Are you thinking about fapping?


Every time you ejaculate you lose SPERM. Sperm is full of minerals, vitamins and other healthy stuff from the body. But one of the most important ingredient is zinc. EDIT: You lose 0,3585 to 0,7055 mg zinc each load.


So with a mastrubation addiction it's easy to get a zinc deficiency, even with an healthy diet. As long as I can remember I have walked around with white spots on my fingernails and I always thought that I had too little calcium in my body. But white spots is an indicator of a zinc deficiency!

Zinc is used for a lot of important things in the body like immune system, growth, wound healing, taste and smell, hair, nails and skin (probably forgot a few). Zinc deficiency can cause:

Low energy
Chronic fatigue
stunted growth
Poor immunity
Bad memory
Inability to focus
ADD symptoms
slow wound healing
Nerve dysfunction
Oily skin

Other urls found in this thread:

A zinc deficiency can actually cause copper toxicity, because zinc is considered a primary antagonist to copper. The two minerals balance each other out in your body. When you have too little zinc, copper often accumulates in various storage organs in your body. So when ejaculating everyday you can easily get a zinc deficiency, wich could also lead that you have too much copper in your body. I personally had the following symptoms: can't concentrate anymore, acne, oily skin, hairloss, dandruff and fatigued. After 15 days since I started NoFap I can already focus better, more engergy, dandruff disappearing, acne almost gone but still experiencing hairloss. (I have been taking 15mg of zinc from day 1)
Your body uses copper for healthy red blood cells, nerve function and connective tissue production. As zinc, also copper can be toxic in big amounts. Copper and zinc balance each other out, so it's easy to get copper toxicity when having a zinc deficiency.
Symptoms associated with copper toxicity:
Tired body and an overactive mind
Migraine headaches
Cravings for high-copper foods such as chocolate or nuts
Depression and fatigue
Frequent colds, flues and viruses
Easy or frequent bruising, specifically capillary fragility
Mood swings
Tooth decay
Vitamin deficiencies

Plus, the porn industry is largely owned and operated by JEWS. Pornography is a JEWISH trick to make white men weak, unhealthy, unmotivated and unappealing to white women, who then naturally turn to niggers and other shitskin subhumans. By improving yourself you demotivate the JEW!


Instead of fapping, work out! Read some Julius Evola. And find a real life Aryan qt3.14!

Joke's on you I have copper deficiency.

why does ejaculating lower your zinc levels?

doesnt sound right

I just started eating it at the end. I started out using it to try and quit, but I'm used to it.
I know I'm degenerate scum

Allowing it to buildup destroys your g spot. Take zinc in pill form and pressure wash the ceiling. How about that

But I know how to orgasm without ejaculating.

Based OP
Keep dropping the Iron Pills on these anime watching, overweight neckbeards. We need MEN representing our cause rather than boys. I went 7 days of /NoFap/ and caved. But I'm on 28 hours now gunna go for 90 Days. Did A fuck ton of cardio today focusing on upper body tomorrow. You're a good man OP I respect you. We need to prepare ourselves mentally and physically for what is to come. We need to bring more woman to our side and the only way to do it is to go out confident, with a proper posture and an Authoritative voice. We need to lift and we need to run.

Have acne even though I'm on nofap


when you ejaculate you release sperm so your body has to produce more of it. There is a lot of zinc in sperm.
Are you the author of this video?

>stunted growth
>When you realize you fapped yourself below 6' to stay a eternal manlet because of hentai

Cheers to Julius Evola.

I haven't fapped in 2 months, I don't really think about it.

Males must masterbate and ejaculate to stay healthy. Avoid cancer.

What if I'm a grill?


So if I fuck my wife every day will I encounter the same problems?

why not just take zinc supplements

Stop telling me what to do Jesus.

Ever heard of recycling? Enjoy your prostate cancer retard

masturbation meme's are only a pathetic statement in the blind misery that the majority is in ignorance when it comes to the spiritual energies of the human being and the force bound within the sexual energies because the masses are vain, hostile cows who can't face the fact of their own biological and spiritual nature. The entire pro/anti argument is moot until the next national socialist revolution acknowledges these facts and turns their citizens into the master race through regulated spiritual, and physical fitness routines

until then , forget any and most trash you read about the topic on this pathetic planet.

jokes on you. i eat 3 vitamin gummies a day!

>last 24 hours
>have so much pressure I can hit the ceiling

My wife drinks my jizz, her deadlift numbers have been going through the fucking roof and her biceps have grown 2", it does a body good.

How was Zyzz degenerate?

my serving size is 2, fucking pleb.

amen brother 48 hours in myself

Remember: Pornography is the only thing the jew is willing to give away for free.

Nah man, depends, if your dad is below 6 then it's his fault or your grandfather's it's all about genetics

im 6'2" and 200 lbs. you wanna go faggot?

This is why I always eat my own semen after I ejaculate. All y'all no fapping faggots are dumb

Go big or go home you fucking cuck.

I've been doing NoFap for 12 days. I'm so horny I can't stand it...

I've got a bunch of Iron Pill comics saved from 2014 around here somewhere...

I've always wondered why when one reaches the zenith of enlightenment they stop wearing pants.



You know you can eat food to get zinc back, right?

Your logic is like saying dont sweat or you'll loose water. Without water you die.


Well... I eat my sperm, jokes on you





enjoy the dreams and wear 2 pairs of loose fitting boxers


It's probably because you stayed up all night fapping and never slept. Sleep is more important for growth than fapping.


Why haven't you taken the leadpill yet Sup Forums?

6'5 250 lbs, I'm also ex marine and eat pussy like you for breakfast.


how much is a healthy amount of masturbation? I'd try to stop completely but so many qts at uni wearing barely anything

My favorite Iron Pill comic.

Unenlightened red pills BTFO

Once a month

Daily reminder not to make drastic changes to your life based on one Sup Forums thread.

the iron pill is the final pill
there is nothing more nationalist than taking care of your mind, body and fighting for MOTHER EVROPA

Post tits

thanks op

I always came buckets. My gf doesn't let me cum on her anymore cause it's just outrageous how much comes out.

250! lol fucking fatass, I could bench circles around you

>current year
>not eating it after cumming

The dude literally gave himself a heart attack in his 20s with all the drugs he was taking.

Every white Sup Forumsack must be strong in mind, body, and spirit (either with God or mother Europe, I'm not religious myself but I'd die for my race).

everyone who looked at their fingernails

>As long as I can remember I have walked around with white spots on my fingernails and I always thought

I have fapped at least once a day usually twice a day ever day for the last 13 years and I am 6'1
Are you saying that I would be 8 feet tall had I taken up pottery rather than pocket pool?
I don't think it works that way

How do I acquire a gf, /ironpill/?

You have beat off numb nuts, if you stop all together you're testosterone will drop. If you can't fuck then beat off. The trick is to only do it once a week and never to hardcore porn (makes you a cuck) or lesbian porn (makes you trans).

All of that is bullshit
You need to use your dick or it shrinks
There is proof of that
Follow no fap cult and you won't get girls nor will you ever have any sexual fulfillment.
*****no fap is literally cucking yourself*****

god fucking damn when will these memes die. Just live your life and eat like a normal person. There's like a 30%+ chance you'll die from fucking cancer anyway no matter how healthy you are so for fucks sake beat your dick and enjoy it.

Here we go again

Why do you settle for mediocrity user? Do you not want to know what your body is capable of?

talk to a girl in your league. if youre not good looking why should a good looking girl go out with you?

I respect my lineage but North America is my homeland. We won it from the injuns and we are keeping it.

Nobody listen to this degenerate leaf

You're a fucking loser.
Please hate yourself and crawl away you already dead soul.

Fine cuck yourself and shrink up your dick.
Not really bothered.

>Dad 5'7'
>I've been jerking several times a day for the past decade
>6'1' 20yo
Still growing a bit I think

Hahahahaaaaa!!! A LEAF.

Your penis grows when you do not jack off because you have more testosterone and more nutrients and stronger boners. You are also a more confident clear headed MAN when you do not jack off.

Anyone who says otherwise is a jew.

You all need to get over your pathetic momentary pleasure of cumming on yourself. It's sad. If the best thing is your life is wacking to a prostitute and then mopping it up then should you even be alive? No.

No fap panic when they realize what they have don't to themselves.
Bet you've never even cum on a girls pretty face before you fucking loser.


I always get a hearty kek from this autistic pseudoscience /r9k/ cancer

t. CRNA with 3 children

I have nocturnal emission sometimes. Three this month. Haven't ejaculated in 2 months.

I take endocrine shots.

>clear headed
This is a fucking lie. I don't know how you low-t faggots do it. I went two months before and all I could think about was sex. I was hard all the time everywhere by the end.