This is in the U.S. Holocaust Museum
really makes you think
This is in the U.S. Holocaust Museum
You can replace fascism with liberalism and everything written there is still true
even death cannot stop the eternal jew
Hillary and Obama have done all of these.
Do we have a museum for the gooks we nuked?
this is in the GIFT SHOP fyi.....
>it's for sale
wow, hillary was a fascist all along
Barely any of this fits, even by lefty standards, and it's the lefties that control the media, not the right.
What does liberalism have to do with the military, lack of human rights, sexism, obsession with national security, religion in the government, suppressing labor movements, disdain for intellectuals, and an obsession with crime?
> "Disdain for intellectuals & the arts"
Lol nice try letting that one slip in, kike.
You guys are idiots, this descibes trump perfectly. The opposite of obama and hillary.
Sup Forumstards live in a fantasy world of denial. These are not leftist traits at all.
>Do we have a museum for the gooks we nuked?
do you really think gooks lives matter that much?
lol really? So you can't find a single instance of any of those that Hillary is responsible for? If you are that stupid I feel sorry for you
Fair enough
>Disdain for human rights
Human rights didn't even exist when fascism was born
Every single ideology has its ennemies.
>Supremacy of the military
>Rampant sexism
Faire enough
>Controlled mass media
So, dems are fascists ?
>Obsession with nationall security
At the time it was security from agression from other states, not terrorism
>Religion and government intertwined
W0t ?! Except for Franco, this is plain bullshit. While Franco was Christian as fuck, Hitler had a pretty big disdain for all religon except Islam.
>Corporate power protected
Don't need fascism for that
>Labor power suppressed
Fascism actually gave more right to workers at the time... There was a crackdown on unions since most of them were communist.
>Disdain for intellectuals and the arts
Only opposing intellectuals and artists.
>Obsession with crime and punishment
Depends on the leader, not fascism in itself.
>Rampant cronyism and corruption
So, half the planet ?
>Fraudulent elections
I would have gone with "no elections".
hillary wanted a no-fly zone on syria, which could lead to confrontation with russia, and her followers applauded it
>lack of human rights
they are genociding a race
they hate men
>obsession with national security
NSA bullshit only grew under obongo
>religion in the government
>suppressing labor movements
ok, i dont know
>disdain for intellectuals
they push pseudointellectuals and displace actual scientists
>obsession with crime?
obsession with committing it
Hmm. Not in this timeline.
enola GAY
So a made up word that liberals can't define, and use to try and classify Nazis (who were socialists) as right wingers? Really makes you think.
Leftist art and intellectuals are degenerates. That much is obvious.
Or is Sprit cooking something to be admired?
>a made up word
wow just like the rest of words.
>if you aren't a good little goyim you're a fascist
Fascism didn't cause Jewish deaths. Extraordinary policy, war, and disease did.
US checks over half of that list
Yes they are.
Uh no. hillary and obama are war hawks
hillary doesnt care about women or gay rights
Sounds like soros
Japan bringing the banter.
Yeah, except this one is made up in the sense that the main retards who use it can't actually define it with any kind of certainty. The word literally only exists so that liberals can classify the Nazis as right wingers.
This list can apply to pretty much every government on the planet.
This is more like neoconservatism on steroids
that's the point. it exists to point to conservative movements and say "reeee fascism"
>disdain for intellectuals and the arts
Is this why alt-right is so triggered by comet ping pong and friends?
>Disdain for the arts
We on the right love Art just not the shit the left is trying to pass as art.
True art today comes in the form of Hentai, Video games, and R34. None of this pretentious vacuous crap in modern art museums.
that and bombed supply lines and typhus.
For all we know it could be 16 my goym
my nig
>True art today comes in the form of Hentai, Video games, and R34.
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pretty much.
>True art today comes in the form of Hentai, Video games, and R34. None of this pretentious vacuous crap in modern art museums
my FUCKING sides
(((controlled mass media))))
Whatcha doin rabbi?
retard. the "arts" doesn't mean drawings and paintings lmao
>warning sign 11
>a disdain for plebs
oh shit they coming for us.
Mah nigga
he already said disease
>Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
No that shit you mentioned is for degenerates.
You fucking degenerate cunt. You belong with the spirit cookers. Prob a MLP fan as well. Go stand on a highway
Disdain for human Rights? Isn't that what makes them weak?
A reminder that these "signs of fascism" were made by some random liberal "intellectual" faggot in 2004 so he could say Bush was a fascist.
yeah well I cant read too good.
How do you feel about the new art style for the game Half Genie Hero? I for one am a bit disappointed with how it looks for things like fan art and r34, however in game this new art style allows for more fluid animation which is pretty nice.
Obvious pedophiles next door, still obsessed about comet ping pong. Way to go morons
I went there it was a shit museum
all good except the military point
they obviously didnt mean 'strong military'. They prob meant something like expansionism, aggressive or some kind of strength fetish
holy shit
Wow sounds just like pic related
Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements
in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside
Palestinian land in an obvious land grab.
This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.
Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.
If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
You really can't even find anything about the so called professor who made the list, some asshole just fucking wrote it and now an institution that is suppose to be a museum is using it.
>jews are fascists
wow no way it's not like they invented communism right?
Is it really degenerate though?
This liberal art is true degeneracy.
This is Bernie Sanders exploding on a liberal girl for
daring to question the apartheid state of Israel
How does Bernie Sander with dual Israeli/US citizenship support a wall for Isreal but not the US?
>only $10
like half of that shit is really fucking good fir a country to have.
>good goy don't care about national security, your culture or crime rates!
I am right wing and I support Israel going back to the real jews. Not the imposters who are living there now. The original jews were black, how else can you explain their savagery and superstition?
Go home Bjorn
canada bans leafs from Sup Forums? Good ridance!
sounds a lot like the left tbqh
>labor power suppressed
Yeah, that ain't happening. Trump needs the Rust Belt.
>controlled mass media
>fraudulent elections
Man, I wish.
thought it was because of pizza gate
A wall on mexican border and leafs censored from Sup Forums, can Trump get anymore win?
How is any of these bad? Literally nothing wrong.
Pictures got nothing to do with Jews, I'm confused?
Also culture isn't confined in a fixed chronological point, to be cherry picked and preserved in a somehow 'pure' form, it's a continually evolving response to historic material conditions.
tf are you even about
You should actually read the posts you're responding too before you talk.
1/2 of these things aren't that bad, a government would be shit if they didnt care about crime and punishment, national security, etc. A government should be obsessed with keeping their cotizens safe
Trumptards want a fascist authoritarian to take them in hand and make them cry for daddy.
Yeah sounds like Israel
I'll start
It's because deep down they know that the world has no material need for them, and feel powerless, so they're drawn towards somebody who tells them he's going to make them strong. And because he addresses them directly, it's enough to make them feel like they're a part of something larger than themselves that IS strong.
It's sad, really - especially knowing the extent to which the insecurities of user were pandered to by the likes of Bannon in order to garner their support for this kleptocuckery.
What's funny is that, under the right light, you can apply several of those points to many different governments in every point of the political spectrum
Argie got it right >suppressing labor movements
That just means being against good goy communism
attempting to take the shitposting throne kiwi? Canada isn't banned yet.
Ir8 5/8 b8
>>suppressing labor movements
>ok, i dont know
Occupy wall street.
>Controlled Mass Media
That's cute.
Thanks OP.
Happy that Hillary was stopped just in time.
if they put "faux" before "intellectuals & arts" and removed the last two lines they could hire me as an example for ten bucks an hour.
No. But at least you tried conservacuck.
I don't remember that there. You sure it's not some Leftist poster, Schlomo?
Oy vey, insulting Israel I'm the Holocaust museum, how anti-Semitic.
$10 for a sheet of printer legal size glossy paper is pretty jew.
That costs like $0.04 to produce, and that's if you're printing less than 20 sheets.
If you print more than 5000, it only costs half a penny for each one.
Literally not an argument.