Swipe right or left Sup Forums?

Swipe right or left Sup Forums?

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swipe up


does she have cancer?

It is your duty, as an American, to kill that creature

Naw, just a skinhead neonazi..

burn it

swipe with a broom into the garbage.



She IS cancer. She needs to be removed.

Underrated if you're making the joke I think you're making.

theses people are like aliens. i couldn't even imagine talking to someone that looked like that and i live in california.

clearly a psychologically balanced individual

She'd probably be a little above average if she had hair and didn't put all that primitive shit on her face/ears/body

As it stands she looks like she just fell out of the matrix

A shame.

k wait

which way do i swipe again for kill it with fire?

Why is that man wearing lipstick?

holy fuck
>UC davis
that's where i live though.

Exhibit A: Why a girl needs a father.


Did you just assume xer gender?

Is that a Make a Wish Foundation tattoo on her chest? That explains a lot of things about this picture.

>orange color screen
Hey fellow f.lux bro
Don't be a faggot and turn tit off when taking a screenshot, it distorts the original image


jesus how did you find her that quick

I used to live there. It's the perfect environment to grow liberal millennial wackos: affluent but thoughly pleb pseudohippie California

>swipe left
>seduce her
>make her fall in love
>on the day of our wedding
>as I go in to kiss her
>whisper in her ear
>cucks BTFO, trump 2016 you dumb fucking slut

I bet xhe is the type of gul who would puke on your dick during deepthroat and then grab your asscheeks and force your cock down their throat to swallow it.

Locate and exterminate.

I'm pretty good at finding people on kikebook. I had a Xbox friend who I thought died or was in jail. I hadn't talked to him in years but I found his Facebook in about 20 minutes and all I knew was his first name

>he wouldnt reform that militant leftist pussy with a good hard dicking

Daily reminder that all Antifa are SHOOT ON SIGHT

in the last 2 years it has gotten incredible worse. sheboons are everywhere.

she's disgusting


is this what "autism" is?

Go on date, get invited home, burn it alive inside its dwellings.

Looks like something from true detective


is she covered in shit?







well i hear all the nogs have been moving to Vallejo... thats what happens when the hipster fags gentrify a city, in this case, Oakland... rent goes up, they can no longer afford

break phone.

She'd probably be willing to take it up the ass.
10/10 would hate fuck then yell "TRUMP" as I came inside her



Swipe right, fuck and chuck, let her know on the way out that the RWDSs are on their way. She's probably nasty in the sack too, could probably get anal on the first night.

My wife calls these people "unemployables"

I bet. I worked at the coop and also on campus long before the liberal insanity of today (left around 9-11) must be completely fucked now. Also: fuck the g string pub, they are gutter trash

Swipe 360 degrees and walk away

Came here to post this

Kill it. Kill it before it breeds


She's a neo-nazi.

>Fuck Trump
Because he is surrounded my jews...

She needs a cure and a cock is the cure.
Do your part in making the world a better place and fuck the dyke out of her.


wha app is this?


more like, delete the whole app and set my phone on fire.

Are you using twilight?
I hate how it makes screenshots red too

It's time to stop.

fucking gross and retarded

yes but its good for me XD

Get job, or no?

Flush it

As a non degenerate I dont know which one is no and which is yes.


I sure hope so

how nice of them to tattoo themselves for the detention camps

They're spreading...

go for it ! as long as she agrees to share the reese's cups in her ears.

i love reeses cups.

yes it has a vagina

no, that's called intuition on top of training

i... don't think it is salvageable

Who is this TRUM? And why does this cancer patient hate him/her so much?

Is this hellraisers girlfriend?

Shoot the screen multiple times and never go on the internet again

>Swipes right

Ohhhh daddy likes

Yes. She also appears to have some fecal matter on her.

my homeboy nussenger had to ruin his life for that, smash that F

what a special, unique snowflake

>left means discard
>right means keep
Is tinder >>>/ourguys/?

That trailer trash gap in her teeth is unforgivable.

That face says "I don't enjoy anal, but I agreed to do this because he reminded me of dad"

yeah just about, how do you thing 4chin doxs people so fast?

>55 miles away
Desperate brah

Back when I was on tinder, I never set that bitch further than 10 miles.

Pussy isn't worth an hour drive when you can get it in your town.


I believe swiping up means you super like them so they are alerted right away.


implying there's an abundance of hot pussy in san francisco

i recruit the best pussy far and wide... but you be happy being a lazy ass, pounding the local cows

Oh you're in kikefornia, sorry bud

I'm beachside in central Florida, where the pussy is abundant and within walking distance

Swipe right, offer to take the lovely lady on a free helicopter ride.

no shit... i know vero, sebastian, melbourne, family there... thought it was mostly granny pussy

I'd swipe right in a heartbeat

Swiper no swiping, Swiper no swiping..

Knew a girl like this back in college. Brainwashed autists.

No my dude. Brevard county is becoming he slut center of Florida.
Wieners havent been dry here since hurricane Wilma.

>tfw tinder is all SJWs in Kikefornia
>pic related


time to pay the parents a visit... too bad the bars in vero close at 12 or 1 or some shit

>attended UCLA for art history and linguistics
>currently working at a museum

Yeah man, vero is still a lot of open land in development.
Same with Sebastian.
Palm Bay is pretty large and undeveloped as well. The farther north you move in brevard the more developed it gets.
Once you hit Melbourne and up it's like going from miles between shopping centers to booming intersections.

WTF I live in carlsbad lolol

Not to mention, if you're queer and hate men, why are you looking for men on tinder?!? Trans men or some weird fucking shit with a dick made from leg meat and a donors toe or something?? I want tranny and queer to have its own section on tinder so I can filter all those fucking people out, there's way too many of them here in LA man, fucking nuke us from orbit already

>G-gen Z is conservative you g-guys