Is this is the face of someone who swallowed the final red pill?
Hero? Villain? You be the judge.
Is this is the face of someone who swallowed the final red pill?
Hero? Villain? You be the judge.
False flag.
A true crusader
It is the face of autism.
This game is fucking garbage.
Look like Harry Potter.
u'd prob suck dix for 5 dollars
We are supposed to laugh at the lefts violence while we follow the rules.
This idiot ruined it. He also scared Canada into going further left.
... If you could prove it.
A fucking retard. How can we take over the world with memes if events like this keep enforcing sjw cuckery.
The shooter should have been a mudslime sand-nigger cuck.
Hero. He did nothing wrong except getting caught and not beating Breivik. Let's hope something good comes out of this. Friction is good; we need hatred between the races. There is no peaceful solution.