Is he any better than Islamic terrorists?

Is he any better than Islamic terrorists?

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Yeah, he is white..but a leaf...he is slightly better than an average German or Aussie


I don't know, I doubt any of them have high ELO rating, but maybe if they learned some gambits off of yt they could beat him.

He knew his way around guns. You could say he was an honourary murrifat.

He's not Islamic.

french canadians are pretty much worthless.

t. Inbred convict

He looks pretty cute desu

Call me a kook if you want but I think this guy is a patsy.

He's a fucking idiot. All he did was fuel the Lefts narrative that whites are the real terrorists. Not only that but he did it right during the fallout of Trumps executive order. The Left is getting hard over this story

He could not have been dumber. Typical fucking Leaf

Frankly no. Sup Forums truly hold an incredible double standard of acting like wolves and expecting their opponents to be men.

No one deserves violence simply for any of their beliefs. You should discuss and argue for your ideals, and defend yourself if necessary, but never throw the first punch. Whether left or right.

>playing as black
obvious false flag psyop against Sup Forums

Shit no.

In fact, he's 87 percent WORSE!!

This is the latest in a string of mass shootings that have come out of the province.

There was the Ecole Polytechnique, Dawson College, and now this.

Mass shootings are apparently turning into a Quebecois specialty.


I hope he is ready for my Trompowsky Attack, Classical, Big Center Variation.

so this is what a leaf adam lanza looks like

Silly rabbit, he's not a sand nigger for one!

Wait was he killed or captured?

/our guy/

No. Killing innocent people is not the fucking answer.


Yes, the timing IS a bit suspicious, and the story changing from two gunmen yelling Alluhu Akbar to one skinny white kid. Really makes me think.



Yes, Muslims are not nor will they ever be human.

Except when someone's ideals mandate throwing the first punch

Just a coincidence that the Liberals & Trudeau started officially working with George Soros to push for more refugee sympathy world wide, less than 2 months ago...

>Canada is forming a partnership with the United Nations and billionaire George Soros to help other countries implement their own version of Canada's private refugee sponsorship program.

Immigration Minister John McCallum told Rosemary Barton, host of CBC News Network's Power & Politics, he knows of about 13 countries that are potentially interested in Canada's model for private refugee sponsorship, adding he has already had talks with the United Kingdom.

The release said the initiative will start by creating training modules for private sponsorship based on an analysis of the Canadian model and will offer countries "tailored advice" on how to adapt and implement the programs.

>The joint initiative between the government of Canada, the UN High Commission on Refugees and Soros's Open Society Foundations will have a kick-off meeting in Ottawa in December, the release said.

McCallum said Canada's decades of experience with private sponsorship, going back to the resettlement of Vietnamese refugees in the 1970s, puts it in a position to help other countries.

"I think we can offer practical advice to those countries who are interested in going this route, and I do believe, based on our own experience, that it will be a successful thing to do, and I'm grateful to the UN and George Soros for co-sponsoring this initiative with us," he told Barton.

>McCallum said Soros would contribute funding to the project.

False flag, confirmed antifa

need sauce pls

That's true the whole thing really doesn't add up. It started as two gunmen with distinctly arabic names too.

I'm skeptical of it, but if this Leaf actually is the perpetrator of it then he is a really big dumbass.

Reading that gave me flashbacks of when I had to train the people who replaced me when they outsourced my job. It made me feel gross. Sorry leafbro, they've found someone who'll do the job of Canadian cheaper, even if the result is a diminished product.