You did this

The blood is on YOUR hands..

We could all be this man. We spew the same hateful racism, Islamaphobia, antisemitism.. Any one of us would have done what he did if we had the same opportunity.

I am writing this to announce this is my last post. I will no longer contribute to the radicalization of bright young, white males. We are better than this... We have so much potential, it's time to stand side by side with our Muslim brothers and sisters.

See you never.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Forums is a board of peace. The actions of a minority do not represent all of us. We admonish and disavow this man and all his actions.

If you think this then i don't believe you ever posted on this board at all.

boy, you need to go fuck yourself

He did it you idiot. He was a deranged young man who was going to blow at any time, it's his fault and no one else's. Or are you one of those faggots who doesn't believe in taking responsibility for your actions?

We are all one mental break from shooting up our enemies

This is a board of peace. Surely you won't a allow the actions of one lone wolf define such a vibrant and diverse community.

>you did this

I bet the meeja didn't help whooping everything up into a shitstorm like it's the end of days

What is OP going on about? I don't see what this has to do with a Turkish vacuum cleaner enthusiast website.



No we couldent

and no, we are not.

he's a canadian, so perhaps this has more to do with the canadian situation than the american one
just a thought

I'm married with kids and have a job and an aryan wife. What more can I be other than a white supremacist on a mongolian ox board?
fuck outta here rajesh

Sup Forums is a board of peace. The actions of a minority do not represent us.

Good riddance leaf
>day of the rake is coming

You wouldn't criticize the religion of peace, why would you criticize the board of peace?

They started it

This dude is a cuck, he called the cops on himself because he felt guilty.

Are you insane? I would never do such thing, only coward open fire on civilians.

This was ebaums doing.

He was no true member of Sup Forums we are a board of peace, the actions of a misguided individual do not represent our beliefs.
And by the way if you don't speak Kekish and studied his word for at least 30 decades or got quads or higher at least once, you can not interpretate his holy words in the right way.

lying shill.

And a hypocrite.

No, actually he did it not us.
Now fuck off CTR

Hahaha Sup Forums...

not even once.

See you in a week.

He is Sup Forums. A butthurt autistic Trump supporter with violent rage towards minorities. Why can't you Sup Forumstards just admit already that you're terrorists so the peace-loving people among us can get this board closed down and its posters arrested????


A FUCKING LEAF leaving the board.

Sup Forums is truth, leaf. Its not our fault that the Quebecois are upset the media lied about Bataclan. You know the muslims ripped the frenchies dicks off and put them in their mouths and gouged their eyes out?

You should be mad at the media and the muzzies. When we speak the truth it causes some people to get upset. Blame the liars.

Any Sup Forumsack who would actually carry out a murder is no better than the blacks/muslims/etc he denounces.

We respond to (islamic) terrorism with memes, not with more terrorism.

leaf, kek demands sacrifice

off yourself

oh look. the whole post ww2 german shame propaganda. Neat.

No leaf. YOU DID THIS. You enabled a society of victimization so severe, so violent, that a young man went off the deep end.

Even in your slavering lust for euro dick, and praise of their health care system, you fucking failed a man who needed it, and in turn hurt many others. You failed at mental health because you were too busy preaching integration and gun control, instead of a very real aspect that impacts everyone.

Get raked scrub.

hang urself

No, I would only pull the trigger if I was sure it would kill +10 million. Anything less creates martyrs.

this dude looks just like me.


You are a traitor to your nation and your race, user. May you burn in hell for eternity.

Good job on missing the joke you fucking disappointing cunt

Thanks, CTR

I learned a long time ago that the pen is mightier than a sword. I could pick up am AK and kill half a dozen people, or I could write meaningful things.
They might not be things you approve of, but others read my words and are encouraged. They are thoughtful. Some might even be scared. I don't raise my hand in violence, only to express.

There is a time for violence. Their will come a time for me to put down the pen and riot. I sharpen my sword while I meditate on these thoughts, but I do not act in violence. Killing a few people only strengthens their resolve to do more harm.
When I lay down my pen for a sword, the violence won't stop until all my enemies lay dead, or I do.

Goodbye frozen neighbor. We'll see you tomorrow.

Behead those who insult Sup Forums

What's his name again?

I forgot in all the excitement of Trump firing the Attorney General.

And I suspect the rest of America has too.

Not. Our. Problem.

But good luck anyway, Canoda!

Truth, fuck OP

Hopefully the leafs get banned so this really is his last post.

fp, and also the bp

shut the fuck up you fucking faggot. bullet in the back of the head for all of you


your people are the only problem on this board, seriously get out leaves. you are more emotional than women, must be something in the food

no you idiot

no one here ever encouraged lone wolf action unironically

the point with trump, bannon, le pen etc. is to bring change from the top via democracy so our hands stay clean

You say "we are all one mental breakdown from shooting up our enemies" like it's a bad thing :)

Nice buzzwords faggot.

Begone leafy

Fuck that.
I'd kill banking executives, or politicians / media executives with strong ties to the banks.
I wouldn't kill muslims.
Go for the money.


>We could all be this man

If only all FUCKING LEAFS were this man, the world would be a better place!

BTW, which name in the roster in pic attached is yours?

Fucking leafs.

>unironically believing trump isnt another kike puppet




He's Josh.
Have a picture of him, and yes this is a picture from Josh Dolan's social media.
He likes show tunes, and anal lube.

I actually have pictures of everyone on that list + home address.

my hometown

Reported for declaring a report.

relax dude. it was just a prank.

lol bye fag

Looks like a literal faggot. Probably his motive too.


So diverse. A chinese man in singapore that spends his afternoons shitposting wouldn't be on a white supremacist board would he :^)

See you tomorrow

Day of rake when?

Glorious american shitposting

Post it faggot so I can help you spread

Sorry that I must do this.

Not gonna lie. This incident blue pilled me pretty hard. HWNDU as well. It turns out most the people here are hateful idiot losers. There's no getting around that.

How is it even been proven that this fucker is a Sup Forumsack? Seems like a lot of projections to me

It takes alot of balls to be honest.
But the powers that be are hellbent on importing these ragheads for some reason.. they're the ones who are crazy. Islam and america don't mix, keep those people and their religion in the middle east. I believe my opinion has some value, more so than someone from another racial background because my roots are american
Not european nor asian nor anything else, I'm truly american. I think the whites/europeans who are forcing muslims upon this society are just making it worse. I believe they've lost their minds

Disclaimer: I'd never do something like that by the way. The last place I want to be is in jail

>We could all be this man.
No, we are not all retarded virgin autists


No one gives a fuck you muzzy loving kike.

Allow me to state the obvious.
This nervous looking little psycho shit looks like the fucking POSTER CHILD of Sup Forums
He is like the perfect personification of this entire board.
take a look fools, this IS your creation, like it or not.

Don't forget Journo's m8. Kill their messengers and stop the flow of propaganda.

This post is bad and you should feel bad.

I don't even like Harry Potter

No. I'm not up for a ban tonight, that's what's happened instantly every time I posted it. I'd be banned and the post deleted inside two minutes. Two weeks for doxx, even though it's FOIA accessible.
Here's Karla Towle

>The blood is on YOUR hands..

Would you like my cockli email :^)
[email protected]

/B O P/
.O F E
.A _ A
.R _ C
.D _ E

I wish i could punch him.

Thanks for this.

Sup Forums is now a personal blog

>this is my last post.
Day of the Rake is coming along nicely.



So, that mean you're quitting your job?
Thanks for resigning shillfag.

Some of you cuck faggots are al[t]right. Don't go to the Zen-Sunni cannabinoid enema bar tomorrow.

no one cares leaf. grow some nuts and take your country back from cuckdeau.

Haha good joke

>dead muslims

>I am writing this to announce this is my last post.

If we could only be so lucky.

He had was following the PQ on facebook. I think it has more to do with the Quebecois situation than the Canadian situation.

> t. shill normie

Your email didn't work. You could just find it yourself. The FEC keeps lists and published them on its website. Just look up ctr and David Brock's super PAC's. Employees are on a spreadsheet. Then comb social media for profiles where cry was located (upstate ny?) I went ape shit when I was out of work and here too much. It's all publicly available.
It's not even hard. Here's a picture of burns strider with his grand kids