Sleeping Around (/Degneracy/? thread)

Hi Sup Forums I'm having trouble getting over my first crush. The feeling of being in love was so pure and perfect and real. There was nothing dark or wrong in it. Even after having slept around with around ten girls, I can't get over that first crush.

What should I do? Did I make a mistake to sleep around?

I just want that pure sweet innocent love back. I want real love and to cherish a girl not just fuck her and nothing special come of it.

Are we supposed to refrain from meaningless sex even as males? Help me out Sup Forums

>inb4 off topic
It's not

>Are we supposed to refrain from meaningless sex even as males
Yes. Get right with God. Get right with yourself.

You must taste big black dick and then everything will make sense, OP. It might be as a cuck, or a sissy or even a full empowered trap, but you will find the pure, perfect and real love, even if a little darker.

I don't know how to get back to non-degenerate sex. I want that first girl back so much but she's a Christian and perfect in every way. I am kind of a degenerate. It's so painful to remember the perfect innocent love that I used to be able to feel.

Now it's just all fucked up and broken.

I have a decent job and I should be happy, but my life feels like it's fucking over. I'll never find another sweet angel like that first girl.

Sicko detected.

have as much sex as possible and when you get someone pregnant hastily marry them.

I've been thinking about this too OP. I just want a qt BDSM slave to redpill and lovingly lead.

But I'm afraid of getting fucked by the government if she ever became resentful, or divorce courts if we got married.

Wat do.

>did i make a mistake to be unfaithful to someone i purport to love and very likely demand faith from
yes. hope you learn from this stupid shit move. i know the feeling, but one makes their own grave. maybe now you should learn to appreciate a good thing when you have it.

cut off your dick and balls so you lose all urges

you straighten up, degenerate

Oh yea the first girl never even let me fuck her until I'd been dating her for an entire year, just make out a little. She's like the perfect Christian and so sweet and feminine and innocent. She literally believes in Jesus. I remember feeling so in love with her and it was so pure and real.

Now, when I like a girl it's just thinking I want to fuck her and it's never anything deep. I can't love anymore. She really liked me and she was smart and sweet. Not like intellectual smart, but smart anyway. She's such an angel. She really cared about me on a human level.

All my fucking friends and ex GFs but her have been basically drinking buddies at best or fuckbuddies with the girls. What the fuck is wrong with the world? I'm dying.

I'm so fucking jaded.

I never fucked other girls until the painful as fuck breakup. It was hell. I tried to beg er not to leave me, but she said she couldn't be with me. She's a hardcore Christian family girl and I'm... well I've spent most of my life partying and not giving a fuck until recently when my fucking dad died.

Now I'm reassessing shit bigtime.

I really fucked myself up bad. I'm so broken.

I'm there with you. Even put a round in my head over her, but I still lived. Got a new gf. Slept with her first night we met at a friends party. Still not over it.
It's not a mistake to sleep around, it just doesn't work.

For reasons to live? For lack of a better term, I have a list of sorts of women who could fill that void. If you're with them maybe you could use what you learned in that first relationship to really make them happy and have something beautiful. My current gf isn't one of those women, but my 'list' occasionally grows.

go back to /r9k/

Lad I know this feel, the truth of the matter is that you need to be trolling for some 18-19 puritan pussy if you ever want to have that same love again. The true redpill is once you fuck a whore's brains out you can't ever be with a non-virgin or 1-bf christian non-virgin (who also would have to have her ex be a sad sack who can't fuck right) because all you are going to think about about whoever your dating is her getting her brains fucked out, and begging for cum.

holy fucking christ user, take pic of head. I need to see this shit. You put a bullet in your head over a girl who let you fuck as soon as you met her?


dude you're fucked in the head, I believe in women being subservient but BDSM slavery is too extreme

I feel ya OP. I fell hard for this girl a few years back. Got to the point where I asked her to marry me. She said yes - and then left me 3 months later. That was 2014.
I started drinking really heavily and fucking anyone who would spread their legs for me, but sex is boring now. She expressed interest in starting over again in late 2016, but then I got arrested for drink driving because I can't get out of bed without taking at least 3-4 shots in the morning. Now she won't speak to me.
I ruined myself. I'm fucking done.

> not knowing what a Master/Slave relationship in BDSM consists of
An M/s relationship is literally just a Sup Forums male led relationship. No whips and chains necessary. I'm more of a paddle and cane man myself.

Really, my ideal M/s relationship would be to collar a qt brunette and set up some protocols for herself and I. Refer to me as Sir, or Mr.user, training her to respond to cues/orders, daily maintenance spankings, setting her tasks and routines to keep her healthy and strong and happy, teaching her what I like around the home.


>TFW I lost my virginity to someone I didn't really even love

It's not a huge deal but all the same it makes me ashamed sometimes.

>I ruined myself. I'm fucking done.
GET HELP. Drinking in the morning is a very very bad sign.....I did it for years. Getting help was the only way I could break the cycle. After quitting the liquid jew totally over a year ago, I have never felt better. Alcohol is not the direct problem, and is only a symptom of the problem.

I don't like to give advice, but look for a local AA meeting. All I ask is that you go, and listen. If you realize that you are powerless, and that your life is unmanageable it may help. Thankfully this is an anonymous board, and I can say this sort of stuff.

AA did help me reclaim some sanity. It did not in any way fix my life, but gave me the help I needed to start to do positive things.

My life is literally exponentially better. Yes it is real, yes it works. Getting a DUI is just the beginning of a slide down to the bottom.....And bottoms can range from jail and death.

You fucked up your brain's ability to pair bond OP, now forever deal with the consequences.

oh god how can I fix it I'll do anything fucking please help me

Just lay off women for a while and your brain will probably recoup. But keep in mind the cynic in me wants to tell you that you are now free from being manipulated. That christian girl may have seemed like your world but ultimately she expected you to provide for her and be a good christian boy. Its very easy to be manipulated when your brain is fucked up on chemicals, so you can take this as a positive and realize you can live as a free man, albeit in a cold cruel world, as opposed to, well, sucking on blue pills.

I attended a meeting once as part of a school project I was helping my ex girlfriend with, and I have to say I wasn't impressed. Everyone looked absolutely miserable (including the group leaders) and at them and we all held hands, dang songs and prayed. I don't know if that's typical but it seemed pretty silly.
I'll probably have to attend a support group of some form once I actually get sentenced for the DUI so who knows. I'm not sure I really want to quit drinking though. Yeah it will probably kill me in the next few years but it always cheers me up and makes me feel better. I appreciate the advice though.

>and at them and we all held hands, dang songs and prayed.
Fucked that up.
>at the end we all held hands, sang songs and prayed

>will probably kill me in the next few years
if you're lucky. If you don't have totally shit genes you could be suffering for a while, user. Just get off the sauce.

will do

it's just painful to remember the joy she brought me back then- and now, it's dead inside

if I would have held her for just one moment in that prior state of mind I would been transported to the stars

and now- she's just a body- she's just a bitch


I lost my virginity to a prostitute because I can't get tail normally.

I decided right after to stop embarassing myself and gave up on even trying to score.