If white people are the master race, how come Ashkenazi jews score higher on IQ tests?
If white people are the master race, how come Ashkenazi jews score higher on IQ tests?
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Ashkenazi jews are white, despite what both they and Sup Forums will tell you
Israel completely BTFO'd the le chosen meme. Poorer than most post-Soviet countries despite having more foreign investment than Spain & Italy combined, ranks consistently among the top three in the OECD when it comes to corruption both perceived and convicted and it's the only country where immigrants are on average poorer after ten years.
Then would you not care if an Ashkenazi jew married your daughter?
Jews are not white.
try harder, moshe
The only jews that are higly functioning and can create a semi western society are those who spent thousands of years in northern europe and have very heavy admixture from.
>ashkenazi jews
you got the ash part right
They also have a higher genetic predisposition for a fuckload of inherited diseases. Too much inbreeding, I guess.
The Ashkenazis aren't really jews
They're just larpers
So, showing that Israel, a country with a heavy mixture of Ashkenazi, Sephardic and arabs, isn't the best average, shows that Ashkenazis specifically aren't the smartest?
I said Ashkenazis for a reason, see? This is the same as saying black and white americans, are the same.
So why they are smarter than whites they mixed with, if their inteligence comes from whitey?
Mostly because Caucasian white males have been systematically forced out of science. Today, this practice is at its worst.
Nikola Tesla, a Caucasian male who, funnily enough, once stated that he was disappointed in women's desire to overtake men as the dominant sex, and stated that in the future, there would be "queen bees". (Lorde - Royals anyone?) He discovered alternating current, for example, and believed that electromagnetic fields and aether could better explain our concept of "gravity" better than Newton's idea.
Henry Cavendish came along, and devised a round, self-proving equation to explain gravity after allegedly setting up an experiment which has yet to be reproduced. Look into the gravity equation.
Basically, my point is this: the brightest Caucasian males are being pushed out of science fields in order for a Jew's, or minority's, skewed interpretation of the "facts" to be put into print.
Are those Berlin rape victims? Or the Dresden bombing victims? Didn't you guys say the holocaust never happened and stuff?
You mean an eastern European? Why not? Sup Forumsonly hates jews because they love the "lol Hitler" meme more.
ashkenazi jew here. AMA
Because they got persecuted in Europe.So only the smartest merchant could move and flee with the power of shekels.
Can you breed my wife? I want smart kids.
From what I've read on Sup Forums intelligence is inherited mostly from the mother.
To answer your question though, is your wife a petite latina? That's my type, huebro, but I'll probably marry a jew because it's what the parents want and in a sense what I want
So, you're saying that the mixture of Semitic blood, with slav genes, added to the persecution, created a master race? See you may be telling they are mixed, but you aren't denying they are something different and smarter.
meant for
>tfw Sup Forums is the reason I'm proud of my genetics
Honest question, is it hard to convert? Is it worth it?
I guess if nepotistic gains are in your sights it could be worth it. I used to belong to a congregation that had a few token black jews and a couple of christian converts. If anything they were more popular with the crowd - but I struggle to see any real benefit.
Because the rabbi determines who is and who is not a Jew. Underperforming stupid Jews are sloughed off into the general population of whites. It's a prime example of cherrypicking. The major flaw of this strategy is that Jews thin their herd so much that they no longer have enough population to hold land effectively, so they wander, as they have throughout the ages, to and fro, seeking a fresh host to leech off of.
>So, you're saying that the mixture of Semitic blood, with slav genes, added to the persecution, created a master race?
That's quite a stretch from what he wrote, quit shitposting.
Vampires are intelligent too, but they can't live on their own, without parasitism. Hardly a master race.
>you guys
i think you mean,you goys
You know what I thought about today....
There is a correlation between IQ and average salaries.
The jews were persecuted throughout history. Therefore they had to develop skills which will make them valuable to their host country and secure their safety and prosperity.