Has anyone noticed blacks have been all but absent from the post-inauguration chimpout? One would think they would be burning cities down along with all this leftist outrage. Without a black president, do they feel less empowered? Are they scared now? Why aren't they out there smashing windows and looting stores now that we have an evil racist president?
Has anyone noticed blacks have been all but absent from the post-inauguration chimpout...
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haven't been paid
Because blacks hate all white people equally
Being a "black ally" is a ruse to get you to let your daughters fuck them.
the money has been diverted to the airport riots
Maybe they finally realized that breaking their own shit won't do anything?
and its still cold, wait till spring. summer is going to be wild af
BLM is a stale meme now, no one gives a shit.
Syrians are so hot right now
They are hiding back in coontown. They know if they start Chimping now they will get Lynched. The good ol days are back boys.
Blacks don't give a shit about politics.
They're like children, they chimp out for attention but with Trump in office they won't get any so race relations will actually improve greatly in his presidency.
Welfare checks aren't handed out until February 1st
>summer is going to be wild af
It's going to be a hot one.
>Has anyone noticed blacks have been all but absent from the post-inauguration chimpout?
Let these other groups hold their own nuts.
Wasn't a nigger bitch screaming gibsmedats and advocating killing trump supporters a few hours ago?
if they were being paid it would be work and the type of blacks who protest don't want to work.
Blacks aren't freaking out because they have dealt with racist fucks trying to do them in for most of US history. Same shit different day.
You give them too much credit.
Because nobody is actually melting down, it's all holograms, CNN uses hologams
blacks hate spics and muslims as much as the next man
hopefully cause they're shitposting with us.
I'm confused by your post, who is currently trying to 'do them in' exactly ?
they're probably scared shitless.
the ancestral memory of the Slave Master is strong with blacks. When they encounter someone who fits that archetype, they fall into line.
Blacks are actually low on the list of what white liberal women care about. White liberals care about the following in this order.
1. Muslims
2. Feminism
3. Blacks
4. Mexicans
5. Gays
During the Florida nightclub shooting, Muslims were more important than gays. Right now, Muslims also trump blacks.
>Has anyone noticed blacks have been all but absent from the post-inauguration chimpout?
they're preparing nigga
The few nigger pals I have are so confused by everything going on they don't have as loud of an opinion as they did pre primary election. Believe it or not, deep down they're getting red pilled and it's just not 'cool' enough for them yet to talk about their subtle optimism for Trump outside of closed doors. I suspect SJW faggots only do it at this point to impress said niggers or expect a societal pat on the head.
The left is using another minority group right now, so they shelved the niggers for a bit, until they need them again to virtue signal
Probably because none of this affects them? They don't give a shit cause no nigger has been shot by police recently, and they're perfectly happy to stand by while Trump hopefully de-muslims western culture. Blacks and Muslims don't mix, and I'd choose a nigger over a goat fucker any day. Save my country someone please
The election is over and the left has thrown them to the side yet again, I generally dislike blacks but it's pretty shameful how some of them are so easily misled and abused by their Democratic masters, they are and most likely will always be slaves to be used for the advancement of (((agenda)))
Except for the Farrakhan types niggers don't like muslims either.
Probably more importantly the left actually learned a lesson and realized that chimpouts are terrible optics that do more harm than good so they dialed back their agitation.
if Trump creates a new Harlem Renaissance, liberals will shit themselves.
Yeah its pretty sad how easy they are manipulated but thats what you get with an 85 iq. They really should never have been brought here
Not part of the current narrative. When they need them, they trot them out. Right now, it's all about the immigration nonsense. As long as attention is diverted from the huge class divide and the global financial oligarchy, they just keep rotating the narrative to prevent any form of effective popular revolution.
We like trump.
Short attention spans.
>Soros controlled all the BLM monies
>didn't get the chaos he hoped for
>diverted funds to women and Antifa faggots instead in hopes of causing problems with new groups
If Georgie Boy pours monies back into BLM, they'll return, but without his funding, they have nothing to exist on, which has been the case since their inception.