Would you race mix asian?
Would you race mix asian?
I already have.
Not even a wiggle down there
Of course. Not like Asian """""""men""""""" can satisfy them
At one point I would have but not anymore.
I sometimes wonder if coal burners feel like that.
only Japanese and I wouldn't make a baby with them.
call le crazy but they don't race mix much either.
fuck yeah I would. Had a Japanese fuckbuddy and it was the best sex of my life but she had to go back after her study abroad was over. We still sext often though.
sure they're usually nice guys.
still gotta have white babies first though so you can prevent genocide of the genes asians worship.
If I loved her and wanted to raise a child with her sure
Only losers want to bang these ugly yellow monkeys
Highly unlikely
Only jap, maybe south korean. Other asians have no souls
Who cropped this?
This is the most popular fashion item in Japan right now. It's called the Virgin Slayer. You are already dead.
wrong board, virgin
Oh no. What are they doing to Table-kun?
Already am.
Fuck no. Goes against the whole purpose of the 14 words.
Asians genuinely are yellow monkeys. Fuck out of here!
>implying all of you wouldn't right there and then take a a nice long wiff of their assholes
Sure, I'd have a couple in my harem.
That's a chink tho
I'm a quarter asian myself so If I ever did I would essentially just raise the kids as Asian and my family name would become fully Asian.
yessir i would
South Korea's got Seoul
miscegenation is sin
If they were the last women on earth, I'd dick them down with my dick. If you know what I mean.
I came into this thread for fap material and I aint leaving until i get it
Asians are great, nice tight cunts and make you food and clear up and everything.
Only japs because they're honorary Aryan.
The rest of Asia is genetic garbage.
Why don't attractive white Asians ever do porn
Here's a typical Japanese girl
Honestly, I do not fine Asian women attractive at all. There are mixed Asian women who are more non-Asian than Asian who are attractive but "real" 100% Asian women do nothing for me.
TL;DR: No.
I want to sniff their butts
I would proudly plant my American flag in that fertile soil
I'd race mix with most races desu. Most of Sup Forums isn't even white m8.
Only with a nip, chinks are gypsies and gooks are no better than jews.
Look at this qt asian girl they are pretty much white! forget white women goyim!
>Jap and animu obsession
whites are creepy fags
pic related, typical polfag
Me too bro, this triggers the americunt
No. Fuck off. Sage.
They turn into hobgoblins when they hit menopause.
Um, yes? I don't really understand the question but I'm going to go with yes.
>Japanese girl
...i've been here too long
I'll fuck anything if she's hot enough.
...yeah, I can see why it's popular.
This is a typical white girl
The racial divide is doomed, you know. Trying to keep it up is effectively asking people not to be horny.
Checked satan
But also I would fuck qt Asian teens and 20-30 year olds but I wouldn't start a family with any one that's not over 50% white and the other half can't be darker than Mexican.
i'd race mix with those cutie booties
no, it's an abomination
I have nothing against beta losers using them as jizz rags though, aslong as they are sterilized
I'm she's a chink, but she's an 8 here in Sweden which probably is 11 in Chinkland.
They really like tall guys.
is that melonpan?
Of course! I refuse white female dogfucker offers in favor of yours.
So long as they understand that they and their kids will never have equal rights and are only second to my whitefu.
That's mostly in gookland.
the placement of the ears is weird
it looks like she's wearing a mask
*She's a...
Why did u edit and cut the pic?
That is the plan
Japanese or South Koreans are fine. But not Chinese. We need to nuke China ASAP. They torture dogs for amusement in China. Doggo's are our friends. Fuck China.
Yeah but wouldn't want to have kids with them
I'm thinking about it. I find white women to be the only race I'm attracted to but I can't stand their bitch and whore attitude. I prefer a loyal, loving Asian woman and I hope I'll find one soon.
Damn, They do a better job at being white
.......meanwhile,pic related is happening
This is a Japanese female (male)
i'd fuck their brains and hairy pussies out
It may seem redpilled to some that Asian women are best, but Asians raised in western countries are some of the worst women in existence. Do you want that to be your kid???
Would do it again
I want to lick a Japanese girl's asshole clean. I want to worship her.
So is inbreeding but that doesn't seem to stop some people.
Sure. Asians are still leagues above blacks.
But I'd also colonize some south American pussy with little hesitation.
Only if she has white skin.
Yeah, I probably would.
The loyalty is what really gets me. Feminism has tainted western women too much making the majority of them whores.
Makes me feel like white women are a waste of my time, but maybe I just fell for (((someone 's))) propaganda
Asians are cuties regardless
Two girls and another one in the way, we'll be moving to Japan in a year or so.
i have a small penis so asian women are the only ones for me.
I can't get hard to porn of real women anymore. That's not to say I wouldn't get hard if I was with a real woman, but I wouldn't be surprised if I would have to jack it to get an erection.
That being said, I want to find a nice conservative white woman (what are the chances these days, really) and pump about 5 or 6 babies into her. I'm on track for a career where I could afford private school for that many kids as long as the rest of my life is fairly modest. Finding a woman that actually wants a large family is rare these days.
Suffrage, the sexual revolution, and every wave of feminism was a mistake that has led to the decline of Western civilization.
anyone have that picture of a white guy saying race mixing is wrong unless it's with an asian and how he doesn't care if he's a hypocrite
i guess
they're the only ones who match me on tinder
You gotta get authentic ones. Any female raised in a western country is no different from the white whores.
I sometimes feel the only way to save western civilization is to breed whites with asian and create a super race.
just more hapa qts for me to bang when im rich in my 50s and still not paying for shitbag children.
This triggers the blue pilled male
Breeding with honorary whites doesn't count as racemixing.
no, only because my half asian son would probably get a weird minority superiority complex
brb making tinder
>Welcome home honey, I made dinner nyo~
This Aussie gets it.
Fuck off, Zhang.
how do you make that match happen?
thanks ally
nice larping
Japanese Tinder is fucking awesome
so you'd rather have dog eaters lol