposed to win over a man from a woman's perspective
No, google it.
Tell me, why does he wear the mask?
>tfw i never get matches anymore so i gave up and put "Kill Communists" as my bio
m-maybe I'll have better luck in person haha
Wanna squeeze that single mom
Update. Trying to put it on her softly.
She sounds obnoxious, but who knows? Politics are kinda like religion. They make decent people do and say stupid shit.
Why would you subject yourself to that? The average person, let alone the average woman, is incapable of accepting that people with other opinions are not necessarily evil and stupid. She'll just be mad at you for defending racism, which to her is swinging negros from trees and doing the holocaust.
Bovines really are qt
I did something similar to this, still get matches. Hardly ever use it though so I don't give a shit.
You're either stupid or evil or both
Is there more?
Ya blew it
you shoulda have just fucked her and then broke it to her
hahahahahahahahahhahaha you fucking dweeb..
youre fucking retarded, you literally cock block't yourself
Yeah I've fucked 32 women i can pass up 1 more
>replying with a wall of text
wew dude
>its another Sup Forums posts a cherry picked image to make women look bad thread
Just say you want to rape/torture/kill every woman you see and stop pretending
Wtf is this shit