>Tucker carlson interviews an SJW protester on refugee ban
>protester points trump's action to be unpresidential
>Tucker points out a clause in the EO which states "people who promote bigotry,sexism,racism are banned from entering"
>majority of the banned country don't have gay rights,they oppress woman,no religious freedom,etc
>protester gets mind fucked and can't decide which side to take
>tucker breaks the conversation for a Breaking news
>Trump ordered to fire protesting Attorney General
>so basically Trump said "you're fired" through breaking news to the protesters and as usual Tucker laughed.
what dimension of chess are we playing?!!!
Epic Chess game
Where's the link cunt?
>It's another episode of Tucker Carlson finds a nobody leftist intellectual midget, beats him in a debate, then Sup Forums slobbers over his cock.
t. jealous leaf
>a nobody leftist intellectual midget
you got any better?
I saw that. The guy just kept up with his talking points.
why is it always a leaf
classic leaf
Bump for link faget
Sup Forums's favourite selection of (((intellectuals))) are getting dumber by the year.
poo in loo cant even link.
Jews really do fear the Samurai!
Another Bump for link
we need to stay entertained somehow user
>poo in loo cant even link
And you can't even post a picture that's not sized for ants.
Infinite dimension chess, we're in unknown territory and my dick is out
this desu.
anyways, say goodbye leaf
>nobody leftist intellectual midget
shart in mart cannot even image thumbnail.
Emu slave cannot even stop bantz
pathetic, you don't get the satire?
literally the picture is supposed to be like that to mock him you fucking donkey.
go back to plebbit.
Can't link and can't poo in loo
What's wrong with Stefan Molyneux, Gavin McInnes, and Bill Whittle?
I think thats all that needs to be said there
I am from the year 2033. The maximum amount of dimensions possible for a chess game is one thousand four hundred and eighty eight.
She stated she wouldn't do her job (Uphold the new policy). Serves her right, she technically fired herself.
>On having read the executive orders
>"I haven't read all of them"
>"It's probably more than I can count"
Its just conservative porn. Fun to watch someone finally put these idiot sjws back in their place after being forced to listen to their hysterics for the last 3 years. Libshits have Trevor Noah, Colbert, Samantha Bee, Seth Meyers, etc doing the same kind of low effort mocking. Its nice to have finally have someone on our side doing it. At least Tuck actually brings people on his show, the liberal talk shows literally just pull up tweets and shit and laugh their heads off but never dare to actually engage conservatives.
Where is the fucking link, you goddamned streetshitter?
this. but very fun, very fun.
doing god's work rajeesh
Not posting
And leaving it that means the leaf wins.
>Miss Teen South Carolina, in gay nigger form
I know it's television, and it's satellite, but this faggot is clueless.
He usually sucks, but this one was pretty amusing.
>the part where the guy can't name the seven countries on the list
> turkey
top kek
You leafs will be banned from this board soon.
Also, I just read the executive orders. took me five minutes, cause I was curious how long it takes. And I don't even care. Why would you not read at least the damn immigration ban one before going on a new show where you know that he's gonna ask you that question.
I can't name them either, granted I wasn't on FOX News, but if I were, I would have done about as well as he did.
Fuck does it matter when he's protesting some other shit he can't even define very well?
Is there anything other then a midget intellectual leftist?
I agree but he is the leader of the "resistance" in Oregon.
A representative of all the protesters. We all knew they were dumb as dog shit but hey its fun to watch.
That day can't come soon enough brother
>Degrading and insulting a minority like that
Your PM has just deployed a "re-educational" squad to your location. Good night.
I could give it a shot. Let's see if I get it right.
>Lebanon, probably
>fuck this hard
Did I do good?
My god why would you go into a debate this unprepared? He hasn't even read the EO and doesn't even know which countries are on it. This is apparently someone who is out there organizing protests? It just goes to show people these days form their opinions from 140 character twitter posts and clickbait headlines.
Well, 3/7 ain't that bad. Better than the protester who actually cares still. Shame I missed Iraq though. Seriously, what's the fucking difference between iraq and iran?
>E-Raaan, E-raaack
>I can't list all 7 of them
I CAN LIST ALL 7 OF THEM! And I didn't even fucking research it, I just read them and was like "Oh yah, those countries all have political problems. I'm surprised Egypt isn't on the list, I guess that country isn't in turmoil or has an ISIS problem."
How can you protest and not know what you are protesting against? Wtf!