It is time for there to be a more Catholic America. For too long we were historically persecuted, on equal par with the niggers and chinks. Now since America is being ever so cucked, as more and more fucking millennials enjoy the liberal and enlightenment black cock up their asses, it is time for there to be a brand new revival of Traditionalism and Morality in the US.
Catholic America
i 100% agree
organized religion is bullshit
how when it comes from god?
Post proof
A book is not
Yeah that's what we need. People worshipping jesus's mom and confessing sins to a human. same
Even then when others refuse to believe, this secularist government needs a proper moral backbone as to not allow Transgenderism or Faggot Marriage, or especially Abortion, to be wiped off the face of this earth for good.
I don't know man. Catholicism is inherently egalitarian.
Ever since the first Catholics landed in America they started shilling for more immigrants.
The fact that jesus conquered Rome, the fact that Jesus's teaching is now world wide like he said it would be, the fact that every culture has some sort of truth from adam and eve in it, carbon dating's a broken method, the dating of earths layers is busted .. uncorrupted bodies of saint, far preserved then any mumming method, the fact modern science says the blessed virgin Mary's house is floating.. Dont believe, look them up.
Except for the fact most Catholics share the same religion with the hordes of shitskins infesting our borders and their fucking pope is a libtard.
Protestants were right, Catholics and their pedo-cult leaders cannot be trusted. Especially when they compromise for socialist agendas.
We need more Atheists, lucky for me, that trend is healthy and growing. Religions are dying
Bump and peace be with you
Are you retarded? Islam's only growing. If anything Atheism is dying
The rapture is on it's way
You will be judged but not by me
I'm just here to call you an idiot
Rapture is a retarded Evangelical concept that came from the 19th century.
>Matthew 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
Do you know the priest ran into Wal-Mart?
He heard boys pants were half off...
The jews hate your religion and way of life
We've held the line thus far but we're going to start needing reinforcements down here in Arizona. The fortunate thing about the illegals here is they're almost all Catholic.
We may need to eliminate the poz from the Church before there is any chance of doing this. The gays and the pedophiles and the heretics must be purged from the clergy.
Catholicism is literally cancer
We have a bit of a pope problem. Francis is the cuck of ages
>ring of yellow five-pointed stars
Just don't associate the Saint Catholic Church to this hell nazi hole that is this Sup Forums
Daily reminder to pray the rosary every day.
Daily reminder that our Lord the Christ wasn't aryan.
Kisses of light.
The vatican is infiltrated.
Benedict XVI might still be the real pope dethroned. Read about it. (Plus read about one of Fatima's aparition secrets)