Fuck this piece of paper

We need to abolish the Constitution. Look at what is happeneing, liberals are abusing old, outdated laws to slow down Trump's liberal purge and ascension to making America great for real Americans again.

The Constitution is allowing us not to punish people for speaking out against Trump. They deserve to be in prison. Yates should not just be fired, but put to the sword for betrayed the country. You cannot deny this.

We need to abolish everything in the Constitution that stands in Trump's way. If we don't, the liberal brainwashing machine will only continue to grow until we may lose power. We have to cut out the rights of non-American liberals who want to kill this country.

You cannot argue against this. If you do, you do not belong on Sup Forums. Now join me, how do we start the process?

Other urls found in this thread:


nice thread, babydoll

>liberal scum on Sup Forums trying to slide

Kill yourself.

Nice try Communist

>slow down

But its that same piece of paper that will make his victory inevitable.

Stand fast breh, we're winning this

Poser of Reddit, the board for retards.

So right OP! What's more, it was written by whites males! It's time to make progress.

The Constitution allows Islam to exist. It allows people to persecute the white race and get away with it. This must be changed before it's too late. We only have 4 years before the leftist illuminati tries to rig another election.

>Trump acts to restore the Republic of America more than anyone before him in recent history
>omg guys we need to get rid of our foundation


the constitution can mean anything in any context, anything means everything and everything means anything, my (((professor))) said so, hail trump!




America was designed a s a white nationalist country where the white man could be free to do as he pleases, and we need a strong police state to enforce the freedom of our race and religion. The Constitution is flawed and can be amended, so amend it to abolish free speech and religion.

How many more people need to suffer and die before we return to fascism? Years ago Sup Forums dreamt of this utopia, now you're all liberal cuckolds.

Fuck off JIDF/Soros shill/CTR.
The only thing that should be abolished is you and your handlers.


>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Show me where it says white.
>Burger education
>Not even once

It is widely known they meant white men, because they wisely all had slaves. Niggers and non-whites aren't people.

No fuck you, liberal aussie. You aren't a person, you're getting nuked by us when we take over Japan.



This is some really weak bait senpai, go suck some jewish cock and stop trying to entice well-meaning USians into seditious behavior.

>the constitution that established the rules of the election that Trump won
>the constitution that enumerates our right to keep and bear arms right after our right to shit talk commies
>the constitution that doesn't grant constitutional liberties to those born outside of this country (thus making the left's bawling about the 1st and 5th amendment being violated by his latest executive order null and void)
Fuck off lad.



If the HWNDU stream taught us anything, it's that shitskins can be pretty ok guys too.

The Constitution was almost abused to rig the election against Trump. Imagine if 90% of the people didn't vote for him. He'd have LOST. Because it was RIGGED BY LOOPHOLES ALLOWED BY LIBERALS.

This has t end. We cannot allow another election to go by where liberals can win.

Trump will guarentee us arms, we had arms before the Constitution and the British tried to take them away. We just shot them.

Free speech should be outlawed for reasons above.

Kill yourself libcuck.

Liberal kikes in full swing tonight. You're not Sup Forums. You're not prepping for the race war. You're just 15 year old loser liberals from Reddit who just want to meme. This is a white nationalist board and a white nationalist country. Get with it or die.

>apologizing for shitskins
You're going with them.

I'm not a betting man, but I would put all my money on the fact that OP is really a leaf.

Give me CPR for it is CTR and my heart can no longer take this.

Easiest way. Pass a twenty-eighth amendment canceling and annulling the entire document.

Look at all these liberals coming out of the woodwork to weasel their way without arguing a single point I made. They know I'm right, they just have to slide my opinion because it's better than theirs. I really hope you and your families all die this year.

This guy has the right idea.

Nice false flag faggot.

I love it when the left now tries to love the Constitution.

Niggers were considered 3/5th of a man.

fuck u

go back to shareblue, faggot.

Amend the constitution to outlaw Islam and nonwhites and we're golden.

Clearly a troll, all you plebs falling for it.

not funny

>We need to abolish the Constitution
>You cannot argue against this. If you do, you do not belong on Sup Forums. Now join me, how do we start the process?


Sup Forums is co-opted by the left. Where the fuck are the mods.

If you truly were a nationalist you'd lose nothing by securing rights for yourself and ending freedom of speech for everyone else. Kill yourselves.

Even as someone who flirts with neo-reactionaryism, thinks the enlightenment was a mistake, and the American experiment a failure, I still think you suck cocks OP.

Constitution is fine, it's us that suck.

The Constitution is literally the only thing stopping us from being Canada 2.0 right now. It's the only reason you can't get hauled to jail for """""hate speech""""" like you would in cucked countries.

>founding fathers were Freemasons
>Declaration of Independence begins with a lie "All men are created equal"
>everyone talks about "rights" but never about duties

I'm onboard, let's scrap this motherfucker and restore a king


Don't be so edgy user, the United States has never been an ethnically pure nation, and you just make yourself look like a retard when you insinuate that being a euromutt is anything to be proud of.

Europe on the other hand should do absolutely everything in their power to conserve their ethnic identity because they actually have one, all we really have is a set of common ideals.

Show me a modern man worthy of being king first.

Then change it so you can be jailed for being leftist. If we don't, people will continue to have their families ruined.

Freedom of speech is unequivocally bad. It breeds enemies to eventually stand against you and try to kill you, and it's a waste of life.

Newfags, take a good look at OP here. Don't give him any (you)s because his bait is illegitimate three different ways. But observe the well-demonstrated CTR templates.

Sage this bullshit lefty shill.

Like Evola said, the best we can do is set the conditions for a future restoration. But I take your point

Donald J. Trump

Boy, you guys are putting the 40 million to work, aren't ya?

MAGA Bitches

>get rid of the constitution
Get out. Get out and don't ever come back.

The Western democracy of today is the forerunner of Marxism which without it would not be thinkable. It provides this world plague with the culture in which its germs can spread.

This. But these babbies aren't ready for that pill.


>not one single argument in the thread

Look at all these butthurt moderates and leftists. I can't wait for the day of the rope where you cowards all run and hide, but get pulled out by the legs and are flailed. I hope I personally get to kill some of you niggers.

What happened? I thought you loved FREEDOM

>Europe on the other hand should do absolutely everything in their power to conserve their ethnic identity because they actually have one, all we really have is a set of common ideals.

imagine being this cucked and retarded

"""common ideals""" has literally never at any point in human history been a successful unifying force for a nation when the population was racially and culturally diverse. it has never and will never work.

the only way America can survive is if we define an ethnic American as an English speaking culturally American white person with American citizenship.

civic nationalism is a fucking MEME

Wow lol, it's not like the right uses old outdated religious laws to push their own agenda or anything.

>Where the fuck are the mods.

here -

Agreed. the constitution was meant for a white America.

Fuck you Abe



You don't like the constitution? You want to rip it up? You want to be a fucking traitor to what this country was built on?

Then get the fuck out. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

>We only have 4 years
The Constitution Stays, commie

Stop and rethink your life

>no argument
>wanting to let liberals rig Trump's presidency
>giving liberals a platform to potentially undo Trump's works

Kill yourselves, leftists.

Heh... Freedom is best

Nah senpai
There were black Nazis

>When it comes to great steaks, I've just raised the stakes. The Sharper Image is one of my favorite stores, with fantastic products of all kinds. That's why I'm thrilled they agree with me. Trump Steaks are the world's greatest steaks and I mean that in every sense of the word.

Nice revisionism cuck

Just because you're a nigger doesn't mean I won't see you hang.

Fuck off.

wtf i love statism now


Lol you dumb faggot we already have statism. Our schools (which you must attend, or your parents face jail time) are state-run and mandatory, our laws are vastly over-reaching and intrusive, our government collects our private information. Do I need to go on? Totalitarianism is already here. We just want to make traditional totalitarianism, without the "velvet glove," and in an all-white state.

Public schools should be abolished for brainwashing children. They need to be replaced with private centers to learn material approved by state-approved thinkers.

The government should collect our information, they should round up anyone who speaks out against them, and use information to make all liberals illegitimate by their nature so we never lose power.

>Public schools should be abolished for brainwashing children. They need to be replaced with private centers to learn material approved by state-approved thinkers.

dude youre a fucking autist

what exactly is going on here?


>bitches about greatest document in history
>can't recognize pic related
>more radical than the radicals that overthrew an ordained king

This is a capitalist country, not a socialist one. The government should exist to be a police state with an otherwise free economy.

founders were leftist egalitarian trash

conservatives in america are brainwashed to worship that crappy enlightenment document like it's some religious symbol (ironically the founders wouldve hated that)

Ok you shill.
>They are winning the fight. Let us convince them to destroy their nation so communist can revolt and take over. Then the borders will never close and no stupid republic will stop us.

saged as fuck

Dumbfuck libtard nigger who wants to see Trump fail

I hope your mother rots in hell for giving birth to scum like you.

>We need to abolish the Constitution.





Prove it

I agree. The republic is over, time for empire mode

>created by Freemasons, the Jews of the goys
>not Jewish subversion


Thanks abe.

that crappy enlightenment document stops people from getting arrested for bad goy facebook posting and places limits on whatever other kike moves the government wants to make in the name of progress

its far from perfect but its pretty fucking important and a lot of people here take it very seriously. its here to stay

What ever you say schmlo

If anything, we need to get rid of some of the stupid additions made to it thus far and get back to basics with the document. That and get rid of political parties all together and make the representative duke it out on their own merits (assuming they have any).

You deserve death for suggesting the greatest document in the world be thrown out.

Do you realize whose in power?
Do you realize what NSA prisim is?
Do you know who can access the records?
Do you realize your history is archived there?
Do you understand that when the day comes you will be on a very bad list?
I hope you have a nice tree in your front yard cause it will soon be decorated with you and your family

>threatening to kill someone because he insulted a Freemason thought experiment

Wew, you stupid goys really are brainwashed. Pro tip: read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and don't take Fox News commentators' opinion as gospel.

Abe Lincoln was a fucktard who completely disregarded the constitution for "Muh union"

This is what Trumpfags look like at the end of their transformation cycle.

Dumb coon I support the Trump administration. I went to the rallies, donated hundreds of dollars and voted for him. I even yelled at an old woman who had a Hillary sticker int eh lobby, telling her her days were numbered.

If anyone is gone, it's Trump's enemies, which are you. Trump hates the Constitution too, I know it, because he's an American like me. You're going to die.


Please fuck off and stay fucked off. I will summon Ted-sama on you and he has the ancient art.

Seriously though I'm beginning to think you retards actually are starting to think this way.


If we really are at war.

I think certain liberties must be taken with controlling the media.

FDR knew this. He did what it took to win and liberals love that crippled cousin fucker now.