President Bannon

What is next on his agenda?

Da chews

Bike race, gas the pedal now

a tug from Trump

Getting shitfaced and ordering a bunch of fruit roll ups from the WH kitchen


did bannon cuck trump and have his son?


I'm not sure, but he better not let off the gas, been some quality legislation so far.

I like this 'everyone in trump cabinet is running the show but Trump' meme. First Pence and now Bannon.

Bannon is a geenius

wish they'd cut the military budget by 50%..

mfw Bannon is Barron from the future sent by future leader of the Resistance to fight against the invading alien colonists

Do you CTR shills ever get tired of circle jerking each other

Why can't this fat fuck bother to use a suit shirt and tie? everybody's all serious and this scruffy dude makes POTUS look bad.

>>I like this 'everyone in trump cabinet is running the show but Trump' meme. First Pence and now Bannon.

Trump has no prior experience in politics. It's not too difficult to imagine that he's asking everyone around him to make sense of the legalese of the executive orders he signed or what every department under his command does.

do you see it moishe?

he can afford to be slovenly
he's the mad scientist of politics yo
also the enforcer of pogrom/gulag


>not wearing comfy jackets when you can

the villain behind the throne has to stand out so even the most stupid audience can pick up on him

this is all a beautiful game

Crashing the Democratic Party.

Better yet why doesn't he shave? It takes like 5 mins and that with also a haircut he won't look like a homeless vagrant.

>wait guys I got it!
>you know how we spread the meme that Dick Cheney was really the pres?
>lets try it with Trump that'll stump him for sure!

so do we know what he does exactly

He is about to line us up with our greatest ally Israel against our greatest enemy Islam and their (((allies)))!!!

He's Trump's right hand man.


Then he's gonna tell Trump to nuke Pakistan and they'll end up hitting Lebanon as a compromise because Hezbollah. Afterward he cucks Donald while whispering sweet Nazi talk to Melania.


the muslim ban was basically drawing borders.
Signaling allies.