this is a literal coup d'etat, Donald Trump is illegally taking over the USA government and all you idiots can do is make apprentice jokes
fuk u nip spik gook kike
So fucking pumped for the next 8 years
What you don't understand you Nip fuck is that what he is doing is a good thing. America has swung too far left. It's time to stir things up.
this is exactly what i want yamada, an emperor
Thought he already fired that faggot like 1 week ago
Also he just fired the Attorney General.
Can't stop firing people.
3 nukes
You dare doubt our God-Emperor?
Swift will be your undoing, and great will be you fall...faggot.
>Trump is illegally taking over the USA government
That is called being elected.
it is swinging too far right now. just as this presidency was a reaction to the wez presidents nao crowd and obama, there will be a follow up leftist reaction to the wez presidents nao crowd and trump. the pendulum swings again.
>He's illegally taking over the US government by following the law
Fbbp. /nupol/ is a bunch of cucked boot lickers
It's only the second week though! Fasten your fucking beltseats its gonna be a crazy 4 years!
Well, they should be thankful he didn't send them on a one-way helicopter ride.
Cleaning house and taking names. I love this!
It's technically a purge.
No, it's being reddit raided. Also there has apparently been a new CTR style group fully funded and they are hitting the ground running, but what they don't know is once you enter Sup Forums YOU NEVER LEAVE.
buzz buzz motherfuckers
>literal coup d'etat
>illegally taking over the USA government
>by firing the person ACTING IN THE POSITION that was APPOINTED BY OBAMA
Just stick to anime
He is the Executive, he can fire anyone under the executive branch.
Nothing illegal about it, you ignorant plebe.
That's what the president is supposed to do dumb ass. He's going to replace them anyways. He's putting pressure on Congress to stop dragging their feet and approve his people, or he's just going to fire the existing ones and replace them with interim people anyways. This happens with EVERY Presidential change. The old guard leaves, the new guard comes on. EVERY TIME.
He probably was doing a shitty job.
Not necessarily. The democrats have to pull themselves together. Other than a bunch of NEETs getting run over by trucks trying to block highways, they don't have a base any more. They are in TOTAL meltdown mode and it's going to be very hard for them to repair the damage in time for the next mid-term, much less find a single viable Presidential candidate in 3 years.
I see CREW is up and running
He is literally doing his job you dumb nip.
like him doing something he is well known for doing would be unexpected
Obama attempted to form a shadow government - this is the real reason he is still living in DC. Trump is purging all of Obama's saboteurs.
I wish he'd televise this shit
and they havn't changed their tactics in the slightest.
david brock needs to have a tragic brake accident
>person literally leading the country is running a coup
learn your english nippon, you bring shame onto your flag
The fuck?
Didn't he already fire this guy like 5 days ago? Is the media just rehashing old firings now to stir shit?
I smell the fascist aspect of corporations taking over the US govt.
Sieg Heil, you glorious bastards.
The Senate won't confirm his nominees so he's making it work.
This is all (((Schumer's))) fault.
He's basically firing anyone who wont kiss his ass and do whatever criminal shit he wants.
I voted for Trump so that he would make extreme changes in government. He is making extreme changes in government. I'm not sure why I'm supposed to have sympathy for the firing of someone for not doing their job and who has historically been too soft on illegal immigration.
Stop using Japanese Proxy.
No matter what Trump does, America's immigration laws will never be as strict as Japan's.
How much does Brock pay you an hour?
kek its called being elected nip
>drain the swamp
They were all mainly appointed under Obama.
nice J crew shirt
Sorry English teacher, looks like you're not coming back.
Arab Spring was successful. And there are better tactics to add. That is all I need to say about it.
english teacher pls noose yourself
DURRR power of le kek XD liberals btfo
reply to this or your mother dies tonight XD XD
he's draining the swamp
Everything he is doing is legal...
Actually, Japan once again will never be surpassed by America.
It is impossible for a Zaibatsu to exist in America because Americans are individualistic so family clan based corporations don't exist because everyone will destroy each other over inheritance wills in America which commonly happens among rich families in America.
This doesn't happen in Japan, though.
Hitler was democractically elected and his genocides were legal too....
You bringa shame on yer framiry!
The pro-Trump crowd needs to do a much better job of organising against the massive anti-Trump campaign.
Great stuff! Sorry liberals, this is a country of laws, not make-believe customs.
>hitler did things that were legal
>trump is doing things that are legal
Ok retard, he is basically the boss of the executive branch and these people are working FOR him, they cant say no to his demands, they are supposed to find a way to implement his policy. The dems have been stalling and it is preventing Trumps picks from getting into their positions on time, this means these temporary people (that were picked by Obama) work there during the transition, but since they are obama lackeys they are just sitting with their thimbs up their asses refusing to work and HOLY SHIT WE SHOULDVE DROPPED A THIRD NUKE YOU FILTHY FUCKING JAP
The only one saying that is you. That doesn't mean Trump cannot be fascist. Your argument is a logical fallacy. It's a strawman argument.
you forgot: slope chink hentainigger
This is how liberals actually argue.
Maybe you should go read up on this guy. He was way more like Hitler than Trump ever will be.
ABC News Edits Out Refugee Saying He Likes Trump
ABC News has been caught manipulating sound bites again, this time cutting a clip when a newly arriving refugee Hameed Darweesh says he likes President Trump. This is the second time in the last few days ABC has been caught manipulating footage.
>The only one saying that is you
No, you were the one to directly compared Hitler to Trump
>this is how Republicucks argue
That doesn't mean that Trump can't do things that they did.
It's called editing, retard. It's done all the time in the media to provide relevance and brevity.
And so that autists on imageboards can sperg out in tine hats.
It doesn't mean that this president couldn't legally commit genocide if he changes this government so much to create the conditions for genocide to happen.
Isn't genocide the very thing you wish to happen? It's like arguing with a brickwall with you.
>ABC caught editing out opposition viewpoints.
>Dude it's called editing you fucking idiot.
This is why arguing with libs is pointless.
They believe a genocide is actually possible and likely
Wake the fuck up.
Fuck of japan. Go fuck a octopus tentacles and enjoy your underage jidols.
Fuck off or we'll nuke you again.
How are you? Which do you like better? CTR or American Bridge?
>Not letting foreign people into your country is genocide.
>he actually thinks fucking genocide is going to happen here
Liberals have really gone batshit
>says the retard on Sup Forums who advocates genocide in other threads, but refrains from it when someone points out his genocidal wishes in threads like this just to make his argument seem legit, but failing
It's called multiple personality disorder.
>straw man argument
Hitler was never elected. He was appointed Vice Chancellor to get him to shut up then the Chancellor died.
No, your are the new one
He was elected and the people approved, unlike Trump's election and the resulting constant protesting.
I'm done with this shit thread.
I'm part of the new ACLU and Soros team, with infrastructure by google. We're having a remarkable amount of success so far. Thanks for asking!
>It's called editing
No shit, Sherlock. That's what I'm talking about.
The genocides were clandestine military operations. Technically war crimes.
It's called irony. You don't get to arbitrarily define who is sane, and who isn't, once you've lost the executive branch.
>deputy direction gets bumped up
>third in charge is now second in charge
>rinse repeat until the entire departments gone
>or the cleaning guy is now the security chief and he just wants to keep his job
Classic footage
Checked and rekt
Two bombs weren't enough.
you stupid fucking jap, 2 nukes wasn't enough
oh shit it's still on
what a fat tub of lard
she's one of the high ranking bureaucrats bound to resist his administration. More will follow. He shows them how he'll deal with them
he probably keeps all the kinky footage of the immigration proceedings for the couple of hot mexican women just trying to make it in the U.S
Japanese guys, notice this sentiment here. American Nazis are not your allies. Wannabe nazis have no allies. Let these wannabe nazis fail in their own movement because they've made enemies of every single other group that exists. Wannabe nazis are so stupid they've even made white women their enemies, that's why feminism exists. That's why they will fail.
they're Obongo appointees
they knew they were done
Japan. The 51st state. Check 'em.
>A retarded japan post
Definitely a weeb english teacher. A real nip first poster would have graced us with vicious bantz
P.S. we'll take your sake and your women.