>>''According to our information, he went on this far right American forum ... a person with a Quebec IP (bullshit part) would have posted on this forum''

old thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Its been an honor shitposting with you gentlemen

I am first post in that webm. Realistically, how fucked am I?

I'll miss you Aussies.

Something needs to be done about the extreme right hate websites like Sup

>far right forum
Sounds cool.

>A canadian on Sup Forums

No surprises here.

TVA is all bullshit.

Like I said in one of the other threads today I yelled "FAKE NEWS" at a TVA van with a camerawoman inside. When I went back to the mosque vigil here in Sherbrooke I was approached by the police who asked me if I had shouted "white power" at her.
They're liars and the definition of fake news.

Unlike other Quebec news outlets all they rely on is sensationalism.

Yes we did it guys! We are popular now! We're part of something big!

Holy shit was this thread real???

I agree, and is by far the worst board on the site, it really needs to go.

It was posted about noon PST hours before the attack



Something new and better will rise from the ashes of Sup Forums



We all knew he posted here, he was a popular and well known poster and made the ultimate sacrifice.

I have come a fulll one-eighty on Aussies because of this board. I hope you guys get your guns back.

replied with same pic must be the same user

zero out of then sleep well friend



That fucker ruined it for us Canadians, it's over for us now, we're all on fucking lists for shit posting, and that's only if they don't feel like using hate speech laws to throw us all in jail, I guess this guy was the best baneposter ever because he crashed every single Canadian here with no survivors.

Play it cool, guys.
Red pill normies, but don't be autistic.

Jesus Christ.

pfff fff ffff ffft

The user who made that therad posted in it again, after everyone was saying that was the shooter.

So then why does the media keep saying it's him and he's connted to Sup Forums?

Where is the proof?


So he's a hero then

So is pic related our new avatar?

Hey any edgy leafs who want to emulate this shit.

Don't. You're not helping.

come on guys stop

more of based deus vult anons posts

same filename. It's him. Unfortunately for the media 'him' is not the shooter. He's posted again since after the attack.

remove leaf

>tfw a cartoon frog is causing massive butthurt to msm
wow, really underestimated the power of internet and autism


Let's see how Hiro manages this shit.

Moot was a faggot, but I admit he did know how to fend off the federals.

I'm going to Canada next week. Would you say it's safe to browse Sup Forums on my phone in public?

It's not like they could get evidence of a hate crime anyways. They could block the site in Canada but they cannot stop up from using VPNs. I mean, there are ways around this, right?

the thread he made died before the attack, no one replied after the shooting.


>police actually browsing Sup Forums like it's evidence


I'm on tv mum



What is with this shitposting Jap? Aussie on vacation?

I sincerely wouldn't, because the people most likely to know what you're doing are either Sup Forumsacks who won't care, or SJWs who will be delighted to have a target to vent their rage.

You cant browse with a cellphone ip

He replied in a different thread. Showed his folder with the image in it. I'm convinced he's not the shooter.

Would great teacher onizuka browse Sup Forums?


Seems like a pretty cool dude

you would be able to see the site, but good luc kposting with a public proxy
you'll need to pay to shitpost if that ever happens
this is a stinky dead fishperson smelling bunch of shit. the whole things seems fake as fuck, even when there are witnesses who say multiple gunmen and even shouting alloha snackbowl.

Works fine for me bro. Koodo.

So how my fellow Canadians feel about being on a list now?

It's sarcastic

That sounds incorrect.

Id like to point out that everything posted to this website are works of fiction. Thats why I posted false information in threads.

>Ask hiro for the IP of the offending poster
>find out he's not from quebec with post history
>case closed

Yeah, I assumed a public proxy isn't going to work. I'm with you, the whole thing is suspicious as fuck.

holy kek

Link post bls

you been on a list, now it's just going to start being looked through

Don't with Bell, Fido, Rogers in Montreal. IP rage ban

>Would great teacher onizuka browse Sup Forums?
lol no.

But you know Kikuchi was a Sup Forums regular. He was pretty redpilled.

we're on a mountie list now, I doubt the feds give a fuck about Canadians on this site

it couldn't have just been another leaf that saved the pic and renamed it to original filename? His original thread got tweeted out by Lauren Southern very shortly after the attack so lots of people saw it.


Holy shit I replied to this guy

Kanzaki would browse Sup Forums

Hello liberal faggots. I'm glad muslims are dead, they are not innocent. There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt. Also, fuck globalism and fuck your virtue signaling.

Bullshit I'm on a phone right now

LOL Mounties.

Nah they are pretty hardcore though. You're fucked.

Kinda spoopy if true

Yes, but it wasn't the shooter.

lol You can't even view the site? That's like Indonesia tier censorship.

>mountie list

Oh no, what's going to happen, the Mounties going to ride up on their horses and spray maple syrup all over your faces while apologizing?



Almost all his posts are random shitposts.


My gf, my friends and I can't post on Sup Forums with our phones (LTE). You are lucky

I feel like csis is incompetent and can't even pull off a false flag

Why did the police ask you if you shouted white power? Surely that's not against the law, right?

So it's fake news.

To rake or not to rake? That is the question.

If you can't trust your police, you are fucked anyway

Ban all Canadians from Sup Forums!

>yfw this is a Port Arthur to close down Sup Forums

Or pure coincidence.


he's /ourmeme/

The folder had similar images with similar names.

that doesn't prove much, you know you can search onizuka images on a site called google and then save them according to filename right?

>Get called far left by fox
>Get called far right by shitty news organizations
>Edgy moron posts online
>Nobody understanding what Satirical-Politics means.
>Morons on TV not understanding how the ID system works


>tfw you want to get a gun and shoot muslims but you can't buy guns and there aren't any muslims anyways

Those all seem to be the work of the same mind. Prolly him.

Kind of an obnoxious faggot, honestly.

>far right American forum
So many things wrong with those four words.

ahhhh having seen that screenshot and seeing all the files with matching names must have just been a coincidence. user is lucky that arrested the guy otherwise theyd probably be kicking in his door

I you're a gook should be fine. If you're white I'd be careful.

This is a gay tranny board. What the hell?! Fucking media needs to leave us and our gay trannies alone!!

God fucking damn it! Canada has screwed us once again. If it's not shitposting and derailing threads, it's alerting Federal agencies to our secret club.

Welp, GG. It's been fun guys.

this is bad. this is very bad.

American far right forum

lmao time to get outta here.