“By the way, my tax cut is the biggest since Ronald Reagan — I'm very proud of it.”

— Donald Trump

Jews are 2% of the U.S. I wonder where they fit in on the chart.

So it's good that Trump is giving them tax cuts?

I would only be in favor of tax cuts for the middle-class, to put it simply.

what tax cut? I didn't see no stinkin' tax cut yet

>I didn't see no stinkin' tax cut yet

What, I already received my refund check and I didn't even pay taxes this year.

What's middle class?

>What's middle class?

Mostly working class white people. Probably somewhere between 40-250K year per household.

So what's your take? What would be your answers to the same questions you've asked?

Most of pol likes to think this doesn't matter without realizng they are literally losing money. Take this or example:

Sets say that in there are 100000 gold coins in the world in 2016. That year your boss got 99,000 of them, while you get 100. Its not bad it's a decent living, however if tried of wealth inequality keeps growing then that 100 is just going to keep on going down till you can't afford any thing.

We haven't seen an increas in wages, factoring inflation, for decades. In fact, we have actually seen an increase of sallery rather than increasing, which should be happening in a well balanced economy.

People aren't permanently situated in these brackets.

how did that black guy get all that money

that doesn't address the giant disparity in wealth inequality.

66%-200% of median income, which of course goes to shit in expensive urban areas.

Wealth is irrelevant if the standard of living continues to go up.

>Immediately and solely goes right to fixed pie fallacy

obviously the richest people have the most money

why do people wave this statistic around like its fucking revolutionary? duh dipshit work hard, get that money, and quit bitching and trying to bring everyone else down to your dindu level

get a job commie faggot

Wealth is NOT a zero-sum commodity. Just because someone has money doesn't mean they took it away from you or anyone. Wealth is GENERATED by the production of valuable goods and services.

That chart isn't such a big deal
This however is monstrous.
>For the first time since WW2, the rich are getting richer by sucking up wealth from the poor instead of "a rising tide lifts all ships (unequally)"

>sticking up for trust fund kids and nepotistic jews


If your boss witholds 99,000 coins from the currency market that makes your one hundreds coins more valuable retard.

It's not a zero sum game by any means, but incomes are now falling for a certain segment.

The reversal after the end of postwar Keynesianism is also interesting to note. (My hypothesis is that it represents the growth of international finance capital after the collapse of Breton Woods.)

>not including liquidity into it
does nobody remember the time George Soros single handedly destroyed the Malaysian economy in the 90s by just taking his money out of it?

out of that entire chart, the top 40% probably have, on average, a liquid amount of money roughly on par with the richest of the "rich", aka millions. anyone thinking that your average billionaire can just spend 2 billion like it's nothing should probably move to canada.

sure bill gates has like 70 billion dollars to throw around, but if he does start to take money out of his investments and put it in other places quickly, i guarantee you his 70 billion will be worth quite a bit less by the time he's done.

no one cares reddit. we are getting national voter ID, pedosta is going to jail, and illegals will go back.

theres nothing you can do about it. HAHAHAHAH

And it all happend thanks to Hussein Obama

Managers and shit. You know, people who legitimately do nothing and get paid more unlike the upper echelons who at the very least create jobs.

Yeah, they're falling for the useless segment. The left, for all its interest in science and evolution, is certainly fighting against what's natural.

After one of the most graceful and respectable presidents , the American people chose Drumpf. Drumpf who is a
>racist bigot
>climate change denier
>a moron
>an oink-oink
>supports the murdering police
>believes in the second amendment
>admires hitler
>thinks white people are superior to everyone
And he defeated Hillary Clinton , probably the most qualified candidate ever and a woman. Hillary Clinton was too intelligent too win , of course rural and suburban retards would vote for a orange baboon who thinks vaccines cause autism.

I think the 2001-2009 growth is shit enough to let him limp away with only partial blame.

>and a woman
Sorry: On track-record, that's an immediate rejection. Thanks.

Hillary represented the status quo, which is nightmarish. The last thing we need is another status-quo cheerleader tinkering at the edges of a nightmarish system.

Even if every scare-story about Trump was true, it would be better than 4 more years of stagnation.