Post yfw Trump gets impeached
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Improbable but
good luck faggot
Pic related.
kek has willed it, 8 long years of God-Emperor Trump
for what?
no stumpo el trumpo
o shit
222 > 22
Kek wills it.
They can't. They absolutely can't do it. I'd wage war.
Drumpftards deserve it for causing these terrorists attacks to be honest, would make me really fucking happy.
Hilldawg all the day
Post YFW the Bogdanoff Twins seize the opportunity to become the first dual President.
Make that 12.
Lincoln is actually the one motherfucker that should have been impeached.
fucking checked
you will live to see libs get eternally BTFO'd
Mah nigga
CTR used to be annoying, now they're just retarded.
Nixon was going to be impeached for the Watergate break in and for ordering the CIA chief to tell the FBI to stop investigating (obstruction of justice)
Clinton was impeached (sort of) for perjury.
Trump hasn't done anything nearly this bad (yet).
And the Republicans own the House and Senate so even if he DID do something impeachable, they probably won't act on it. (Same way Democrats didnt impeach W. Bush)
Is that Shaun King?
I'd love to see a coup d'etat
>associating Trumo with terrorist attacks
yes the greatest US president in history should have been impeached, you literal retard
Fuck I could imagine it. Some shitty ass Kendrick song playing in the background. Fucking "NO JUSTICE NO PEACE". Madonna going topless.
No, it's Cal Chuchesta
It will never happen
while i agree with many of his ideas, i hope he doesn't crash and burn worse than dubya.
unless he moderates substantially, to the point of betraying much of his fan girls here, next president will be communism on steroids.
Ave brother
I'm not entirely certain he'll be impeached - we may just see Texas, Utah, and the coastal states spin off into independant nations while the cornfuckers up north argue over whether removing the extra stars from their flag makes them look weak.
What do you have against cornfuckers?
fuck you that ain't anarchy cunt
Praise kek
>Nixon was going to be impeached for the Watergate break in and for ordering the CIA chief to tell the FBI to stop investigating (obstruction of justice)
You do realize that the Watergate breakin was basically the same thing the 'Russians' did to the DNC? And that his 'voter fraud' investigation is carefully targeted to avoid any state that it would actually MAKE SENSE to commit voter fraud in? Seriously, he was always going to lose California. If the Dems were going to try to steal it, the proof would be in swing states.
You can see hints of it elsewhere, too. The UK establishment is carefully avoiding getting on the Trump Train and making sure they drop subtle hints that they don't respect him. Why alienate a close ally - unless, perhaps, they are willing to forego friends in Washington now in favor of friends in Dallas, Sacramento, and New York later.
What is next, Kek?
>tfw it won't happen
He's here lads
imagine how pence would be :^)
nice digits script, babby's first time on Sup Forums?
They're living life on easy mode. I'd respect 'em more if they farmed something that was actually HARD to tame.
Slide thread saged
k e k
First we MAGA, then the world
I fucking hate the thought of this. I don't wanna have to move just because libs finally snap. Most likely never going to happen, still low key freaks me out thinking about it though.