>Scrolling down cuckbook
>See this shit
>Person is the most obnoxious SJW regressive leftist on my feed
How do we continue to advance now that we are mainstream? Even the lowest common denominator has been exposed to our dank memery.
What's the point Sup Forums
>Using KikeBook
>Having libcuck """friends"""
You already lost, buddy boy ol' pal.
that's right, teach them about our memes and Nat Soc
welcome normis, let me tell you about the jews
pic related
>Not keeping an eye on the enemy
M8, c'mon now.
Reply with pic related.
This is literally on par with nazis distributing pamphlets on how to identify non-aryans from meme bone structure
How about this cancer?
>using faceberg
and Moon Man was such a subtle, nuanced meme - who gave them a quick rundown on the hidden racism in his lyrics?
Keep it up, we're the new punk as faggy as that sounds.
Kids will flock to us just to because we're counter culture, with time our productivity will move from visual memes to music and film etc.
When the proverbial pendulum swings in our favour as it did for the leftists all those years back we'll be able to keep it there indefinitely what with the internet providing countless hours of footage and trillions of written word from common folk to point to how far we had fallen.
There's no bad ending for us, just keep doing what you're doing and have fun.
alright which one of u faggots told them about moonman
>moon man is now also a white supremacist symbol
The list includes Pepe, cucks, Deus Vult, (((Noseberg))), our Google = nigger attempt, we waz kangz, dinudus, and helicopter rides. I wish it was just moonman (moonman please save us).
There's literally nothing wrong with wanting to kill niggers
Yes there is.
it is much more human to integrate the ones we have and never import any more.
We're literally breaking the timeline. This is amazing, holy Kek bless us all.
oppressive white males are imposing western-style faggotry on third world faggots instead of letting them develop their own type of faggotry
Thank you for the explanation German-Bro
>minorities integrate
That's why we have china town and the mafia, because they integrated
Remember when conservative school marms claimed Pokemon was satanic? That's what the left is today. Out of touch moralistic lemmings.
>white supremacy addiction
fucking what
Ok how bout we compromise and just deport all of them?
We need to teach them, don't we Hans?
Old Sup Forums knew best.
Call them a nigger.
I have a white supremacy addiction.
^fucking this
The suns are a good team!
me too man, It started out as all fun and games, laughing at the funny pee pees online
but then I needed a fix every day, soon I was funposting about gassing every last jew
now I think about creating a future for white children every day
>I'm Dave, and I have a white Supremeacy addiction
>no Kekery
>How do we continue to advance now that we are mainstream?
Poopoo peepee
Let the gross ones handle it.
What was the left planning by manufacturing the "alt-right"? All it means is that republicans can now do whatever they want and if anyone cries racism they can just say "it wasn't us, it was the alt-right". It's like liberals gave the right a race card.
Fucking kek
WTF I hate Banana Runts now