>tfw too intelligent to be straight
It's been proven gay men have higher IQs. This is because our brains are more evolved, allowing us to see through the vaginal jew.
>tfw too intelligent to be straight
It's been proven gay men have higher IQs. This is because our brains are more evolved, allowing us to see through the vaginal jew.
faggots cant find pleasure in opposite sex, so they believe they have been enlighten but in reality is just part of a damaged brain who make it believe the opposite
Gays also have higher suicide rates, what is your point?
But not smart enough to not catch AIDS
I''l take a White faggot over a beaner any day.
Just like smart people huh.
Man I am lucky that I am gay then. I am already stupid enough. I would be even legally retarded if I was straight.
I see through the ovarian kike but still am not gay. What can I do?
Hahahahahaha bingo
We also are more hung than you. Bitches bringin ya down nodick Charlie. Muh zika muh throat cancer
If you're so intelligent then why do you stick your penis into a place where men poo from?
>What can I do?
Become a wizard.
Unless you saw through the uteral jew too late of course.
Fuck. I can't be a wizard. I made some dumb mistakes senpai.
>ywn take your wizardry to the second great meme war
Why even live.
>It's been proven gay men have higher IQs
the brain structure of gay men relates more to the brain structure of females
females are less task-oriented, females have a smaller inferior parietal lobule (which controls numerical functions), females have a larger parietal region which hinders spatial abilities and females are more susceptible to mood disorders, anxiety and depression
females only excel at language-based task
>1 post by this ID
reminder to put "sage" into the 'Options' field
You're an evolutionary dead end arisen to combat overpopulation.
No it's not
By increased dopamine in their brain gays seems smarter. But they can only get to a certain point. Their infection only allows that. So a truly red pilled alpha heterosexual male will always beat a gay at brains game.
That's why faggots have grouped up to rule the world. Their inner faggotry will prevent them from doing that, though (too much internal conflict, as was seen in the previous elections)
Logically speaking they're an evolutionary method of increasing the ratio of caretakers to offspring.
It's an evolved response to the modern world:
* sex whenever you want with no whining about consent etc
* much more fit and healthy than average dudes
* hanging out with your partner is like chilling with your best bud
* if you get married, two male incomes and no kids = rich as fuck
What's to dislike???
>ratio of caretakers
You mean the ratio of cucks? I can only see an evolutionary advantage for the virus in this situation
Your tricks show, Baphomet worshipper
Surrogacies. Genetics. Eggs from skin cells. Evolution isn't real.
All disharmonic to the DNA's structure. This structure is organized through vibration and golden ratio proportions.
Therefore, the orgasm through which you were conceived, being the strongest vibration your body cound produce in order to reproduce itself, is a heavy determinant in your future life.
TL;DR: Petri dish babies always come out fucked up
>taking it up the ass instead of the putting it in a vagina like it was very obviously meant to
i mean, you didnt even get what a baboon, a horse or a fish did
how clever are you really
>posts a theory about toxoplasma infection causing homosexuality
>doesn't know >80% of French people are seropositive for toxoplasma and only something like 2% of people are gay
I'm sorry your third world education hasn't prepared you for the 21st century...
>You mean the ratio of cucks? I can only see an evolutionary advantage for the virus in this situation
Homosexuality predates the aids virus by a long, long time.
Bunch of kabbalistic nonsense. You probably believe that if you elevate your kundalini you can shoot a single sperm that will definitely reproduce perfectly all on its own. Nah. I still believe all that was simply The Word. The seed can be The Word it doesn't mean perhaps an actual seed with this kind of stuff. We'll never know. Because we ate of wrong tree
Once again, it is not toxoplasmosis.
Cis Bisexual master race.
I would like to see the source of your statistics, however, France's recent attitude in both World Wars, as well as in the refugee crisis, has left a lot to wish from their males. I found a 47% figure in a rural town that's supposedly plaged by toxo, BTW, and that seems a reasonable rate for the purposed social effects I argued for. I'm not a scientist, but I'm still a sceptic, and frankly, in today's Academia, it's more valuable than anything.
>doesn't understand I'm refering to toxoplasmosis
kys fag
Oh this just shows it is
>russia's recent anti-faggot campaing growing in intensity, sensing the infection
>subsaharan niggers, though subhuman, are at least not homosexuals and also are campaining against the infection, see the crazy Uganda priests
* sex with people who actually want to fuck you and are attracted to you, not just wanting to feel temporarily secure
Just buy some prostitutes, autists. ywn have gaymazing sex!
It's true. Why would we need junk DNA? To correctly adjust harmonics in the DNA chain. How else would you organize the information in such a vast spread of info? By harmonic similarity, regulated through certain organs of the human body, specially the heart and the lymbic system.
Hey, it's just a theory, but ""scientists"" can't even start to explain ""junk"" DNA's purpose, origin or characteristics
....WHITE.....* male
Keep lying to yourself, Pedro.
>being gay is a choice
We know
God speaks. Puts the soul. Creates. Man procreates only fleshbags
Reported to Khomeini
Yes, I accept that as a general principle except for the last. The body is sacred, though, not a meatbag. When you're athletic and agile, you're not a meatbag. Ancients knew this far too well, mens sana in corpore sano. That also excludes from your system the ascended souls that have existed throughout time; man can procreate in light, as well as in flesh.
However, I was focusing on the specifics traits of the DNA chain. Gotta find some divine rules for everything, 'cause our history has shown us previously they exist (gravitation, electromagnetism, harmonics, geometry, algebra, etc.)
lol, bring it on.
Tell 'em I'm a Qazvini (I am) and he'll be scared shitless.